Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Multiplayer

Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Multiplayer

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Andrew.zhd's Class Guide - Black Ops II Edition
Από (GoR)Andrew.zhd
...How many classes you have already tried in CoD games?
Starting with obvious ~most powerful gun~ and ~best piece of equipment~
might be a good idea, but it makes you obvious as well, isn't it?

Here I'm going to show my favourite classes that look obvious and surprising at the same time.
I'm not going to teach you how to play the game (I bet you do it better than me);
what I'm gonna do is to give you another look on popular create-a-class patterns.
Μη αγαπημένο
Black Ops II Classes pros and cons you know, Black Ops II is the latest addition in Call of Duty frontline games.
It's multiplayer features the most variable create-a-class system of the franchise at the moment.
However, the "Pick ten" system does not allow you to be an ubermensch. To be quick, let's
face the MP's pros & cons:

  • Great overall variability (you can make a gun man with 3 attachments on his primary weapon or a melee maniac with 6 perks);
  • Big number of weapons and weapon attachments (incl. unique attachments for each type or individual attachments like the Iron sight for Ballista);
  • Wildcards (allow yourself two primary weapons without suffering a loss of perks, or get yourself 4 pieces of equipment instead of 2)

  • The price of your choice (if you want six perks, you will have only 1 slot remaining for something else, so you always got to worry about your choices);
  • Perks don't have pro versions (unlike previous games, you can't earn additional features from perks);
  • Lacking secondary weapons (yeah, that might be not a big problem, but comparing to Modern Warfare titles you don't have much stuff to back yourself up)

Well, the list sure is incomplete, though that's are the most reasonable pros & cons I could offer.
You always should keep in mind that each diffferent product in CoD franchise offers it's own
set of weapons/perks/equipment, so that won't make you think CoD games are all about the same in means of class building.
1st class slot - The "CQB Expert"
ok, let's start with the basical stuff.
This class is a pretty much an essential for fast-paced CoD gameplay.
The "CQB Expert" is both obvious and surprising to build and use for most types and game modes that Black Ops II may offer. However, the best mode to suit with such class is
the normal Kill Confirmed.

as you can see, I took the SMG as the primary and put the laser sight on it,
just to make sure it will be precise and deadly when you hipfire an unexpected enemy.
The SMG I took is the MSMC, just because it suits the class well with it's high rate of fire,
preciseness and overall extreme killing potential. You can pick whatever else SMG.
Peacekeeper is pretty much ok due to it's great accuracy and stability (especially in hardcore).

  • High mobility (because of the Lightweight and Dexterity perks and the SMG);
  • Overall strong primary weapon (MSMC is one of the best SMGs in the game);
  • Always ready to kill from hipfire (due to Laser attachment);
  • You will acquire scorestreaks faster;
  • Stun grenades to immobilize your targets;
  • Semtex for nasty campers and out-of-sight enemies (also handy to clear your route when
    playing Domination or Headquarters or such)
  • Basically, you're a beast in close and medium distances if you keep your game at high speed.

  • No secondary. (Won't be a big problem if you pick somebody else's weap. instead of Combat Knife)
  • You're very easy to spot. (No silencer, no special perks - means you should keep moving and changing your location instead of trying to hide yourself and camp);
  • You'll have to worry about enemy air support all the time;
  • You might be suppressed by long-range weaponry (again, just make sure you're not a static target and always try to detour enemies to attack from flang or from the back);
  • You will run out of ammo quickly. (A random gun at the ground would help. Keep in mind that MSMC is quite a popular one, so you may find it on the battlefield quite often)
2nd class slot - The "AA Defense"
...moving on, the 2nd class I use is all about Anti-Aircraft defense.
You know that all the UAVs, Escort Drones, Stealth Choppers are a big
problem when they work against you and your team. With this class
you can be sure the sky will be clear. It's always handy in team objective
modes such as Domination.
Primary weapon is an LMG, specifically Mk. 48 +target finder +adj. stock
(basically, the first LMG you will have; scope doesn't really matter while
adj. stock attachment is highly recommended). You can use this gun to
destroy light aerial vehicles (such as UAV) and to get rid of enemy players.
FHJ-18 AA is needed to destroy something bigger, and the blackhat is
usefull against all types of enemy air support (we have 2 blackhat devices
on this class)

  • No need to worry about enemy AI-controlled air support (Blind Eye);
  • Wide arsenal to counter enemy air support of all types (the LMG, FHJ-18 AA, blackhat);
  • Quick use of equipment with "Fast Hands " (you can swap your weapons and equipment faster so you will always be ready to switch from your anti-air launcher onto your LMG and kill
    whatever gets nearby);
  • Dexterity (better to use variety of map's heights to get a vantage position);
  • Bouncing Betty to back you up on ground while you are shooting enemy flying objects

  • Too heavy vs. SMG players (people around you will run faster than you so be
  • You're a static target (when you are trying to take down a chopper enemy players
    may easily take care of you)
3rd class slot - The "Snake"
...primarily, this class is for Hardcore game modes, specifically Hardcore Team
. The design is plain and simple - less heat battles, more silent approach.
This class is equiped with precise weapons for all situations on battle grounds,
starting from stealth to rogue assault.
Prim. weapon is the SCAR-H assault rifle +Laser +Foregrip, both to give you
an edge if you stuck with the enemy at close quarters. The secondary is a pistol
equipped with the Tactical Knife attachment to give you a speed boost when you have
to run accross the map (then you can switch back to your primary and move more slowly).
Claymore is to cover your back or objective. EMI grenade is here for disabling enemy
equipment and electronics (such as Laser).

  • Strong and relatively accurate primary weapon (though it lacks suppression
    power due to it's low rate of fire, SCAR-H is really strong and accurate if you control
    your shots so you'll have no prob with enemy players);
  • Ghost will keep you safe from enemy UAVs as long as you keep moving
    (however, when you shoot someone you will be instantly exposed);
  • Hard Wired and Awarness to keep you well-informed on the battlefield;
  • EMI is perfect decision when you know there's an enemy turret or
    guardian or claymores or any other equipment (less effective against players, but
    you will disable all of their electronics and HUD)

  • Enemy aerial vehicles might be a problem, so you'd better hide inside
    buildings when there's an enemy helicopter around;
  • Even with hipfire you still can be overrun by enemy SMG players, so don't
    involve into close quarter battles versus SMGs
4th class slot - The "Infiltrator"
...this one is pretty much my favourite class setup, though
it may appear weird at your first look. It was designed for Hardcore
types, and the most succesfull game type for that is CTF*.
The idea of this setup is to get behind enemy lines, and turn enemy's
defenses against them. That's why you got blackhat and EMI grenade.
First of all, there is no primary weapon. So you will have to stick with the pistol,
which is equipped with Silencer and the Laser attachment. The special
thing about this class is that you are capable of destroying entire bases
(people often protect their flag with turrets/guardians/bettys/claymores/shock charges/etc)
or use some of the equipment against it's original holder.

  • Quick and mobile (pistol +Laser makes you fast and deadly);
  • Stealth approach (enemies won't see you on their radar while you move
    or even shooting your weapon (Silencer), so you can get behind them
    and blow their defensive positions);
  • Engineer perk allows you to see all different kinds of enemy equipment;
  • Blackhat allows you to destroy/hack enemy equipment even behind walls
    (thanks to Engineer);
  • EMI to clear entire levels of enemy equipment (EMI got a sweet large area
    of effect so you can destroy a lot of enemy stuff in one single hit)

  • Weak weapon (takes about 2-3 shots to kill in hardcore while 5-6 in normal modes,
    but you could swap Five-seveN to something more powerful like B23R);
  • No explosives (unless you hack enemy claymore or betty or C4)

*NOTE* - After April, 13th (2013) patch Hardcore CTF was removed from matchmaking list.
*NOTE* - Hardcore CTF returned to list in June, 2013.
5th class slot - The "Marksman"
...this one begins with sniper but also got an assault rifle for
medium range engagements. You also got no problems with enemy AI-controlled vehicles
and drones. This class fits Search and Destroy mode pretty well.
As you could see the sniper rifle is the Ballista, it does have a sound suppressor
to hide you on your enemy's mini-map. Assault rifle is usefull in a situation where
you have to go assault or you have been pinned by enemy fire.

  • Slight edge on medium and long distance firefights
    (a precise long range suppresed sniper rifle and a strong
    medium range assault rifle);
  • You don't have to worry about enemy AI air/land support;
  • You can protect an objective or your own back with "betties";
  • Weapon/Equipment swap times are really short;
  • You move over obstacles faster.

  • Vulnerable in close combat engagements;
  • Easy to spot if you place your equipment nearby
    and if you're not moving (when you "camp");
  • You're always visible on mini-map when an enemy UAV/Satelite
    is active (since you carry big guns you're pretty easy to find and kill)
Few Final words
Of course this guide does not represent the full potential
of create-a-class variants and patterns. However, everyone is
up to make his/her own class that suits his/her playstyle and personal
preference. Still, I hope these bits helped you to see the class building
from a different angle.

Thanks for reading this guide!

Special thanks to TmarTn
you can see his channel here.
17 σχόλια
Snoop Dog 26 Σεπ 2020, 22:43 
парнишь не подскажешь что делать с высоким пингом? просто кидает только к пендосам а у них пинг 200+
Chew Ass and Kick Bubblegum 8 Μαρ 2014, 11:55 
However I started using Tomahawk for real in Black Ops 1, because it was the only worthy equipment piece. So I used it in every class.
Chew Ass and Kick Bubblegum 8 Μαρ 2014, 11:54 
MW2 was the first (multiplayer) COD which I played (bought it because I loved Famas, however there wasnt enough of Famas in singleplayer, so I started playing multiplayer, and thats where it started <3).
I used throwing knife with Riot Shield.
It also works great in BOII, you put toughness & fast hands +shield & combat axe in your class.
Somekind of trolling. Enemy thinks that he is going to outthink, and you just toss a axe from distance and he is dead.
(GoR)Andrew.zhd  [Δημιουργός] 8 Μαρ 2014, 11:35 
yeah, same thing. Best use in MW2 was against static snipers
(especially on specific maps, such as Wasteland)
Chew Ass and Kick Bubblegum 8 Μαρ 2014, 11:32 
Not a real problem for me.
I use the axe just to kill people who camp at places where I cannot flank them (long corridor without any sideways, for example) or when I get behind somebody who is running, I just throw the axe in his ass instead of following him until he stops to stab him.

Primary weapon is the knife. Axe is just to kill enemies who cannot be flanked or to kill enemies stealthy from distance.

The main problem of Combat axe is that it requires extreme precision.
Thus its not good against moving targets, and also flinching is great problem, even if you have toughness. Getting hit at the moment when you throw the axe will destroy your aim and you will miss. Thus I use it only when the victim doesnt see me, or is not moving.

A great example is, when somebody is just lying on ground spamming LMG.
People who are proned are very easy targets for combat axe.
(GoR)Andrew.zhd  [Δημιουργός] 8 Μαρ 2014, 10:54 
Losing an axe might be a problem though,
in MW2 I used Scavenger so I wouldn't have to pick up throwing knife but just kill
and scavenge it from dead body.
Chew Ass and Kick Bubblegum 8 Μαρ 2014, 10:46 
Lightweight + ghost
cold-blooded + toughness
extreme contidioning + dead silence
combat axe

Stealthy ninja class for S&D and FFA matches. :codknife:
(GoR)Andrew.zhd  [Δημιουργός] 4 Ιουν 2013, 2:43 
This guide isn't pointless for me, at least. Somebody just feels
comfortable with PDW and Scavenger all the way on W+m1.
I don't really feel depressed if somebody can't do shit with my loadouts,
I just tryed to show other options.

Thanks for your opinion.
Zaahir Hossain 31 Μαϊ 2013, 17:47 
This guide is pointless, I tried every single one! (Except the CTF one, they removed HC CTF)
And they ALL sucked!
(GoR)Andrew.zhd  [Δημιουργός] 30 Μαϊ 2013, 23:37 
Nice arguments. You know how to stand a point, thanks.