Make a word!

Make a word!

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Make a word! - How to 100% the game fast
Ves tarafından
Estimated time to 100% - 10-15 mins (?)
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You get an achievement every time you guess a word. You don't need to guess different words to get achievements. If you follow this guide you will guess same words a lot of times. The fastest way to 100% the game is this:
1) Start the game, select english language and the first set of words. The timer doesn't matter much but I had mine on +30 secs per word. Should look like this:

2) Guess 10 words right (they are 3 letter words) so you will most likely need to swap just 1 letter. After that the words have 4 letters each so press ESC button and then click on this button to go to main menu:

3) You should now have 10 achievements unlocked. Repeat the steps 31 times to get all achievements. Should take you around 10-15 mins, I guess.
4 Yorum
DragoKnight9975 23 Şub 2023 @ 17:56 
StrukiTru 25 Haz 2021 @ 10:49 
Thanks :Pdog:
S.T.A.R.S Leon S. K. 14 Oca 2021 @ 5:57 
Adam Jensen 007 30 Haz 2019 @ 18:55 