RAID: World War II
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Insurgent - What proficiencies should I pick?
โดย pokerdan99
What are the best proficiencies when playing as Insurgent? I have no idea - but I'll tell you what the options are, and give you my opinion.
Maybe you've unlocked the StG 44 at level 38, and want to re-spec for an Assault Rifle Kurgan, as Im currently doing. Maybe you're finding your early choices aren't cutting it in Hard/Very Hard mode. Or maybe you're just starting out, and want some basic insight into the pros & cons of each proficiency decision.

Here are my thoughts - I look forward to reading feedback in the comments. Note that there are no sections for Level 1, Level 10, etc., as there are no decisions to be made at those levels.
Level 2 - Juggler vs. Mounted Gunner vs. Agile
  1. Juggler - Quickly select the right weapon for the job at hand. Reduce the time to switch between weapons by 17% / 29% / 39% / 50%
  2. Mounted Gunner - When it comes to laying down supporting fire, nothing beats a mounted machine gun. Reduce machine gun overheating rate by 17% / 29% / 39% / 50%
  3. Agile - Move fast, shoot fast. Reduces the time to ready weapon after sprinting by 17% / 29% / 39% / 50%

Mounted machine guns are very niche. Not every mission has them, and often when they do, they may be too exposed & vulnerable to use for long on the Very Hard difficulty.

Tough call between 'Agile' & 'Juggler'. You can go either way. Often when I'm sprinting, I'm sprinting to get to an objective or to get behind cover. It's rare that I'm sprinting at an enemy, except for maybe in a handful of missions. But I probably sprint more often than I change weapons. 'Juggler' does allow you to more quickly toggle between your primary weapon & your grenades, which has its uses when you're overwhelmed. It's only the first proficiency decision, and I'm on the fence. Eeeny Meeny Miiiney Mo, and I'll pick 'Agile'.

Level 3 - Iron Jaw vs. Evasive vs. Concentration
  1. Iron Jaw - Take less damage from enemy melee attacks. Reduce incoming melee damage by 10% / 20% / 32% / 50%
  2. Evasive - Take less damage when sprinting. Reduce all damage by 10% / 20% / 32% / 50% when sprinting
  3. Concentration - Take less damage when interacting with locks, crates, and other objects. Reduce all incoming damage by 15% / 30% / 49% / 75% while interacting

This is an interesting one. Since this is a shooting game and not a boxing game, Iron Jaw is out.

Concentration has higher damage reduction than Evasive, but you may sprint more often than you interact with objects. If you're a top-level Insurgent, you may be in the habit of saving invincibility warcries when you need to interact with objectives. On the contrary, you may need to sprint through armies to get to safety in an emergency without a warcry. Tough call, but I'm going with 'Evasive'.
Level 4 - Fleet Feeted vs. Sprinter vs. Scuttler
  1. Fleet Feeted - Move faster in all modes (crouching, running, and sprinting). Increase all movement speeds by 2% / 4% / 7% / 10%
  2. Sprinter - Move faster when sprinting. Increase sprint speed by 5% / 10% / 16% / 25%
  3. Scuttler - Move faster when crouching. Increase crouch speed by 5% / 10% / 16% / 25%

Scuttler is useful for stealthing and carefully crouch-advancing on Very Hard. Fleet Footed is more all-purpose, but offers a less noticeable difference. Sprinter helps when you're in panic-emergency mode and running for cover. Another tough one. I guess I'll go with Sprinter.
Level 5 - Increased Team Speed Boost vs. Increased Short Range Meter Bonus vs. Warcry Duration Increase
  1. Increased Team Speed Boost - Your team's movement speed is increased by a larger amount during your warcry
  2. Increased Short Range Meter Bonus - Short range kills fill up your warcry meter even faster
  3. Warcry Duration Increase - Your warcry lasts longer!

No brainer. At max proficiency, your warcry equals invincibility. You want to increase the length of that invincibility as long as possible when you need it. Duration Increase all the way.
Level 6 - Fitness Freak vs. Second Wind vs. Strong Back
  1. Fitness Freak - Increased stamina allows you to sprint for longer before running out of breath. Increase Stamina by 20% / 40% / 65% / 100%
  2. Second Wind - Recover stamina faster, allowing you to sprint more often. Increase Stamina regeneration by 20% / 40% / 65% / 100%
  3. Strong Back - Move faster when carrying heavy objects like AA shells or crates of gold. Reduce heavy object movement penalty by 15% / 22% / 28% / 33%

My personal preference is Fitness Freak. Strong Back is useful, but only on certain maps. In an emergency when you want to sprint, you just want to keep sprinting. To me, the duration is more important than the frequency.
Level 7 - Burglar vs. Nimble Fingers vs. Fast Hands
  1. Burglar - Picking locks is easier for those with experience in breaking and entering. Increase the size of interaction wheel hotspots by 4% / 8% / 14% / 20%
  2. Nimble Fingers - Pick locks with greater speed. Increase the speed of interaction weels by 10% / 20% / 33% / 50%
  3. Fast Hands - Search crates and interact with mission objectives more quickly. Increase general interaction speed by 17% / 29% / 39% / 50%

When you're under the gun on Very Hard, 'Fast Hands' saves you some precious seconds. That's my pick. I used Burglar on my stealth build, but the lockpick minigame isn't all that hard.
Level 8 - Pack Mule vs. Backup Clips vs. Scavenger
  1. Pack Mule - You can never have too many bullets. Increase main weapon ammo capacity by 10% / 20% / 33% / 50%
  2. Backup Clips - A backup weapon does you no good without bullets to shoot. Increase sidearm ammo capacity by 10% / 20% / 33% / 50%
  3. Scavenger - Make the most of captured enemy ammunition. Increase ammunition gained from loot items by 10% / 20% / 33% / 50%

I personally only use my pistol if I've run out of primary ammo or if I'm on my back about to die. I think 'Pack Mule' is the most immediately useful.
Level 9 - Tough Customer vs. First Aid vs. Slow Bleeder
  1. Tough Customer - It takes more damage to put you down. Increase Health by 10% / 20% / 33% / 50%
  2. First Aid - Make the most of captured enemy medical supplies. Increase health gained from loot items by 10% / 20% / 33% / 50%
  3. Slow Bleeder - Stubbornly cling to life, even when critically wounded. Increase Bleedout timer by 4 / 8 / 13 / 20 seconds

'Tough Customer' is my pick for tackling Very Hard. Health is in short supply.]
Level 11 - Brutality vs. Marksman vs. Focus Fire
  1. Brutality - You know just where to hit to cause the most pain. Increase critical hit chance by 2% / 4% / 7% / 10%
  2. Marksman - One shot, one kill. Increase headshot damage multiplier by 10% / 20% / 33% / 50%
  3. Focus Fire - Teamwork can be the key to dealing with dangerous opponents. Increase damage dealt to marked special enemies by 10% / 20% / 33% / 50%

Since you should always be shooting for the head anyway, 'Marksman' should give the most consistent damage increase.
Level 12 - Fleet Footed vs. Sprinter vs. Scuttler (again)
  1. Fleet Feeted - Move faster in all modes (crouching, running, and sprinting). Increase all movement speeds by 2% / 4% / 7% / 10%
  2. Sprinter - Move faster when sprinting. Increase sprint speed by 5% / 10% / 16% / 25%
  3. Scuttler - Move faster when crouching. Increase crouch speed by 5% / 10% / 16% / 25%

This is a repeat of Level 4. Same ideas apply here.
Level 13 - Iron Jaw vs. Evasive vs. Up And At 'Em
  1. Iron Jaw - Take less damage from enemy melee attacks. Reduce incoming melee damage by 10% / 20% / 32% / 50%
  2. Evasive - Take less damage when sprinting. Reduce all damage by 10% / 20% / 32% / 50% when sprinting
  3. Up And At 'Em - Take less damage for a short time after being revived. Reduce all incoming damage by 15% / 30% / 49% / 75% for 5 / 6 / 7 / 10 seconds after being revived.

Similar to Level 3, but with a choice of revive damage reduction replacing Concentration's interaction damage reduction. Again, this is not a boxing game, so if enemies are close enough to melee me I have bigger problems. Hopefully, I'll be sprinting more often than I will be getting revivied, so I'm optimistically going for 'Evasive' again.
Level 14 - Speed Loader vs. Juggler vs. Agile
  1. Speed Loader - Less time reloading means more time shooting. Increase reload speed with all weapons by 20% / 40% / 65% / 100%
  2. Juggler - Quickly select the right weapon for the job at hand. Reduce the time to switch between weapons by 17% / 29% / 39% / 50%
  3. Agile - Move fast, shoot fast. Reduces the time to ready weapon after sprinting by 17% / 29% / 39% / 50%

I think 'Speed Loader' is the easy pick here. On Very Hard, I have died on more than one occasion because my clip ran out and I simply could not reload fast enough. You reload much more frequently than you switch to grenades, and I've never really noticed a huge delay readying my weapon after sprinting.
Level 15 - Increased Team Speed Boost vs. Increased Melee Meter Bonus vs. Warcry Duration Increase
  1. Increased Team Speed Boost - Your team's movement speed is increased by a larger amount during your warcry
  2. Increased Melee Meter Bonus - Melee kills fill up your warcry meter even faster
  3. Warcry Duration Increase - Your warcry lasts longer!

Duration, Duration, Duration!
Level 16 - Second Wind vs. Pain Tolerance vs. Combat Medic
  1. Second Wind- Recover stamina faster, allowing you to sprint more often. Increase Stamina regeneration by 20% / 40% / 65% / 100%
  2. Pain Tolerance - Not even being shot can distract you from hitting the target. Reduces the effect of being hit on your aim by 20% / 41% / 64% / 100%
  3. Combat Medic - Get critically injured teammates back on their feet in less time. Increase revive speed by 17% / 29% / 39% / 50%

Reviving your downed team members can be key to surviving the Very Hard difficulty. Revive speed can be especially critical if your careless teammate fell in an exposed position. The Insurgent's Invincibility warcry helps, but faster revive gives you more invincibility time to clear the enemies as well.
Level 17 - SMG Expert vs. Brawler vs. Pistol Expert
  1. SMG Expert- Long hours on the range have honed your skill with submachine guns of all kinds. Increase damage with all SMGs by 10% / 20% / 33%
  2. Brawler - Skilled in the fine art of breaking faces. Increase melee damage by 40% / 65% / 100%
  3. Pistol Expert - Long hours on the range have honed your skill with pistols of all kinds. Increase damage with all pistols by 10% / 20%

SMG Expert is useful when you're using the Thompson prior to Level 38. Once you unlock the StG 44, you may consider respeccing to your Assault Rifle Expert skills, and ditch the SMG ones.

Pistol Expert has some utility when you're downed, and clearing the area of enemies increases your odds of getting revived.
Level 18 - Burglar vs. Nimble Fingers vs. Fast Hands (again)
  1. Burglar - Picking locks is easier for those with experience in breaking and entering. Increase the size of interaction wheel hotspots by 4% / 8% / 14% / 20%
  2. Nimble Fingers - Pick locks with greater speed. Increase the speed of interaction wheels by 10% / 20% / 33% / 50%
  3. Fast Hands - Search crates and interact with mission objectives more quickly. Increase general interaction speed by 17% / 29% / 39% / 50%

A repeat of Level 7. 'Fast Hands' for me.
Level 19 - Concentration vs. Backup Clips vs. First Aid
  1. Concentration - Take less damage when interacting with locks, crates, and other objects. Reduce all incoming damage by 15% / 30% / 49% / 75% while interacting
  2. Backup Clips - A backup weapon does you no good without bullets to shoot. Increase sidearm ammo capacity by 10% / 20% / 33% / 50%
  3. First Aid - Make the most of captured enemy medical supplies. Increase health gained from loot items by 10% / 20% / 33% / 50%

In Very Hard, damage reduction is more important than spare pistol bullets that barely make a difference. Increased health pickups are nice also, but I'd rather not take the damage in the first place.
Level 21 - Bulletproof vs. Shotgun Expert vs. Strong Back
  1. Bulletproof - Take less damage from enemy gunfire. Reduce incoming damage from bullets by 5% / 10% / 16% / 25%
  2. Shotgun Expert - Long hours on the range have honed your skill with shotguns of all kinds. Increase damage with all shotguns by 10% / 20% / 33%
  3. Strong Back - Move faster when carrying heavy objects like AA shells or crates of gold. Reduce heavy object movement penalty by 15% / 22% / 28% / 33%

Since I plan to use the Stg 44, the shotgun skill is useless for me. Between faster movement speed vs. reduced damage, this is one of the easiest choices thus far. Bulletproof all the way!
Level 22 - Iron Jaw vs. Mounted Gunner vs. Focus Fire
  1. Iron Jaw - Take less damage from enemy melee attacks. Reduce incoming melee damage by 10% / 20% / 32% / 50%
  2. Mounted Gunner - When it comes to laying down supporting fire, nothing beats a mounted machine gun. Reduce machine gun overheating rate by 17% / 29% / 39% / 50%
  3. Focus Fire - Teamwork can be the key to dealing with dangerous opponents. Increase damage dealt to marked special enemies by 10% / 20% / 33% / 50%

Reduce melee damage - meh. Reduce machine gun overheating - meh. Increase damage to marked special enemies? Rock on. I almost took Focus Fire back at Level 11, but it lost the edge to Marksman. Here there is no such dilemma.
Level 23 - Fleet Footed vs. Pistol Expert vs. Up And At 'Em
  1. Fleet Feeted - Move faster in all modes (crouching, running, and sprinting). Increase all movement speeds by 2% / 4% / 7% / 10%
  2. Pistol Expert - Long hours on the range have honed your skill with pistols of all kinds. Increase damage with all pistols by 10% / 20%
  3. Up And At 'Em - Take less damage for a short time after being revived. Reduce all incoming damage by 15% / 30% / 49% / 75% for 5 / 6 / 7 / 10 seconds after being revived.

Wow - this might be the hardest decision so far. I'm not super excited about increasing pistol damage, since I rarely use them. But when I do, 10% could end up being significant. Withstanding damage after being revived can also be significant. Faster movement impacts you at all times instead of when you're just downed or out of primary ammo - but 2% change seems a pittance. Oh, tough call. I'm leaning toward 'Pistol Expert' for now, but not super confident about this one.
Level 24 - Second Wind vs. Sprinter vs. Evasive
  1. Second Wind- Recover stamina faster, allowing you to sprint more often. Increase Stamina regeneration by 20% / 40% / 65% / 100%
  2. Sprinter - Move faster when sprinting. Increase sprint speed by 5% / 10% / 16% / 25%
  3. Evasive - Take less damage when sprinting. Reduce all damage by 10% / 20% / 32% / 50% when sprinting

'Second Wind' & 'Sprinter' here seem like 'nice-to-have's, whereas 'Evasive' could be the difference between success and failure on the the Very Hard difficulty. Not nearly as hard as a decision as the previous level.
Level 25 - Increased Team Speed Boost vs. Increased Short Range Meter Bonus vs. Warcry Duration Increase
  1. Increased Team Speed Boost - Your team's movement speed is increased by a larger amount during your warcry
  2. Increased Short Range Meter Bonus - Short range kills fill up your warcry meter even faster
  3. Warcry Duration Increase - Your warcry lasts longer!

Have I said yet to pick Warcry Duration?
Level 26 - Duck and Cover vs. Brawler vs. Scuttler
  1. Duck and Cover- Take less damage when crouching. Reduce all incoming damage by 7% / 14% / 23% / 35% while crouching
  2. Brawler - Skilled in the fine art of breaking faces. Increase melee damage by 40% / 65% / 100%
  3. Scuttler - Move faster when crouching. Increase crouch speed by 5% / 10% / 16% / 25%

Another no-brainer for me. I tend to stay crouched at all times. I move crouched, I hide crouched, I shoot crouched. So taking less damage when crouched sounds awesome. Yes please.
Level 27 - SMG Expert vs. Tough Customer vs. Scavenger
  1. SMG Expert- Long hours on the range have honed your skill with submachine guns of all kinds. Increase damage with all SMGs by 10% / 20% / 33%
  2. Tough Customer - It takes more damage to put you down. Increase Health by 10% / 20% / 33% / 50%
  3. Scavenger - Make the most of captured enemy ammunition. Increase ammunition gained from loot items by 10% / 20% / 33% / 50%

Another easy decision if you're speccing a maxed out Insurgent and using the StG 44. No need to waste a slot on the SMG bonus damage. Between increasing health and getting some measly extra ammo, is there anyone here NOT picking 'Tough Customer'?
Level 28 - Fitness Freak vs. Juggler vs. Fast Hands
  1. Fitness Freak - Increased stamina allows you to sprint for longer before running out of breath. Increase Stamina by 20% / 40% / 65% / 100%
  2. Juggler - Quickly select the right weapon for the job at hand. Reduce the time to switch between weapons by 17% / 29% / 39% / 50%
  3. Fast Hands - Search crates and interact with mission objectives more quickly. Increase general interaction speed by 17% / 29% / 39% / 50%

3 Nice-to-have choices. Nothing groundbreaking. I'm giving the edge to 'Fast Hands' just out of personal preference.
Level 29 - Burglar vs. Backup Clips vs. Agile
  1. Burglar - Picking locks is easier for those with experience in breaking and entering. Increase the size of interaction wheel hotspots by 4% / 8% / 14% / 20%
  2. Backup Clips - A backup weapon does you no good without bullets to shoot. Increase sidearm ammo capacity by 10% / 20% / 33% / 50%
  3. Agile - Move fast, shoot fast. Reduces the time to ready weapon after sprinting by 17% / 29% / 39% / 50%

Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. A few of the more meaningless bonuses crammed into one level. Well, let's see - 'Burglar' is nice in stealth, but doesn't make all that much of a difference unless you're horrible at the lock-picking mini-game. I took 'Agile' early on, but never really notice much of an issue with shooting after sprinting. I guess having some extra bullets in the pistol could make a difference in a pinch. 'Backup Clips' gets the sight edge, but I could be convinced to go with any of these.
Level 31 - Speed Loader vs. Nimble Fingers vs. First Aid
  1. Speed Loader - Less time reloading means more time shooting. Increase reload speed with all weapons by 20% / 40% / 65% / 100%
  2. Nimble Fingers - Pick locks with greater speed. Increase the speed of interaction wheels by 10% / 20% / 33% / 50%
  3. First Aid - Make the most of captured enemy medical supplies. Increase health gained from loot items by 10% / 20% / 33% / 50%

At first I thought there was a clear standout. Faster reloading seems superior to faster lock-picking for sure. There's no guarantee that faster spinning interaction wheels will even help you - it could backfire if it spins too fast. There is an argument to made however for 'First Aid'. More health gained from loot items could save you on Very Hard under certain circumstances. And if you have a gun with a large magazine, faster reloads may not matter (i.e.: the Tier 4 upgraded Thompson). The StG 44 doesn't have a huge magazine though, so I anticipate I'll still be reloading frequently. 'Speed Loader' it is then.
Level 32 - Brutality vs. Shotgun Expert vs. Locksmith
  1. Brutality - You know just where to hit to cause the most pain. Increase critical hit chance by 2% / 4% / 7% / 10%
  2. Shotgun Expert - Long hours on the range have honed your skill with shotguns of all kinds. Increase damage with all shotguns by 10% / 20% / 33%
  3. Locksmith - Your mastery of mechanical devices allows you to defeat complex locks with easy. Reduce the number of interaction wheels by 1 / 2

Finally, a new bonus available that we haven't seen before. It's been awhile. 'Shotgun Expert' is clearly out for me, as I'm sticking with the StG 44. Now here's the question... Will a 2% increase in critical hit chance make any substantial difference whatsoever? Alternatively, being able to reduce an interaction wheel seems like a nice quality-of-life type of upgrade. And while increased damage might seem like the obvious choice, faster lock-picking could translate into less time exposed and increased odds of success. I'm tempted to take 'Locksmith' here. Someone talk me out of it? If a lock starts with only a single interaction wheel, does it then go to 0 wheels? If so, that's pretty neat.
Level 33 - Second Wind vs. Sprinter vs. Evasive
  1. Second Wind- Recover stamina faster, allowing you to sprint more often. Increase Stamina regeneration by 20% / 40% / 65% / 100%
  2. Sprinter - Move faster when sprinting. Increase sprint speed by 5% / 10% / 16% / 25%
  3. Evasive - Take less damage when sprinting. Reduce all damage by 10% / 20% / 32% / 50% when sprinting

Another repeat of Level 24. And again I'm picking 'Evasive'.
Level 34 - Fleet Footed vs. Marksman vs. Up And At 'Em
  • Fleet Feeted - Move faster in all modes (crouching, running, and sprinting). Increase all movement speeds by 2% / 4% / 7% / 10%
  • Marksman - One shot, one kill. Increase headshot damage multiplier by 10% / 20% / 33% / 50%
  • Up And At 'Em - Take less damage for a short time after being revived. Reduce all incoming damage by 15% / 30% / 49% / 75% for 5 / 6 / 7 / 10 seconds after being revived.

    All useful choices, but I gotta prioritize that head-shot damage. On Very Hard, you need all the damage you can get.
Level 35 - Increased Team Speed Boost vs. Increased Melee Meter Bonus vs. Warcry Duration Increase
  1. Increased Team Speed Boost - Your team's movement speed is increased by a larger amount during your warcry
  2. Increased Melee Meter Bonus - Melee kills fill up your warcry meter even faster
  3. Warcry Duration Increase - Your warcry lasts longer!

Umm... errr. hmmmm... DURATION!
Level 36 - Iron Jaw vs. Brawler vs. Combat Medic
  1. Iron Jaw - Take less damage from enemy melee attacks. Reduce incoming melee damage by 10% / 20% / 32% / 50%
  2. Brawler - Skilled in the fine art of breaking faces. Increase melee damage by 40% / 65% / 100%
  3. Combat Medic - Get critically injured teammates back on their feet in less time. Increase revive speed by 17% / 29% / 39% / 50%

Clear choice to me. Melee damage power & protection - bleh. I'm shooting guns, and typically noone is getting close enough for melee. 'Combat Medic' is the clear winner here. Saving your teammates often means saving yourself down the line.
Level 37 - Slow Bleeder vs. Backup Clips vs. Concentration
  1. Slow Bleeder - Stubbornly cling to life, even when critically wounded. Increase Bleedout timer by 4 / 8 / 13 / 20 seconds
  2. Backup Clips - A backup weapon does you no good without bullets to shoot. Increase sidearm ammo capacity by 10% / 20% / 33% / 50%
  3. Concentration - Take less damage when interacting with locks, crates, and other objects. Reduce all incoming damage by 15% / 30% / 49% / 75% while interacting

Damage reduction has to take precedence over a useless few seconds of bleedout or a few extra pistol shots. 'Concentration' wins.
Level 38 - Duck and Cover vs. Pain Tolerance vs. Assault Rifle Expert
  1. Duck and Cover- Take less damage when crouching. Reduce all incoming damage by 7% / 14% / 23% / 35% while crouching
  2. Pain Tolerance - Not even being shot can distract you from hitting the target. Reduces the effect of being hit on your aim by 20% / 41% / 64% / 100%
  3. Assault Rifle Expert - Long hours on the range have honed your skill with assault rifles of all kinds. Increase damage with all assault rifles by 10% / 20% / 33%

Oh, man. I'm loath to give up my damage reduction when crouching. I don't really care much about 'Pain Tolerance' keeping my aim under fire - That's not much of an issue. But this is the ONLY opportunity to upgrade the StG 44. Gotta take it. Sorry 'Duck and Cover' - at least I was able to upgrade you once at level 26.
Level 39 - SMG Expert vs. Pack Mule vs. Bulletproof
  1. SMG Expert- Long hours on the range have honed your skill with submachine guns of all kinds. Increase damage with all SMGs by 10% / 20% / 33%
  2. Pack Mule - You can never have too many bullets. Increase main weapon ammo capacity by 10% / 20% / 33% / 50%
  3. Bulletproof - Take less damage from enemy gunfire. Reduce incoming damage from bullets by 5% / 10% / 16% / 25%

Alright, last decision to make for this build. 'SMG Expert' is out of contention as I'm still sticking with the StG 44. Having more bullets vs. taking less damage? Do I even need to say this? 'Bulletproof' is the obvious choice to me.
So what mistakes did I make? Disagree with something? This is a work in progress, so sound off in the comments, and maybe you'll change my mind.
6 ความเห็น
The Infamous Cloaker 16 ก.ค. 2023 @ 8: 28pm 
Locksmith can never make locks go under 1 interaction circle
Dr Cracky | OniFans 6 มี.ค. 2023 @ 6: 05am 
So in Conclusion, this is a Ammocrazy , Hauling and Tanky Motherfucker
DeadFodder 11 ก.ค. 2022 @ 7: 25am 
secondary recommendation
Surikato 14 ธ.ค. 2017 @ 7: 23am 
pick everything that increase health, damage :D(my opinion)
Shadowderpy 30 พ.ย. 2017 @ 9: 46am 
nice one cant wait to see your guides for the 3 other classes
neckbeard 28 พ.ย. 2017 @ 10: 09am 
wow this is really long. But thanks :D