Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

828 voti
Solo Honour Build - God King Slayer (Knight)
Da Lost Sinner
★ Knight Build Guide recommended for Fane, Elf, Human (or Undead). This build is meant for solo experience as a Lone Wolf.

♦ My other works:
• Solo Knight Series: link
• All Solo Builds: link
• Honour Walkthrough: link

♦ Difficulty Mod used to make enemies tougher:
Monster Scaling +2: enemies are 2 levels above player.
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★ Showcase Videos

Knight solo Adramahlihk (5) and Final Battle (6)

Knight solo Dallis in Fort Joy (2) and solo Bishop & Voidwoken Drillworm (3):
✎ Stats Progression
  • Level 1: 18 STR, 2 Warfare, 1 Poly, Lone Wolf
  • Level 2: 20 STR, 12 Memory, 2 Scoundrel
  • Level 3: 26 STR, 2 Poly, Executioner
  • Level 4: 16 Memory, 2 Aero
  • Level 5: 30 STR, 2 Two-Handed
  • Level 6: 34 STR, 2 Necromancer
  • Level 7: 38 STR, 4 Two-Handed
  • Level 8: 40 STR, 12 WIT, 8 Two-Handed, All Skilled Up
  • Level 9: 16 WIT, 10 Two-Handed
  • Level 10: 20 WIT, 4 Warfare
  • Level 11: 24 WIT, 6 Warfare
  • Level 12: 28 WIT, 8 Warfare
  • Level 13: 32 WIT, 18 Memory, 3 Poly, Hothead
  • Level 14: 36 WIT, 10 Warfare
  • Level 15: 40 WIT, 20 Memory, 4 Poly
  • Level 16: 12 INT, 24 Memory, 5 Poly
  • Level 17: 14 INT, 26 Memory, 4 Scoundrel
All Skilled Up → Elemental Affinity
( 4-2 Scoundrel → 2 Scoundrel)
  • Level 18: 16 INT, 28 Memory, 2 Hydro, Savage Sortilege
  • Level 19: 18 INT, 30 Memory, 4 Scoundrel
  • Level 20: 22 INT, 6 Scoundrel
  • Level 21: 26 INT, 8 Scoundrel
If the requirements already met with the help of your gear, respec the attributes or combat skills and relocate them elsewhere where it could yield more benefits like getting more Scoundrel and eventually having 3 maxed out combat skills: Warfare, Two-Handed, Scoundrel.

Later, when your character have enough to rocket pass 100% critchance, included buffs. You can swap out some Wits and bump them into more Intelligence.


Academy Lessons:
  • in Int: +5 INT / -5 FIN
  • in Wits: +5 WIT / -5 CON
  • in Str: -5 WIT / +5 STR

Spider Kiss Talent:
  • Towering Oak ( +2 STR -2 CON )

  • Thievery 1st → Bartering 2nd
✎ Equipment
✦ Gear:
  • Look out for gear with Warfare, Scoundrel or STR, Gloves and Belts have potential to have Two-Handed rolls on them so keep an eye out.

  • Rings with Warfare, Scoundrel or Wits.

  • For weapons, use +10/14% Critchance and STR or Two-Handed, preferably one with a rune slot.

  • Knight of Vrogir Boots on Nameless Isle:
    +3 STR, +1 Two-Handed

  • In Arx, rush these gear:
    Dorav Rav (Chest): +5 STR, +2 FIN, +2 CON, +2 Warfare, +1 Polymorph, +176 HP.

    Rutoma Rivelleis (Amulet): +5 STR, +20% Earth Resistance, +1 Retribution, +2 Polymorph.

    Kvyn Hands: +7 STR, +10% Water Resistance, +2 Two-Handed.

    Luronta Temva (Legs): +2 STR, +2 INT, +2 CON, +2 Wits, +2 Aero, +10% Air Resistance.

  • In Arx, use these two 2-Handers:
    Voor D'lamas: +3 STR, +2 Warfare, +2 CON, +25% Critchance – lvl 18~19

    Falone: +3 STR, 2 Warfare, +1 Two-Handed, +20% Critchance – lvl 20+

✦ Runes:
  • Amulet: Flame Rune (+4/5/6% critchance)

  • Armour Masterwork Rune(+13/17/20% phys armour)

  • Weapon: Masterwork Rune (+11/13/15% physical damage)

✦ Frames:
  • Amulet: Mystical Flame (+1 Pyrokinetic) or Power Flame (+2/3 INT)

  • Armour Power Masterwork (+2/3 STR)

  • Weapon: Power Masterwork (+2/3 STR)

✦ Eternal Aeterfacts:
It can't be REMOVED once plugged and they are also LIMITED, so only use when you know for sure that piece of gear is going to be with you for a looong time.
  • Gloves: +2 CON , +10% Earth Resistance
  • Belt: +2 STR , +1 Warfare
  • Rings: +1 Scoundrel, +10% Poison Resistance
  • Helmet: +2 Finesse, +1 Huntsman
✎ Abilities Setups
  • Stats progression routes: Fane is recommended to go with this build Two-Handed route, as with Enrage he can dish out more damage output, quickly finishing off his enemies or chain CC them knockdowns early on. Time Warp is to make sure he can burn the entire Enrage duration in one go, leaving him Un-muted after he finishes his turns so Fane is able to use other skills accordingly to the situation on the upcoming turns. Otherwise, if you use any other origins except Fane, go with Warfare route instead.

  • Always jump magic dmg dealers: They often have low physical armour, you can quickly jump and remove them out of the battle, leaving only the physical damage dealer left behind.

  • Powerhouse Build: Because Knight has nature high physical armor, with this build also include armor-restoration buffs as well as dodge buff Uncanny Evasion, not to mention a good amount of AoE Knockdown CC (even more utility uses with Skin Graft reset later on), you should have no problem brawling the rest of them after. Allow the Knight to solo the game without using Cloak.

  • Late-game subclass routes: you can either put some more points into Geo/Hydro and become a tanky Knight at late game for a more safety approach. Or specialize a bit into Necromancy for a more aggresive approach, by getting Blood Storm and Garsp of the Starved, more AoE physical damage for the Knight kit at late game, peeling enemies physical armour from range before jumping in smashing them to bits with your Great Sword.

✦ Early Game (1~8)
  • Battle Stomp: pretty decent aoe radius in a straight line, dealing dmg and set knockdowns on enemies, also clear surfaces.

  • Battering Ram Rush foward to your target, can use as a gap closer as well as to set knockdown on your enemies.

  • Bull Horns/Rush: Bull Rush is a reliable tool both as a gap closer and at the same time, an attack to hit multiple targets with good scaling. It also apply Bleeding and has 1 turn CD so you can hug your targets forever till they die.

  • Tentacle Lash: Deal good amount of damage, set Atrophy that disable weapon attacks/skills, effectively shutdown weapon-user enemy.

  • Adrenaline: Gain 2 AP for this turn but lose 2 AP on the next, a tradeoff. Early on, use Adrenaline before Enrage. Otherwise you would only have 2 attacks in one turn once Enrage is casted, you may not be able to get a kill to trigger Executioner. Adrenaline make it overkill and guarantee another 2AP from Executioner. Enemies will all be injured on upcoming turns, so character should have no problem getting Executioner after round 1.

  • Teleportation: gather enemies close together to hit multi targets with Cripple Blow or others AoE.

  • Enrage: Use it to deal 100% crit chance early on. Because it apply Muted status, so only cast it once you've done all preparations with other spells like: Teleportation → Arenaline → Flesh Sacrifice → Time Warp → then finally Enrage

  • Heart of Steel: grants decent amount of armour, you can use it as a pre-buff before a battle because it has long duration (4 turns)

  • Whirlwind: big aoe attack. Use it to quickly soften enemy physical armours nearby then combo into Bull Rush to deal more multi targets damage if targets still have armours up, otherwise follow up with a Battle Stomp / Battering Ram next for quick knockdowns.

  • Cripple Blow: High single target attack, the sweep attack can deal damage to mutiple targets near it.

  • Uncanny Evasion: Grants you 90% dodge and cause most attacks to miss except magic spells. So kill the mages, then this spell is pretty much safe-guard you from all harm from any physical threats.

  • Death Wish (optional): boost damage based on missing max HP (e.g: 1HP = 99% dmg boost)

  • Shacke of Pain: mark the target that will receive 100% damage whenever you are hurt. Either they hit you, hurting their friend or even kill them in the process, or sometimes decided skip attacking you for the reason above. So it's good skill that gives you a win-win situation either ways.

  • Cloak n Dagger: a mobility skill that available to your kit early in the game when needed. It also does not break Invisibility/Sneak.

  • Haste (scrolls): +1 Start/Recovery AP. You can pre-cast it to get 7AP starting AP, then combine with Flesh Sacrifice and you have 8 AP in the beginning of the battle.

  • Time Warp (Fane): Grants an extra turn, can be only used once per encounter.

✦ Mid Game (9~15)
  • Bone Cage: Boost Physical Armour based on how many dead bodies near you. Can grants massive amount of Armour if used after you pull off a few kills with only 1 AP cost.

  • Blitz: a gap closer attack, jump to enemies dealing damage, can hit up to 2 targets.

  • Spider Leg (situational): Trap enemies in place with Web, reducing thier dodge. Use to disable evasive enemy with Evasion Aura like Ninyan.

  • Peace of Mind: decent critchance boost and small damage boost. Replaces Enrage.

  • Skin Graft: reset all cooldowns.

  • Haste: +1 Start/Recovery AP, recommended to pre-buff before battle.

  • Frost Armour (scrolls): Boost Magic Armour, remove many debuffs

  • Fortify (scrolls): Boost Physical Armour, remove many debuffs.

✦ Late Game (16+)
  • Apotheosis: reduces all source powers by -3 SP for 2 turns, meaning after Apotheosis is casted. You are free to use any source powers with no cost for the duration. It also provide a small stat boost on all attributes like Peace of Mind does.

  • Overpower: smash a strong blow to selected target, if your current armor is higher than the target, destroy all of their physical armors, otherwise deal damage and apply Knockdown.

  • Challenge: mark a target, if they die within 2 turns you get a +20% damage boost for a turn and bonus Physical / Magical Armor.

  • Summon Inner Demon: provide a huge Magic Armour boost and small Intelligence bonus.

  • Thick of the Battle (optional): Boost damage based on numbers of nearby enemies. Unless you can manage to get atleast 50% damage boost or above, otherwise don't use it because the bonus is additive on weapon attacks. It wouldn't worth it if you can't get a huge boost and used on a long battle because of AP/damage effectiveness reason.

  • Blood Rain: call down a rain of blood, creating blood surfaces to utilize Elemental Affinity or just go on the usual Hack n Slash and use enemies blood pool instead.

  • Blood Storm: summon a blood storm for 2 turn, smiting enemies every turn with a blood meteor, damaging them and stripping their armors off. It's a great damage zoning for the Knight to strike targets he doesn't have a hold of yet or at range, so when enemies finally closed in or when the Knight jumps them, they would be already injured or vulnerable with armors off for the character to quickly deal with them.

  • Garps of the Starved: a good AoE damaging attack to whoever enemies are standing on blood surfaces, you can mix it in your usual AoE combo Whirlwind + Cripple.

  • Tactical Retreat: a jumping ability, also apply Haste on use for a turn.
132 commenti
Hung Solo 17 lug 2023, ore 14:17 
when you said "if you use any other origins except Fane, go with Warfare route instead." should i ONLY spec into warfare if i use a human instead of polymorph?
Entiecrafter 21 mag 2023, ore 11:20 
hey what do you upgrade for the personality i know it says theivery 1st barteering 2nd but i dont know what that means?
Netra 13 gen 2023, ore 19:15 
Chumbly 1 nov 2022, ore 15:03 
how should i spend civil points?
Thalye 19 ott 2022, ore 23:11 
Very effective and powerful build.
Joji 19 set 2022, ore 6:53 
Can i use this build for 4 man parties? It looks so good if not do you have any 2handed/tank/knight builds for 4 man parties?
Xomi 18 ago 2022, ore 13:21 
I can't recommend to use it on Normal though, you are literally oneshot everything in 1 turn. Just killed Kraken to 0 HP with 1 Onslaught
psychosin 27 lug 2022, ore 20:46 
Hi! How does one convert any of your solo honour builds to be applicable to a 4-man composition? Taking lone wolf out is the obvious first step, but does that impact the strength of the stat/skill combination heavily such that the build isn't as strong as if it was in solo?
Asr 3 ago 2021, ore 2:15 
Play the game however you want man. Fane is recommended, not mandatory, due to his starting source ability Time warp. Which essentially gives you a free extra turn at the cost of 1 AP and 1 Source point.
Mirelle Bastian 26 lug 2021, ore 21:13 
Can this build used as red prince?
(quite liked the aesthetic of him)