Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

210 人が評価
(RICO) ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City
23.256 MB
2017年11月17日 9時01分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

(RICO) ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City

ELVIS 作成の 2 件のコレクション
ELVIS Korean Assets
93 アイテム
Project Busan
8 アイテム
[Korean, 한국어]

에셋 소개

엘비스의 센텀시티 신세계 백화점입니다. 이 백화점은 전세계에서 가장 큰 백화점으로, 내부에
골프장, 영화관, 쇼핑몰과 같은 다양한 시설들로 구성되어 있습니다. 백화점과 센텀시티몰을 잇는
구름다리가 연결되어 이동을 편리하게 해줍니다.


● ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City.crp
└Tris 2
└lod 0

● ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City_1.crp
└Tris 5,067
└lod 1,743
└Texture 2048x1024 512x256

● ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City_2.crp
└Tris 15,714
└lod 978
└Texture 2048x1024 512x256

● ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City_3.crp
└Tris 7,841
└lod 1,836
└Texture 2048x1024 512x256

● ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City_4.crp
└Tris 758
└lod 578
└2048x1024 512x256

● ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City_5.crp
└Tris 3,324
└lod 60
└Texture 1024x1024 256x256

● ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City_6.crp
└Tris 11,652
└lod 559
└Texture 1024x1024 256x256

● ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City_7.crp
└Tris 6,437
└lod 2,268
└Texture 2048x1024 512x512

● ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City_8.crp
└Tris 6,523
└lod 2,493
└Texture 2048x1024 512x512

총 용량 : 22.179MB

본 에셋은 RICO모드를 필요로 합니다.

ELVIS ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City는 ELVIS GAMES의 엘비스가 제작하였습니다.


평점과 구독 잊지 마세요 또한, 페트론이 되어
얼리 엑세스, 후원자용 에셋 등의 특권을 누리세요!



Asset info

This model was designed with Sketchup. So, it is not good
Optimizationed. please consider about it

● ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City.crp
└Tris 2
└lod 0

● ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City_1.crp
└Tris 5,067
└lod 1,743
└Texture 2048x1024 512x256

● ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City_2.crp
└Tris 15,714
└lod 978
└Texture 2048x1024 512x256

● ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City_3.crp
└Tris 7,841
└lod 1,836
└Texture 2048x1024 512x256

● ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City_4.crp
└Tris 758
└lod 578
└2048x1024 512x256

● ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City_5.crp
└Tris 3,324
└lod 60
└Texture 1024x1024 256x256

● ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City_6.crp
└Tris 11,652
└lod 559
└Texture 1024x1024 256x256

● ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City_7.crp
└Tris 6,437
└lod 2,268
└Texture 2048x1024 512x512

● ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City_8.crp
└Tris 6,523
└lod 2,493
└Texture 2048x1024 512x512

Total capacity : 22.179MB

This Asset need RICO ploppable mod


ELVIS Shinsegae Centum City is made by ELVIS GAMES, Lead designer ELVIS0529


Early Access, Donation member only assets, Support developer
13 件のコメント
Milk Enjoyer 2023年2月26日 15時21分 
I'm aware this is an older asset, but there appears to be an issue with the road nodes going down Julie Smithson Avenue. The traffic keeps stopping at the junction for Jackson Avenue. I usually get this when i have two nodes too close together and that's what I think is happening here.
arthraix 2022年11月23日 21時13分 
It's in the guiness book of world records for the largest department store I think.
황새따라가다유턴한뱁새 2019年12月7日 9時27分 
근로자가 64명밖에 없어서 리코로 근로자 수정하려고했는데 64로 고정된채로 변할생각을 안하네요 ㅠㅠ
발전기 성애자 2018年6月12日 16時05分 
용량이 좀 커서 고민되긴 한데 에셋이 너무 예뻐서 구독누릅니다
마자아빠 2018年2月25日 6時37分 
마! 니 센틈시티에서 든킨도나쓰 무봤나?
Secarnadia 2017年11月20日 15時48分 
정말 좋아요!
AngryDragon 2017年11月17日 22時03分 
The other advantage of normal mapping is that it's more flexible for peoples who have less powerful computers and video cards. A videocard can lower the amount of processing it's doing in regards to normal map and other effects, but it has to process the polygons which are on screen.
AngryDragon 2017年11月17日 21時58分 
I haven't loaded the model in game, so I don't know if there are any weird shadows. What I was saying is that optimising software has a bad tendency to create those.

Anyhow, there isn't a single recipe to optimise a model. Optimisation usually start even as you are creating the model. The vast majority of games cheat quite a bit. Polygons going through each other is something that you will see often and can drastically cut the amount of polygons you need to create a certain effect. You should also remove any polygons which cannot be seen from any angle.

The other big tip that I can give you is to learn about normal maps. Most ledges, rounded surfaces and the likes that you see in popular games are actually rather flat. Normal map will take that square surface and add depth to it during rendering. Some modders will create 2 version of their model and use a detailed version to create a normal map which will be baked onto a less detailed version.
ELVIS  [作成者] 2017年11月17日 21時33分 
Let me know where is the problem. I can't check all part about werid shadow.
Also, I'm sorry I'm not good at optimisation.. it was my best. later, If i can, I will do more optimisation about this model. thanks for your feed back.
AngryDragon 2017年11月17日 20時29分 
Otherwise, theses look rather good.