Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Nedostatek hodnocení
Broadcasting car LBTimes prop package
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Assets: Prop
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3.987 MB
4. lis. 2017 v 8.42
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Broadcasting car LBTimes prop package

Broadcasting car LBTimes prop package

This is a Broadcasting car, vehicle props package for virtual LBTimes
This is one of Broadcasting car props package. It means LBTimes and this is a virtual news broadcasting corporation of Korean famous community 'Cities on'. There are 2 Cars, and each car have unique form, and 1 Cameraman. You can make various situations with its friends. TV, camera, truck, broadcast, broadcasting, news, announcer, reporter, man, men, male, movie, film, studio, media, press, prop, Tem2zy.
You have to subscribe a mod 'More Beautification' first.

This is a decoration. I hope you know it before subscribe this.


이 애셋은 네이버 카페 '시티즈 온'의 '시티즈 온 네이션'에서 활동중인 가상국가의 가상 언론사들을 다루는 애셋입니다.