Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

498 arvostelua
Lerped View Models
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Effects
Addon Tags: Scenic, Realism
809.000 B
3.11.2017 klo 22.54
10.11.2017 klo 22.53
2 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

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Lerped View Models

This addon tries to reimplement the viewmodel-swaying feature seen in various Valve titles such as Half-Life and Portal. Just watch the video if you're confused as to what this does. This took about half an hour to write.

Disclaimer #1: This will probably break addons that have their own viewbobbing systems like CW2 and FA:S, and I haven't tested this myself to prove otherwise.

Disclaimer #2: I know there's already another addon on the workshop by zamboni called Viewmodel Lagger - I made my own because I can't seem to get their version to work, even with no other addons being used.

Disclaimer #3: There's a known bug right now with regards to running this in Single Player. I put in a temporary solution that works, but eventually I want to fully fix it.

Version 2
• Added console variables for lerp sensitivity and strength: lerpedvm_sensitivity, lerpedvm_strength
• Changed default sensitivity value from "10" to "7", being less sensitive
53 kommenttia
Albino.catfish 9.1. klo 6.30 
fucking assholes saying this mod is bad no its not you dumbasses and fastfox fuck off bc idfc ab your shitty opinions
Junktown jerky vendor 18.11.2024 klo 11.18 
sway is good because inaccuracy is gay as fuck, coming from a guy who may possibly like men
Dpog 14.9.2024 klo 13.44 
shut up not everyone has the same opinion as you
boshy 13.6.2024 klo 9.17 
actually makes the gunplay worse in this game by a long shot, why would you want more sway?
this is not a good addon in my opinion.
Y!2!K!★ 2.5.2024 klo 17.13 
viewmodel lagger is a lot better than this
P0wd3redG0th 28.6.2023 klo 11.28 
it breaks ARC9 and ArcCW Aiming it will be misaligned like on some weapons
Childeric_Bantu 23.5.2023 klo 2.15 
AngelQuFirestar 31.1.2023 klo 17.25 
@Pyro it's a shotgun lol
NEZ_Corporation 22.10.2022 klo 3.14 
who care about arccw
AngelQuFirestar 6.9.2022 klo 15.14 
This breaks arccw running animations