I love to make food / That tastes so good in my mouth / it is a pudding
"#181 +(521)- [X](topanga) I HATE HAVING COMPUTER DREAMS.
#1525 +(226)- [X](JazzSax) tim likes 8 year old girls

(JazzSax) he looks sooooo big in their hands.

(JazzSax) they like picture books

(tiko) rhonda: Think of me more as a childhood educator.

(dev-) um, I don't think sex ed lessons aren't supposed to be in the back of a white van
#3743 +(260)- [X]<Scofco> I have the ass of a homosexual

<Scofco> shame I'm not gay

<Scofco> I'd make a good gay guy
#4442 +(812)- [X]<amit> there was a girl in my english class who had a lord of the rings bookmark. she looked at me, then at the bookmark and said "Bilbo's so hot!" and put it in the cleavage between her breasts.
#5598 +(7145)- [X]<Kazz> Do vampires have anuses? Cause that's why I wouldn't let this kid invade a vampire's anus in this RPG, right, I was GMing, and his character was an Anus Shade, with the power to possess and control the anuses of people and animals.. and I figured that vampires don't have anuses.

<Zaratustra> a vampire's anus is present, but non-working.

<Zaratustra> like a network card without the appropriate driver.

<Kazz> Wow. You're the biggest dork on Earth.

<Sharkey> And you're DMing an rpg with Anus Shades.
#8144 +(199)- [X]<Naivete> damnit whenever I see the word 'mount' in linux documentation I think UNF

<Vertinox> "...Take hard drive, lube it with proper amounts of kY..."
#9953 +(31)- [X]<mode> during cyber sex you quiz your partner to see how intelligent they are

<HOTTIE_309> ok

<HOTTIE_309> quiz me

<HOTTIE_309> quiz me
#11343 +(176)- [X]<@FoX> for the record

<@FoX> she never cybered me

<@FoX> i cybered her

<@FoX> :D

<@FoX> oh yeh....did i forget to mention i kept gettign the message no such Nick/Channel
#14685 +(351)- [X]<Abbadaba> man when i kick burn me and toss my ashes on some beach somewhere

<Abbadaba> yes

<Abbadaba> tan girls in thongs lying on me

<Abbadaba> something i could never have in life i get in death

<Abbadaba> amen
#15615 +(40)- [X]<+GoodScrat> wyatt: how's bounce?

<+Wyatt> GoodScrat: decent

<+Wyatt> makin a little money off of it

<+GoodScrat> how much have you made off of it total to date?

<+Wyatt> hmm... maybe 4K

<+GoodScrat> over how many years?

<+Wyatt> 1

<+GoodScrat> 4k a year, thats not bad profit, when does your company go public?
#16635 +(200)- [X]<^Fizban^> I need an external modem. Anyone have one I can download?
#17422 +(200)- [X]<Jemm> this is where he gets his inspiration from

<ZondrZout> I almost spend more time IRC'ing than I spend painting and creating art!

<Morfi_> uhm inspiration from irc ? what do you mean ?

<Jemm> well, talking with bunch of lunatics give funny ideas ;)

<ZondrZout> Not to mention a good QDB!

<Morfi_> QDB what it is ?

<ZondrZout> Quasi Donderende Boombladeren

<ZondrZout> It's Dutch for something like 'positive energie'

<Jemm> QDB is all around us. It binds the Universe together

<Jemm> Use the QDB, ZondrZout!
#18392 +(279)- [X]<XtremeBain> you know you're a hich when

<Fembot> ya can't spell "hick"
#20645 +(310)- [X]<AvatarADV> Condensed version: "How the hell did his KNIGHTS shoot down my strategic bombers?!"

<ShadowLotus> LOL

<meep_meep> lol. catapults
#22489 +(1314)- [X]<FFChatter > est ce quelqu un sait comment on fait apparaitre le menu triche dans FFX??

<Drago> Anyone speak French?

<FFChatter > yes me
#26283 +(245)- [X]<Masa> I never had a brother I could fight with

<Masa> very unsatisfactory

<Kevyn> I punched my sister once. Heh.

<Kevyn> I was too young to know better.

<Masa> and I couldnt hit my sister too much

<Kevyn> Pow, right in the nose.

<waffle> you're quite the enlightened male

<Kevyn> Eh. I love my family and that's how I show it.

<Kevyn> I can't wait to have kids.

<Kevyn> I'm gonna beat their ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ asses.
#33685 +(12)- [X]<Fashnek> I'm bi

* Fashnek chokes on his rubber dinner

<Fashnek> that sounds so wrong

<twitchi> LMAO!!!
#34772 +(990)- [X]<Waxahachi> No. I am a programmer & I want friends that I can identify with intellectually and personably.

<BoDePlOt> if i eat anutter peanut butter cup i think i am going to puke
#35884 +(698)- [X]<@FlatFace> dude, im ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up. i got a cd case and i not only forgot what i was gonna get, but

<@FlatFace> .....

#41085 +(18)- [X]<Danarchy> anyone know any p2p programs that are heavy with movie trading?

<Duker900> dalnet?
#42653 +(395)- [X]<aq> dont ever tryu to beets a yiugolsavian at tequikla
#53061 +(204)- [X]<Rory> I once saw on an import Gundam toy "Dont break steamy translucent fabric or new one will come"

<Rory> wait that was a pack of Japanese condoms
#56188 +(210)- [X]<fantom> I'm going to play drinking games with tcpdump. what keyword should make me take a drink?

<rizzoh> tcp
#66715 +(438)- [X]<roboman20> +_&----~~=

<@MansoN> &----~~ looks like a handicap dude flying backwards while jizzing lol
#70307 +(22)- [X]<[Binary]> How do I block pornsites and stuff in Windows? My aunt just got a huge bill after her kids had been surfing.
#72922 +(354)- [X]<myne> has anyone else seen the mpeg of tubgirl?

<myne> It is the closest I have ever come to throwing up on a screen

<myne> it is sooo much wronger than the jpeg

<myne> it was in my sisters inbox of all places

<@toe2toe> a) you dont have a sister

<@toe2toe> b) you ARE a sister

<@toe2toe> c) i hate you

<myne> I'll opt for C as it is the most correct answer

<@toe2toe> they werent options
#74108 +(252)- [X]DasKrav: What do gay horses eat?

DasKrav: *limp wrist wave* Hey
#76855 +(175)- [X]<@ShoelessJoe> ♥♥♥♥♥♥, i'm about to go buy a xp upgrade

<@HyBriD-HoNdA> buying microsoft products supports terrisom
#82166 +(178)- [X]<MonkeyFlippers> Anyone know the capital of Croatia?

<gho5t> who cares?

<[steev]> MonkeyFlippers; google.com does

<MonkeyFlippers> Who cares, gho5t?

<gho5t> aww did i hurt your feelings?

<gho5t> i'm sorry i care

<gho5t> let's go look together

<gho5t> i'll meet you at google
#85978 +(85)- [X]<Griffin> dont call it rape

<Griffin> call it surprise sex

<endfro> hhaaha

<pagan> whatever works Griffin
#88096 +(451)- [X]<Howdizzle> I put the Laughter in Slaughter
#90835 +(2502)- [X]( PovRayMan ) In one of the bathrooms on campus, someone wrote: "The Americans are the Nazis of the 20th Century."

( PovRayMan ) Below it, another person followed up: "The Nazis are the Nazis of the 20th Century, you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥."
#91303 +(793)- [X]<mustafa12>Ya, in 9th grade I was reading some background history on a poem out loud to the class and the poem was written in 1337, me being the cool social butterfly that I am, I read it as "leet"
#94046 +(460)- [X]<pcline> ugh, i'm 2nd guessing all of my own decisions today :

<maff> haha paul i do that all the time

<maff> ...or do I...
#103931 +(483)- [X]<cyborgd17> this is ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up, i hadn't jerked for about 1 week *out of boredom :|* and all these girls start flirting with me for some reason, then i finally free up some room in the ol' nutsack and i'm a loveless geek again! no-one comes near me....masturbation sends out bad vibes!

<twistoliver> you're such a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, don't you know everytime that you masturbate, god kills a kitten

<hellyeh15> yeh, you must of killed their cats

<cyborgd17> that makes sense, cuz i've killed enough kittens to make a kitten bridge to the moon...and back

<jonbridgenash> wait wait wait...hold up.....girls?
#111338 +(16848)- [X]<JonJonB> Purely in the interests of science, I have replaced the word "wand" with "wang" in the fir"
2 megjegyzés
amaya 2019. jún. 4., 14:57 
Is this loss
AuraleeFae 2018. okt. 27., 8:48 
So cute *.*