juicy popsicle / it is cherry flavored, so sweet / drips on the sidewalk
즐겨찾기 해제
"#288 +(1932)- [X]<enex> MadHatter: eat ♥♥♥♥!

<MadHatter> what

<MadHatter> ♥♥♥♥ you

<enex> oh

<enex> hi

<MadHatter> yeah hey

<enex> what's up

<MadHatter> nothing man
#619 +(409)- [X]*** zaney was kicked by Ash (I know you're not stupid! Don't think you can fool me!)

*** Ash sets mode: +b *!*zane@*.cyberverse.com

<hypr> hahaahhaha

<Ash> [13:35] <zaney> whats the greatest nation in the world?

<Ash> [13:36] <Ash> Mexico!

<Ash> [13:36] <zaney> uriNATION HAW YOU idiot!@

<Ash> [13:36] <zaney> hahahahhaa

<Ash> [13:36] <zaney> thats funny

<Ash> [13:36] <zaney> urination is peee btw

<Ash> [13:36] <zaney> pee jokes own
#2478 +(262)- [X]<Mave> packetmonkey has a whole different meaning in jail :/
#3158 +(237)- [X]<aNuBiS-> RaMTuFF: You should know better than to drive under the influence of a hard-on
#5988 +(305)- [X]<rmalink> are you feeling any better?

<dep01> no... not really..

<rmalink> you know what it is?  allergies...

<dep01> no, you know what it is?  the crippling depression..
#8100 +(658)- [X]<meta> blegh

<meta> the internet is bad

<meta> bad bad bad

<meta> I tried to talk to a woman

<meta> but she sent me nude pics instead

<meta> I didn't want them

<meta> but I took them out of courtesy
#8592 +(125)- [X]<halos> i went to lunch with a couple co-workers and before we left they both

+went to the bathroom

<halos> when they came back out I asked, "Who won?"
#10474 +(738)- [X]<Charlesowns> Man i was surfin porn and like "normal" surfin at the same time, so my mom comes in and i quick as hell tab down the porn. So now im looking at a SWAT vest and an Mp5 submachinegun trying to hide the giant penis in my pants. Then all of a sudden this realy gay male voice speaks out realy loud goin "i want to suck your big ♥♥♥♥ ans swallow your hot sperm" then like 100 popups open up all consisting of hardcore fetish gay

<Charlesowns> man my mom started crying and now she thinks im gay... it owns
#10947 +(468)- [X]<@Drezdar> This summer I'm gonna buy a DDR pad.  I figure I can kill three birds with one stone by doing this:  1) play a game, 2) exercise, 3) swear off heterosexuality for good.
#11116 +(393)- [X]< cygnus`   > this girl broke up with me once

< cygnus`   > becuase i was sucking her tit

< cygnus`   > and i said it was to try and get milk to come out

< cygnus`   > and i started laughing like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥
#11395 +(304)- [X]<dine-sa> no it won't MoP, amusment park jobs actually suck

<dine-sa> I had a friend who worked at six flags all summer.

<SA-MoP> dine had a friend! *dies* :D

<SA-Metathrom> Hehe

<dine-sa> :P it was before I had a modem

<SA-MoP> lol ok
#11435 +(43)- [X]<doc> i feel no need to go to canada 

<doc> if i want a taste of canada, i'll drink a canada dry
#13468 +(1376)- [X]<ToastyX> :b

<Powerlord> Hey toasty, what is the ascii code for the upside down P?
#16737 +(216)- [X]<Joelz> How good is it, when you've badly gotta take a leak....but you can't be stuffed getting up, but there is an empty coke bottle next to you and....nevermind.

<Bigchris> what happens if you have to chuck a ♥♥♥♥?

<Joelz> That's what shoes are for.
#16744 +(52)- [X]<Joelz> im gonna savet hgis log so I can prove im drunk
#16974 +(223)- [X]<Cyc66> http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=****

<Cyc66> plz ruin that auction

<bbz_> what do i want to do that for?

<Cyc66> she's a dirty ♥♥♥♥♥

<bbz> maybe i could get her phone number

<Cyc66> uh why would u do that

<bbz> well, if she is a dirty ♥♥♥♥♥
#17179 +(13)- [X]<Zanshin> Ignitor: you have to be on malt liquor to fully appreciate it. To the average american negro, slightly buzzed on malt liquor and dazed by the media stimulus of sports and bigscreen TV.. The phone, and the ability to communicate, even in the typical monosyllables of the subculture, is a complete novelty. Thus, the "wazzup" commercial represents the wonder and happiness that a group of young negroes finds in using the technology
#33566 +(317)- [X]<moku> oh god

<moku> i typed "PENISHED" instead of "PUNISHED" in an e-mail
#34411 +(167)- [X]<tReMeR>  /penis lengthen 13.5 inches

<nattydr00g> penis Unknown command

<tReMeR> damn these servers
#38240 +(231)- [X]<MiLordDemise> My foot is touching the cord for my keyboard

<MiLordDemise> and each time I press a button I can feel the electrical pulse go through the wires

<IntoMyShadows> Now that's something.

<MiLordDemise> Aye...

<MiLordDemise> I wish I could type a bit faster

<MiLordDemise> it makes my foot feel good and strange at the same time

<IntoMyShadows> Just hit random keys

<MiLordDemise> it's like a cord-thin massage

<MiLordDemise> wow

<MiLordDemise> I think I need some alone time with my keyboard now

<MiLordDemise> hehe

<IntoMyShadows> Maybe you should move the cord to another part of you

<MiLordDemise> I just might

<IntoMyShadows> you sick bastard.

<IntoMyShadows> I probably would, too

<MiLordDemise> You suggested it

<MiLordDemise> so that makes us both sick bastards

<MiLordDemise> go us!
#38525 +(113)- [X]<willyy> licq:  [ERR] Unable to load plugin (qt-gui): /usr/local/lib/licq/licq_qt-gui.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

<willyy> which is the problem ?

<Lion-O> willyy: you're missing a file.

<willyy> which ?

<loply> willyy: Isnt that a tad obvious? ;)
#40519 +(153)- [X]<@ant> With something that my hand spends more time on than my ♥♥♥♥, I see no reason not to splurge on a mouse.

<@Scribble> Yeah, but I'd question whether my hand spends more time on my ♥♥♥♥ or not.

<@shrav> for me its a matter of which hand

<@shrav> i usually have one on each
#41678 +(-12)- [X]<@dev> I just ♥♥♥♥ out a "family" of logs.

<@dev> There were two huge ones.. 2 smaller ones. and a tiny one.

<@dev> And then I killed them when I flushed!

<@r3v|ShenL0ng-P-> lol

<@r3v|ShenL0ng-P-> was the tiny one the dog

<@dev> It might have been a baby.

<@r3v|DeathZero> did you poke it.. maybe it was a fetus

<@dev> I left it alone.

<@dev> :o
#46282 +(230)- [X]<@PSU-Kaikou> <MP3> Unknown Artist - Give it a reach around <MP3>

<@PSU-Kaikou> oh ♥♥♥♥

<@PSU-Kaikou> er...disregard that..

<+WSBN-DwarfVader> wtf

<+WSBN-DwarfVader> what kind of ♥♥♥♥ music you listening too???
#46726 +(95)- [X](sean) OMFG

(sean) dominos came

(sean) and when dominos comes

(sean) sean ♥♥♥♥

(BigRo2k2) ok, and what?

(BigRo2k2) ok buddy

(BigRo2k2) you are a little too excited for ♥♥♥♥♥♥ pizza man
#52083 +(100)- [X]*** Joins: Currawon1 (~currawong@GizNet-43538.b.006.syd.iprimus.net.au)

*** Quits: Currawong (~currawong@210.50.98.GizNet-34072) (Client exited)

<KGL-900> Currawong, if you ever want to kill your ghost, the command is: /msg giznick ghost KGL-900 steamshovel
#52136 +(534)- [X]<LIQuid> my mom is convinced that i need milk

<LIQuid> yeah well i tell her that i dont need to be artifically breast feed by genetically altered and enhanced cows

<LIQuid> all she says "dont make me get your father"

<Deke> your dad is going to breastfeed you?
#53299 +(213)- [X]<hobbs> SetiAtHome -- turn your laptop into a space heater. :)
#58619 +(333)- [X]<Bal> saw lotr2

<biff|JK2> u like Bal?

<Bal> when legolas calls out to gimli at the begining, i was expecting him to say 'come on silent bob'

<Lun> LOL
#80649 +(303)- [X]* Tomis has quit IRC (Quit: Flush twice, it's a long way to the kitchen.(Graffiti on wall of McDonald's bathroom))
#85850 +(-2)- [X]<SherP> and even if i do lick ♥♥♥

<SherP> its my own ♥♥♥
#89555 +(1045)- [X](w0rd): There is no place like
#93745 +(132)-"