yellow blooming sun / in time turns to ball of seeds / watch them fly away
Preis verleihen
"#37 +(2145)- [X]<iln> cd earlyteen
#141 +(2277)- [X]<ILLogik> i was having cybersex with this chick but she wouldn't go all the way so i had to rape her
#205 +(1013)- [X](D1) ignore me

(D1) 9 out of 10 women do.
#224 +(982)- [X][] at least i don't go on aol
#313 +(467)- [X]<slutknght> has anyone registered or .net?
#1567 +(581)- [X]<ckx> i wish i had a gf who was into really cheap things

<ckx> like 5 cent rings from vending machines

<ckx> then i'd be in heaven

<ckx> "yah i got you something today... it's a gumball"

<ckx> "OH WOW LETS ♥♥♥♥"

<ckx> stupid women

<mdl> haha
#2090 +(87)- [X]<DMC[hi]> where just before you go to bed, you put on a suite and ♥♥♥♥, and look in the mirror and kinda jerk off a little then, go to sleep?
#2121 +(611)- [X]*** atnnn ( has joined #winprog

<atnnn> hi

<atnnn> what is the code for "+" on WM_KEYDOWN

<Wy4tt> VK_RTM

<atnnn> and minus?

<Wy4tt> VK_RTFM

<atnnn> i can't find it
#2201 +(343)- [X]<Guilty> I see, your ignorance expands far beyond ATI video cards
#2990 +(196)- [X]<dodge> i should be in bed myself ...

<dodge> oh wait, i am
#5490 +(365)- [X]<theForger> it's kind of odd how a lot of planets in star trek have spaceships and transporters, and yet they still live in huts and clay houses
#6860 +(170)- [X]* Alan wasn't aware Rap was an action figure.

Rapunzel452: Oh, yeah.  Everyone wants a small plastic me adorning their shelf.

AlecWire: Or a large plastic blow-up you...
#7116 +(54)- [X]* *@michael decides that given two evils, x and y, where x=cherry jolly ranchers and y=apple jolly ranchers, y<x
#7123 +(341)- [X]<Grant> Hey, you know what the biggest problem with all current MMOGs is?

<Mako> insufficient boobage

<Grant> That too.
#7455 +(144)- [X]<Scire> Yeah well I haven't been IRCing much lately

<E-vangelist> Scire: finally figured out you could masturbate with your other hand, eh?
#8691 +(211)- [X]<^_^Sasha^_^> im unzipping ma pant

<Nikki21[woaHOTTY]> wait a second

<Nikki21[woaHOTTY]> Does Allah know you are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ an american?

<^_^Sasha^_^> yeah he knows everything

<^_^Sasha^_^> He

<Nikki21[woaHOTTY]> so is he cool with it?

<^_^Sasha^_^> no:|

<Nikki21[woaHOTTY]> oh, so do u want 2 stop? allah might get mad

No such nick/channel

Session Close: Sat Jun 08 02:05:24 2002
#9635 +(448)- [X]<orion> i'd rather pull their addresses and braid a friendship bracelet with their spines and intestines

<jestuh> <wondering if pen would accept that quote>

<orion> <wondering what the stomach lining looks like draped inside-out over someone's skull>
#11097 +(185)- [X](Louhi): mind u, I'm called "whats wrong with ♥♥♥♥ teasers?"

(Pixie_Pete): Are they like malteasers?

* Waller buys a box of ♥♥♥♥ teasers for Mother's Day as his mother's present
#16274 +(387)- [X]<Calrathan> its amazinz;].jhv0z;].jhv0z;].jhv0z;].jhv how a little liquid in the keyboard can screw it up so much
#18254 +(185)- [X]<RtWhO> oh ♥♥♥♥ the shower hurt me......I got in turned the water on, the water pressure is amazing, well anyways it knocked me down....I hurt my ass bone
#30259 +(272)- [X]<••NewsFlash••> Raw Sewage Spills Into Miami Bay

<zipperface> OoO let's go for a swim!

<zipperface> Might become super heroes.

<CremePuff> right. i call dibs on the Fantastic Condom Man
#36551 +(99)- [X]<deathz0r> i was setting up opengl drivers

<deathz0r> and it took me 2 days to get them working

<QuiKsiLvA> kool

<QuiKsiLvA> what does it do?

<deathz0r> ...

<QuiKsiLvA> is that were ppl d/l stuff of u or what

<QuiKsiLvA> tell me!
#36619 +(215)- [X]<daenonon^II> lol

<daenonon^II> i got pr0n downloading on limewire when this pop up ad comes up

<daenonon^II> about some kind of pyramid scam

<daenonon^II> and somehow the search results window of limewire didn't get covered by the testimonials of the pop up

<daenonon^II> "as a single mom, i like how hardcore ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gets xtreme!!"
#38717 +(344)- [X]<Foxworth> well, I just saw an ad for a birth control patch

<TRC> yeah

<TRC> they have had it for a while

<Stom> does it go over the vagina?
#40497 +(239)- [X]<TK-Work> Don't know if I should get 1 1,000 watt fog machine or 2 700 watt ♥♥♥ machines.

<Ouroboros> Whoa.

<Ouroboros> ♥♥♥ machines?

<Ouroboros> What do those do?

<TK-Work> bend over the trick or treaters as they come to the door
#40505 +(477)- [X]<MyTh`snoogans> mY¯mom¯stole¯mY¯keYboard¯So¯im¯using¯chaRmap¯to¯type¯this

<MyTh`snoogans> god¯This¯sucks

<Unknown[SwHo]> charmap ?

<Unknown[SwHo]> like a palm-pilot ?

<MyTh`snoogans> yoU¯pRes¯The¯bUTTons¯wiTh¯the¯moUse

<MyTh`snoogans> iT¯TAkes¯foReveR

*  *   *   *   *  *  *  *

* MyTh`snoogans has joined #clan-swho

<MyTh`snoogans> did my mom think i couldnt find the keyboard in the living room

<MyTh`snoogans> wtf was she thinking
#43030 +(-15)- [X]<SouLjY> im rot netarded

* SouLjY is away. [rescue rangers] Back in [27 min] Logging [On]

<SouLjY> chip n dales owns all of u

<maj> ...

<PyRo_> =[

<Pelleas> im going to go look at the water

<SouLjY> :1
#45580 +(12)- [X]<tasha> How long were you in New Zealand dev

<@devdev> went twice

<@devdev> for like, maybe 1 1/2 months

<@devdev> maybe like 6 weeks
#45804 +(39)- [X]<DiamonDie> cool, this is the f&g episode where sam wants an atari.

<fizzie> misread 'f&g' as '♥♥♥'. this is what reading does.
#98447 +(880)- [X]<Diamond> But what's truly awesome is my new Radeon 9500 Pro.


<Diamond> That I will treat as if it were my first-born child.


<Diamond> ...Apparently when I have kids I'm going to stick them inside a small aluminum box.

<Diamond> And have them process numbers for me all day.

<Diamond> So I can watch porn.
#100483 +(5)- [X]<Yellah> Celebrate the decrimalisation of Pot

<[Piratez]> lets make this national

* [Piratez] replaces the maple leaf on the Canadian flag with a weed leaf.
#100498 +(278)- [X]<TriNitY> how are u only 1/2 hour ahed?

<TriNitY> ur clock iz ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

<Mr_Man> i set my clocks ahead for no good reason other than i feel like i step into the future when i enter my room
#105591 +(411)- [X]<Kitsa> there used to be one doc who would put apple juice in a urine collection cup

<Kitsa> and walk into the patient room

<Kitsa> take a big swig

<Kitsa> and say "tastes fine to me"

<Kitsa> I always wanted to secretly switch it out with real urine

<Kitsa> the spit-take on that one would be great
#120993 +(647)- [X]<Head> if I download porn off of Kazaa

<Head> you think the RIAA can find me?

<dsbnh> yeah the RECORDING industry has huge ties for porn

<[GSF]Nitro> Head- you will be sued by Ron Jeremy

<[GSF]Nitro> actually, since his penis is a legal entity and franchise, it will be the wang that sues you

<Head> lol

<dsbnh> its actually declared a country

<dsbnh> you can recieve asylum by hiding under it

<dsbnh> it was recognized as a hero when it saved 3 children from drowning

<Head> lol

<Panz> and then cummed in there faces

<dsbnh> ....

<Panz> *Splat*

<Panz> ....

<dsbnh> why must you turn a story of heroism into a sick twisted pedophile affair
#137411 +(324)- [X]<flint`> well

<flint`> this wc3 channel has taught me one thing about korea

<flint`> they have completely abolished sexism

<flint`> and now they all just act like girls
#154049 +(108)- [X]<amped> ok guys, i'm back

<lodg> im sure u were doing something important like watching ppl party from ur window
#215170 +(-74)- [X]ResaiHawki"
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Local Son 21. Nov. 2020 um 19:17