Pollution on Earth, / the beauty of Earth hiding. / Where has god's work gone?
"#181 +(521)- [X](topanga) I HATE HAVING COMPUTER DREAMS.
#759 +(1744)- [X]<cygnus> oi

<cygnus> in windows

<cygnus> what it mean

<cygnus> if the folder has a hand underneaath it

<Sephiroth> means it is shared

<Sephiroth> across your network

<cygnus> how did you know that

<cygnus> i thought it meant itwas heavy

<cygnus> or something

<cygnus> like

<cygnus> it's got 10 gigs in it
#833 +(919)- [X]<timmo> i got a lego fetish whats it to ya?

<iMike-> damn norwegian toy companies

<McMoo> it's danish

<iMike-> what the hell is that

<iMike-> danland?
#3464 +(196)- [X]<Object> i'm good for 15 minutes

<sh0> Object, 15 minutes ?!

<sh0> you better have a lot of cash to keep yo ♥♥♥♥♥ loyal
#4281 +(27833)- [X]<Zybl0re> get up

<Zybl0re> get on up

<Zybl0re> get up

<Zybl0re> get on up

<phxl|paper> and DANCE

* nmp3bot dances :D-<

* nmp3bot dances :D|-<

* nmp3bot dances :D/-<

<[SA]HatfulOfHollow> i'm going to become rich and famous after i invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet
#5735 +(788)- [X]<robin24> any girls in here?

<cognac> does is really matter?

<cognac> the only thing you're gonna see are letters and numbers anyway
#6138 +(715)- [X]--> osx_newb has joined #cprogramming

<osx_newb> helo?

<Vulpyne> 250 Vulpyne
#7801 +(995)- [X](PJ) grrr

(PJ) a car alarm is going off


(PJ) ♥♥♥♥

(PJ) its our car
#9932 +(119)- [X]<bler> ronaldo should have been at the dentists and not at the wc final
#9978 +(1116)- [X]adam_afe > I just got a nice email from the most beautiful woman in the world :~)

adam_afe >Laura!! :-)

Urthworm_afe > what does she say?

adam_afe > err..

adam_afe > "♥♥♥♥ off and stop emailing me you stupid worthless gimp."
#10737 +(138)- [X]<kas> did you getta message from Mike last night?

<kas> he msged you on aim

<SDMF> he msged me?

<kas> i put in big bold letters


<kas> and yur roommate answered

<kas> and was like who's this

<kas> and ize like

<kas> Johns cyber boyfriend, Mike

<kas> is he there?

<kas> i wanna cyber sooo bad

<kas> yur roommate blocked me or signed off
#16188 +(283)- [X]<wof> does anyone really use emacs?

<Pills> my wife used to

<wof> really?

<wof> what'd she do?

<Pills> she... edited files? :)
#16971 +(142)- [X]<ncc386> It seems to be an oral fixation that drives me to smoke and when I quit 3 weeks ago I started eating more. If that's the case there is a healther, cleaner, more fun oral practice that could satisfy me.
#17239 +(219)- [X]< Danelope> I know what I need.

< Danelope> I need the cool shoeshine.

<@harb> Shoeshine?

<@harb> wt?

<@harb> If that has a double meaning, sign me up.
#22582 +(333)- [X]<CrazySpence> i read a brit/canadian magazine an its full of all these hints an tips for kinky ways of sex...look at an american mag an its {why cant my man get it up} {does my fat ass turn my man off} {my man last 30seconds or less}
#23310 +(118)- [X]<Balatro> It makes me hot when you talk unix.

<Electroly> rm -rf /home/Balatro

<Balatro> That's /♥♥♥♥/Balatro, honey :)
#26208 +(105)- [X]<kuro> dork? whale penis?

<timmo> we have some in the fridge
#26387 +(315)- [X][@Jimlad] http://am-i-pregnant.com/homeinse.shtml

[@Jimlad] uhm ok

[@Jimlad] you didn't see that.

º @Jimlad quickly puts something else on his clipboard
#34113 +(355)- [X]<DKuntz> is it bad for me to have a pet peeve about people usin "r" instead of "are" and "u" instead of "you" (and so on)

<Lath> Er, no

<DKuntz> I really hate when people do "how r u 2day?"

<IJ> I've heard of data compression, but this is ridiculous.
#36872 +(481)- [X]<Nall> I watch porn, and what do I hear? Porn stars. I don't want to hear "OH, GOD, ♥♥♥♥ ME, YES, ♥♥♥♥ ME RIGHT THERE, YES, RIGHT THERE, GJ".

<Nall> No.

<Nall> I want to hear some pre-pubescent sounding ultra-sonic screeching. I want it to sound like a 12 year old girl being attacked by a rhino's horn.

<Nall> Thus, I turn to hentai.
#38485 +(428)- [X]<seven> hooked up with some chick at a party james invited me to last weekend. she comes back to my place, we're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ around, she gives me a handjob, my vesuvious errupts, I'm content and am ready to go to sleep. then like, 2-3 minutes after said erruption, she's back down there again, and I'm thinking "what the ♥♥♥♥, as if, the guy needs some time to recover", much to my surprise, she got it all back and working again, and lo and behold, a second eruption

<seven> so I said straight away "whoa, you're like, really good at that."

<seven> "do you have a little brother or something?"
#38753 +(296)- [X]<DF> Does anybody here live in a dorm ? That would be so cool living right near your mates 24/7

<Cav> i boarded for year 12

<Cav> it was interesting but a pain in the arse

<Cav> err

<Cav> i better change that reply :)
#41174 +(527)- [X]<Kitsa> in retrospect, redheads shouldn't wear catholic-school uniforms to places where there are going to be a lot of drunk men
#46431 +(142)- [X]* Admiral_Justin shoves vex into /dev/null

* Vex Quit (Connection reset by peer)
#46598 +(919)- [X]<Guest17888> its me Where can i mk trilogy doiwnload???

<Garret> http://www.firstgov.gov/fgsearch/index.jsp?




<Garret> Just go here.

<Guest17888> garret its true or false

<Garret> It's true.

<Garret> I'm getting it at 400KB/s!

<Guest17888> garret its not true

<Garret> You clicked the link?

<Guest17888> yes garret and.....

<Garret> You do realize you just searched fbi.gov for warez, porn, sodomy, illegal, microsoft, and mortal kombat right?

<Guest17888> ♥♥♥♥ ya all

* Quits: Guest17888 (MKIRCN-003@212.182.122.Kg9=) (QUIT: User exited)
#47848 +(484)- [X]·protanos· Having sex is like being level 1. Sure, it's exciting playing a

new class, but it doesn't really get fun until you _know_ how to play the


·Siv· protanos, that is possibly the geekiest analogy i've ever had

the displeasure of hearing
#62145 +(265)- [X][ @Treach ] can you hump in the sims online

[ @qoncept ] Treach, i think so but i dont know how. figures.

[ @TribalJedi ] you need the love bed i think

[ @qoncept ] thats stupid why cant you just do it out by the dumpster like in real life
#66197 +(233)- [X]<Jay> the only annoying thing about Perl is there's always at least 10 ways to do the same thing =)

<Ashley> and half of those make absolutely no sense when you come back to the code 30 minutes later
#78807 +(184)- [X]<Seaf> I found someone had uploaded a video titled "REAL Muff Diving." I'll leave it at that.

<Gau> erm

<Gau> did they go off a diving board?

<Gau> or was it their wife giving birth played in reverse

* Gau giggles at that idea

* Gau groans as the metal image sets in

<Gau> BRB... Malox time.

<SkySoldier> Gau, you are a strange man.
#112373 +(821)- [X]<railor> then there comes this really hot nurse chick and i like get an instant hard-on

<railor> she asks me if i'm ok and leaves. i tell to myself "what a fine piece of ass!" so i grab my ♥♥♥♥ and start whacking off like mad

<HaiFlick> so you've started jerking off to that nurse after you had been drunk like hell and woke up in the hospital?

<railor> yeah, but then suddenly a woman next to me started crying really loud. i couldn't see her due to the curtain though

<HaiFlick> lol

<railor> turns out it was my wife
#138514 +(41)- [X"