wise and patient man / richly working with his hands / creating beauty
Lisää suosikkeihin
Lisätty suosikkeihin
Poista suosikeista
"#647 +(436)- [X]<Medieval> the chances of me spontaneously climaxing while thinking about that are increasing
#764 +(514)- [X]<DigDug> looks like microsoft is extending http

<DigDug> HTTP 403.9 - Access Forbidden: Too many users are connected

<DigDug> Internet Information Services

<OxOO> that must be visual http++
#826 +(114)- [X]<Beck-Fan> are we so desprit for petty entertanment (roms) that wa suck up to these people that think there gods because they spent 24/7 on there computors
#2414 +(357)- [X]<Ickypeww> i ain't eating no girl untill they genetically engineer one with a watermellon flavored ♥♥♥♥♥ that gets sweeter when she gets exited
#2601 +(467)- [X]<async> Violus: the ICQ protocol is about as good as your performance in bed

<Violus> woah, sweet

* Violus installs ICQ
#4502 +(226)- [X]<Khross|Zzz> You can't have my precious ♥♥♥♥ ring.

<nilBnW|Zzz> You'll have to pry it from my cold, dead ♥♥♥♥!!
#5987 +(183)- [X]<Foggie> i wish i could buy shares in hot women

<Foggie> then i could go to ashley judd and be like "you gotta sleep with me since i own 2% of you"
#6876 +(759)- [X]<Spectra> hrm.  Optus are going to start charging me >= $10 more per month, because "we listened to feedback from our customers".

<Spectra> I'm fascinated which customers said "we want to pay more for your service".
#7949 +(147)- [X]<Paeyl> Sometimes I yearn for the peace and simplicity of a low-stress startup job
#13406 +(430)- [X]<@AJ-> [-amp-]: My girl might be, erm, uh, you know

<@[-amp-]> a man?
#13483 +(274)- [X]<DjLizard> click HERE for free Chocobo porn.

<DET> all I got was channel info

<DjLizard> :D

<DjLizard> well, click here for free channel info.
#14569 +(228)- [X]<Baby_Gurl16> Does any one here have a thousand dollars i could borrow to bail my boyfriend out of jail with if so please msg me
#16521 +(233)- [X]<NoahSoft> wizdom: Where?

<wizdom> UK :p

<NoahSoft> Is that in australia?
#22519 +(368)- [X]<CrackZ> I'm gonna be getting a new boss soon too

<CrackZ> its a power hungry female

<CrackZ> ya know the type

<CrackZ> her 'can do' profile is going to clash with my 'can't be arsed' profile
#22707 +(802)- [X]<burrahobbit> "Hi, my name is Tyson Vandagriff and, I am going to be your roommate next year at OU."

<burrahobbit> AND COMMA

#29074 +(724)- [X]<Puddle of Mudd> Have they named the disorder where you become obsessed with terrible songs?

<Critíc> Pop culture.
#31565 +(16)- [X]<etrigan> im gonna take that fricking printer and stick it up your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, and then print out gay pron on it. fricking h0m0.
#33948 +(237)- [X]<kinzillah> kronos is portable! *hrrrrk* *thump* *clunk* errr, maybe not

<Pseudonym> kinzillah: It's about 50 lbs

<Pseudonym> The case being about 40 lbs of that

<Gygaxis> wtf is the case?!?!

<kinzillah> 50 lbs != portable

<Pseudonym> Wimp.

<Gygaxis> jesus christ, did you mod a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cinder block?
#34325 +(242)- [X]<Tovart> "She sees that he is ready to splash white liquid, so she attaches

          his penis on her nipple"

<Dareon> O_o Oh, those inscrutable Orientals...

<Zephy> lol. "With a staplegun"
#35764 +(262)- [X]<Celestar> They have found an enourmous security hole in Microsofts VPN implementation on all Win2000 and WinXP versions

<RichiH> Celestar: did they have enough free space on the bug list to add it?
#37381 +(24)- [X]<Curtis> whenever you rub it you know it feels better
#37829 +(359)- [X]<Ash> look: I like python pretty well, but the syntax is kind of annoying.

<AaronSw> this from a lisp programmer?!

<Ash> AaronSw: One type of brace is much simpler than a bazillion!

<AaronSw> to write perhaps, but not to rfead

<Ash> Lisp's syntax is simple and efficient.

<Ash> With a proper editor, lisp is incredibly easy to read.

<look> OK, let's pretend we got past the syntax argument

<look> It's now 45 minutes in the future

<look> and we've agreed to disagree

<look> Hurray!

<AaronSw> I bet look's time machine is programmed in Python. <duck />
#38732 +(214)- [X]*** God was kicked by BlackYoshi (AHAHAHAHA!!!!)

*** ChanServ sets mode: -o BlackYoshi

<BlackYoshi> I guess that's what I get for kicking god. =(
#41221 +(243)- [X]<MpTaNk> one time on a test we had to find answers to questions that were in a book and insted of looking for the page I tryed to ctrl+f

<MpTaNk> it was a shocking feeling when I realized I couldn't do it
#41289 +(94)- [X]* Ethiopian is now away: away eating

* Ethiopian is now known as Ethiopian_eating
#41699 +(519)- [X]<Tofusensei> linksys routers can suck a ♥♥♥♥, btw

<Justin> wow, they really should advertize that feature more. It would increase sales.
#46773 +(260)- [X]<Kcom> Anyone know what's it called when someone drinks sperm?

<elSandros> Disgusting.
#54278 +(-48)- [X]<JuicyClawter> I once threw a cat out of a five story building.  I'm not sure if it landed on its feet, because I was too high up to see.
#70746 +(365)- [X]<timmo> i wonder if gay people are ever like

<timmo> "oh man that is so straight"

<timmo> or

<timmo> "youre so heterosexual"

<Livewire0> "Quit being such a hetero!"

<Livewireo> with the limp wrst flick, of course
#75845 +(134)- [X]<Balamutas> games suck :P

<Dr.Evil> and swallow

<Dr.Evil> :P

<NoXeR> i wish i have this game
#79881 +(117)- [X]* Lolita_ (ask@sg-14926.mweb.co.za) has joined #12-15yrz

<Lolita_> hello is everyone from 12 to 15?
#82085 +(23)- [X]<kryonik> IM PRO WAR AND PRO CHOICE


<kryonik> oh wait

#102207 +(1837)- [X]<kmad> today, me and jake were playing tennis

<kmad> this mom with her son, like 11 years old, were watching us play

<kmad> a ball was hit over to them, so I ran over to pick it up

<kmad> the kid asks me, "How did you get so good at tennis??"

<kmad> I think for a second, try to hold back a grin

<kmad> "Drugs."

<kmad> The mom gave me a big old ♥♥♥♥ YOU and stormed off with her kid
#105945 +(516)- [X]<JohnnyBl> Now, if you're to tell me that it really costs a whole dollar more for that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, red-haired, floppy-shoe wearing, Grimace-loving, Hamburglar-catching, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, Fryguy slave-holding, Mayor McCheese-bribing, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ clown to give me 2 extra nuggets, I'll tell you you're full of ♥♥♥♥.
#116001 +(192)- [X]<McKree> The hills have eyes...

<Suerte> urinate in them
#138788 +(121)- [X]<Cyrack> told my girlfriend that MS could get all her personal letters... now she unplugs the network before starting Office... :-(
#177171 +(-29)- [X]<uber> O_O

<uber> chill out aj

<AJ2> uber: eat ♥♥♥♥

<AJ2> wait, you're asian...you might make a movie out of it :
#193439 +(126)- [X]<Chocoboko> I wonder what things would have been like had Square stuck with Nintendo.

<DragonFogel> I doubt we'd see FFT. =P

<Soulcleaver> Imagine FF7- with all the "objectionable" and "offensive" material removed.

<Indogutsu> <Barret> You Shinra are the vermin, robbing the Planet of its dreams! And that makes you King Vermin! So hush your mouth, you... you... jackaninny!
#232127 +(578)- [X]<joeman> Rosa Parks is my idol.

<joeman> I, too, refuse to get up out of my seat.
#255991 +(2722)- [X]<TribGuru> How many Vietnam vets does it take to screw in a light bulb?

<TribGuru> You don't know, man.  You don't KNOW.

<TribGuru> cause you weren't THERE
#363820 +(1809)- [X]<Duzzy> today at work, i was cutting gras outside the local sc"