such a waste of time / endlessly satisfying / his baser urges
+ favoritos
Nos favoritos
- favoritos
"#281 +(396)- [X]*** Joins: root (
#336 +(495)- [X]<nullgod> I'm not quite sure who slack is for, it's harder then REdHat, so it's not for newbies, it's less secure then FreeBSD so it's not for experts, and it's not pretty so it's not for desktops.

<DigDug> slack is for linux zealots :-D
#3143 +(190)- [X]* soya-88 squeezes your ♥♥♥♥.

* Tim_K makes sure it's loaded.
#4397 +(274)- [X]<Sassy> if the GC ends up sucking, i will start calling it the LameCube and reap the benefits of my witticisms
#5113 +(452)- [X]<reub> if i ever met you guys in real life i would never touch your rulers
#5242 +(176)- [X]<jonathans> the vas deferens is the path from the nuts to the weiner where your breakfast travels
#6248 +(53)- [X]<elroyk> i like to look at pictures of me then, because I get to think "wow, I am really a lot hotter now"
#7348 +(192)- [X]<trance> pj eats little kids for breakfast

<pUrPLe_jArGOn> I used to trance, but I cracked a tooth on a thighbone and the doctor told me I should move to more conventional foods
#8800 +(258)- [X]<happy> i have problems cooking on the stove, because i run into my room to chat on irc or somehting, and it catches fire
#12118 +(95)- [X]<BurntAsh> i just know the ♥♥♥♥ has officially pissed me off beyond belief, ive had it up to here ^ with that place screwin with me

<@tmbg> BurntAsh: three words:

<@tmbg> Rocket Propelled Grenades
#13068 +(830)- [X]<Rjx> is a better link

<ganonboy> what section of the site are the ROMS in?

<ganonboy> ? is it

<ganonboy> ??

<Rjx> yup

<ganonboy> I dont see any N64 roms?

<Rjx> what do you see?

<ganonboy> A sick picture...

<Rjx> click on it

<Rjx> it's an imagemap

<Rjx> click on his ass

<ganonboy> you are lying

<Rjx> did you try it?

<ganonboy> yes

<ganonboy> and nothing happens
#14925 +(600)- [X]<SS|Away|Dreaming|> RUSSIAN ROULETTE - Take your chances.  2:1 odds. Type @pull to see if you win or lose - If you loose you get kicked.

<SPiN|> @pull

<Hsu> @pull

<Deverz> @pull

<Deverz> @pull

<Hsu> @pull

<SPiN|> @pull

<Hsu> @pull

<Deverz> @pull

<Hsu> @pull

Quits: SS|Away|Dreaming| ( (Excess Flood)
#21809 +(217)- [X]<Abit667> I am gonna try to get goldfish

<Abit667> without getting busted

<Bryan> k

<Abit667> back

<Abit667> only satan would put the huge goldfish box behind a bag of chips
#22704 +(155)- [X](+Mutsumi_Otohime): a m8 of mine had to go to the hospital, & worried the staff there by talking about how I had worms, of course, the staff didn't know he meant the game :P
#25387 +(35)- [X]<Blaxxthos> dude these are no joke cameras

<Blaxxthos> 30:1 optical zoom

<Blaxxthos> 800:1 digital

<Blaxxthos> all 360x360 deg PTZ

<madog> you catch a lot of thieves?

<madog> people be tring to steal?

<Blaxxthos> yes

<Blaxxthos> all the time

<Blaxxthos> OH ♥♥♥♥


<Blaxxthos> brb
#26312 +(375)- [X]<@skold> im still happy with my tbird

<@skold> cant say i wouldnt buy a 2400+ right now if i had the money

<@skold> heh new server with users and an admin who doesnt seem to be a moron

<Flux> where?

<Taranis> Linux's memory manager is way better than Window's

<@skold> wtf did that come from :P

#31327 +(702)- [X]<Entil-Zha> ::creams like a girl::

<NeoPartix> lmao

<Entil-Zha> *screams

<Entil-Zha> ♥♥♥♥ you
#34249 +(225)- [X]<DRBS> this is so ghey what happened

<MoDoDynam> I know Bradford, I know.

<DRBS> matts an ayesshole

<MoDoDynam> Well sometimes in a friendship the parties involved have to tear apart and develop a scar tissue in order to strengthen the bond that they never had before. Maybe that's our purpose in life: fighting to eventually gain fulfillment with others.

<DRBS> ...

<DRBS> hold on i have to take a nasty ♥♥♥♥.
#34363 +(109)- [X]<Magus> # robots.txt for

<Magus> # questions contact

<Magus> User-agent: *

<Magus> Disallow: /temp/

<Magus> Disallow: /admin/

* Magus cracks up
#34534 +(792)- [X]<Zer0-kewl> and in network properties i'm static on

<Prem0> thats why

<Prem0> ass

<Prem0> your ip is too high

<Prem0> cant go above 255

<Zer0-kewl> too high?  wtf?

<Prem0> your at 300

<Zer0-kewl> Thirty

<Prem0> if U wanted 30 it should be

<Killeroy> wtf?

<Killeroy> lemme quote that on :)

<Prem0> remember it adds 0's to the end

<Prem0> lol

<Zer0-kewl> since when?

<Prem0> since forever

<Prem0> thats tcp/ip brother

<Zer0-kewl> if it thought my IP was 300...i doubt i woudl be talking to you hear.

<Prem0> change it to .030 and then try it

<Killeroy> prem0, don't make it worse for you...
#35524 +(130)- [X]<ToddBored> FF11 is gonna suck, its gonna be MMORPG but on PS2

<ToddBored> will kill the whole fantasy part of the series, cuz there will be idiots in it

<ToddBored> naming themselves kewldude, and kingpimpmaster

<ToddBored> i dunno why they did it...

<ToddBored> im serious dude

<ToddBored> its not gonna have a story line to get into

<ToddBored> cuz all youre gonna hear is Lololo!!L!11 j000 got owned

<ToddBored> i roxx at FF11
#39141 +(17)- [X]<PenDragon> ((don't... I don't find it funny... and neither does Kelli...))

<Tarl> (Weelll..for some reason, I consider my amusement more important than your own.)

<Tarl> (Besides.)

<Tarl> (Playing brother sister, while being "sexually active"..)

<Tarl> (It kind of opens yourself up to ridicule.)
#40477 +(29)- [X]<chris> aaaaah this class never ends

<chris> i'm bringing headphones next class

<chris> and a zip ♥♥♥♥ full of oggs

<chris> er...

<chris> zip disk
#42117 +(591)- [X]<cuebol> very disturbing when she screams LOL LOL LOL in bed :~(
#46324 +(631)- [X]<w|zzy> had to help sister in the shower

<w|zzy> ♥♥♥♥

<w|zzy> as in she couldn't get it hot enouguh
#49295 +(316)- [X]<Japhro> I like my coffee like I like my women: $2.50
#49521 +(177)- [X]<Nyphur> I want to grwo my hair long so that if I get a girlfriend, people will think we're lesbians.
#55167 +(1244)- [X](@Li-Sonder) i'm going to build a castle from the empty soda cans on my desk

 (@Li-Sonder) and declare myself king of this desk

 (@Li-Sonder) and rule it with an iron fist

 (@Li-Sonder) and make all the ants pay taxes

 (@Li-Infinite) wow

 (@Li-Infinite) you got way too much time on your hand.

 (@Li-Sonder) you mean my iron fist.
#56130 +(270)- [X]<RoseyCat> I didnt even nothice

<RoseyCat> wow, I type with a lisp now
#56813 +(179)- [X]<ame> get on it

<ame> jungle bugie

<ame> dielsuo dielsuo

<ame> jungle boogie huhuhah wha hwo

<ame> (i used to be the lead singer for the local super market PA system)
#56849 +(378)- [X]<clompers> if i could, I'd paint my room a dark gray

<clompers> maybe a #666666

<Azi> you can tell you're a web geek when... 

<Azi> you walk into the home improvement store asking for paint in a shade of #3264AA
#58092 +(239)- [X]<Carlo> hand me the url

<S^^> it's in norwegian

<Carlo> so am I
#59880 +(16)- [X]<fetman> when I read the quotes on I feel that I too wan't to be as stupid as they are and make such stupid comments and make everyone laugh

<fetman> How do I become as stupid as they are?

<tfg> There are two steps, as follows:

<tfg> 1) Bang your head repeatedly on the wall until you pass out

<tfg> 2) Repeat step 1 until you get that stupid idea that you can actually be funny out of your head
4 comentário(s)
ÐΔβ 7/ago./2022 às 14:00 
Vascu 17/mai./2020 às 5:19 
shit show :steamsalty:
Light 13/set./2018 às 2:50 
byteframe :hana1::hana2:
GH 8/mai./2018 às 7:42 
Good cats byteframe