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Sow Unrest & Support Rebellions
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7 Οκτ 2017, 12:12
14 Μαρ 2018, 15:22
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Sow Unrest & Support Rebellions

This mod adds the capability to sow unrest in enemy planets and a formalised system to support rebellions once they have happened, including by providing them with a fleet. It is a part of my bigger mod, Potent Rebellions Expanded, which I've decided to release as a standalone mod. (If you have PRE, you don’t need my mod, but feel free to boost my subscribe numbers!).

Sow Unrest:
-Add unrest to nearby enemy planets through a 'Sow Unrest' planetary edict, which is unlocked via the new tech 'Interstellar Espionage', and can be upgraded through a second, 'Rebellious Persuasions'.
-The edict costs 100 influence upfront, and then a certain amount of energy and minerals per month for ten years.
-In its first stage, it adds unrest to enemy planets within range (100 game units), and unhappiness to pops of your species. The upgrade increases the range to 150 and also adds happiness to pops of your ethic, and slaves if you are fanatic egalitarian, or if you are fanatic xenophile and they are xenophobes. It also adds ethics pull to your ethic.
-The effectiveness of the policy is scaled by your income: To use the policy, you need 60 minerals/energy income or 1200 in the bank. It will then cost 15 a month, create 20 unrest, -5% happiness and +40% ethics pull. However, if you are earning 500/month or have 10000 in the bank, it will cost 30/month, create 50 unrest and -20 happiness, and +100% ethics pull. There’s intermediate steps at 125/2500 and 250/5000. This represents how a country with more resources is going to be better at espionage.
-This edict will only appear in the list of edicts if you have the tech, have the resources needed, and there are valid targets. To be a valid target, a planet needs to be in range, not currently being stirred up (by any empire), have pops with happiness scales, and belong to another empire that is unfriendly (they have a -50 opinion of you, your attitude towards them is negative).
-If there are valid target planets, the edict will list them.
-The AI can and will use this intelligently: It is set to not use it unless it has three valid targets, it will be more likely to use it when there are more targets, when the opponent is really their enemy rather than just unfriendly, and when target planets already have high unrest or their own species (+some more factors).

Subsidising Rebels:
-If a rebellion from one of your enemies occurs in your immediate neighbourhood (max 150 game units), and you fulfil the necessary preconditions (you have been sowing unrest on that planet, or you have funds and the rebellion is against one of your enemies), you will be asked whether you want to subsidise the rebels either 25, 50 or 100 energy + minerals each month foe the next ten years (I know you could do this via trade agreements, but the AI won't, so I get it to do the right thing here).
-If you agree to subsidise and have a sufficiently large fleet (minimum 2x required of one of the ship categories), you can give the rebels a fleet of either 44 or 96 military power.
-The rebels will be very pleased that you are doing this for them, but the country you are supporting them against will be fairly furious.
-The AI will agree to subsidise rebels and provide a fleet depending on a variety of factors, including relations with the country losing planets, its ability to fight a war with said country (if it can't, it won't interfere as much), personality type, ethics of it and the rebels, and whether it has sufficient resources and ships, whether it is currently losing a war, etc. To accept, it needs to have at least 4x the income needed for the subsidy, and triple the fleet, for which reason I expect this will work best with something like Glavius' AI mod.

Other Features:
-Made rebels able to merge with an empire that is the same species but not the original owner of the planet (or the country they just rebelled from) - this avoids the creation of a multitude of one-planet empires all asking you for money (and makes rebels generally more of a threat).
-Improved the mechanism for assigning ethics to rebels: It is done according to planet population rather than randomly. This is important as the AI's decision to subsidise or not is partly based on whether ethics are shared.
-Fixed rebel planets losing their spaceports when they transfer to another empire (bonus feature).

Other features not in here that are in PRE:
Shameless plug for my mod here, but if you knew how much work I put in it, you'd understand :P PRE has everything in this mod, plus:
-Waves of unrest: If a planet revolts, other unhappy planets are likely to do the same in a chain.
-Nationalism (a planet of the same species has revolted) and patriotism (you are at war with the species' homeland) can create unrest and cause revolts.
-Expanded slave revolt mechanics: Successful slave rebellions form countries with special civics that make them well-placed to lead the emancipation struggle against all oppressors in the galaxy.
-Rebel fleet and resource (including unity) are increased massively, so as to increase the viability of revolts.
-State vulnerability can create unrest.
-Revolts are generally harder to combat, especially with soldiers.

It doesn't overwrite any game files, and only one event that I'm sure no one uses, so it will work with everything. There's two limitations to that which I know of, though:
-Adding ethics is problematic. Here's a Compatibility Patch with Petruxa's Cultural Overhaul (ignore the warning that it needs PRE, it will work with this).
-Plentiful Traditions has a feature similar to my Sow Unrest edict (mine has a more sophisticated implementation, especially on the AI weights though). This would lead to feature duplication, as you might end up having a planet able to use both sow unrest features. When I get the chance, I’ll see if a workaround can be worked out.

I've also made it compatible with Ex Nihil's Edicts Mod, which changes the weights of edicts to make the AI use them better (I made sure the AI will continue to use this when appropriate).

-Localisations: This mod is fully localised in English, German, French and Russian (the last thanks to Isyava).

If you like this mod, please

My other mods:
-CC’s Spaceports and Forts Mod: General overhaul of spaceports, with new spaceport modules, customisable spaceport designs (so their strength becomes greater as the game goes on), and generally much stronger spaceports (up to 50k). Forts have new section templates and buffs to be similarly strong. Also a Spaceport and a Forts-themed Ascension Perk.
-More Interesting Spaceport Modules: A ‘lite’ version of the previous mod, including only the new spaceport modules, the spaceports AP and a bit of a buff for spaceports.
-Galactic Unification: Adds a late-game feature so that you can conquer your enemies with 50% cheaper war demands – if you are fine with everyone hating you.
-The Utopian Dream: Mainly AlphaAsh’s creation, it does a lot of cool things to the Utopia DLC. I collaborated with him to update to 1.8 and add some new features.
39 σχόλια
Tuxu -=JeepC=- 23 Οκτ 2021, 11:26 
malthric 9 Ιουλ 2021, 11:00 
update it
Robert E.O. Speedwagon 14 Νοε 2019, 8:51 
Hasta la victoria siempre!
Tribute7373 7 Αυγ 2019, 18:11 
Is this no longer being worked on? Does this mod still work?
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡geligord 28 Ιουλ 2019, 13:24 
is it works?
aaron1luish 16 Δεκ 2018, 2:01 
thanks, it back again
MidnightCoffee 15 Δεκ 2018, 18:48 
Thank you!
Caligula Caesar  [Δημιουργός] 15 Δεκ 2018, 0:47 
Should be back. Was Steam playing up
MidnightCoffee 14 Δεκ 2018, 22:37 
It seems the potent rebellion page was removed -- odd considering in my subscription list it showed it being updated to 2.2, and its compatible in my mod launcher with 2.2. I don't know if it works but hey, author probably has his reasons.
aaron1luish 14 Δεκ 2018, 21:13 
it keeps on saying error, and the page keeps on saying, "The item is either marked as hidden or you do not have permission to view it."