Half-Life: C.A.G.E.D.

Half-Life: C.A.G.E.D.

58 avaliações
FPS unlock and custom FOV
Por [TC]Ciaиєz ITA
How to unlock the frame rate and adjust the Field of View to the desired amount.
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Get your console
First off, you need the game console to do that.

- Open your Steam Library, right click on Half-Life: C.A.G.E.D. and click on "Properties";
- On the "General" tab, click on the "Set launch options" button located at the bottom;
- Type "-console" (without quotes) in the field;

- Click "Ok", then "Close" and start the game.
Unlock the framerate
Now that you're in game, you should see this green window in the main menu:

To unlock the framerate, just type these two commands into the console and press Enter:

fps_override 1
fps_max XXX

Replace "XXX" with the desired amount (example: fps_max 120, fps_max 144, fps_max 165, etc...).

Don't forget to disable V-Sync in the game's settings if you want more fps than your monitor's refresh rate! Just untick the option that says "Wait for vertical sync".

Note for Linux users: Disabling V-Sync misidentifies scroll wheel inputs as Mouse4 and Mouse5, so it isn't necessarily a good idea to disable V-Sync under Linux. In case you have a high refresh monitor, just unlock the framerate with the above procedure but keep V-Sync enabled to avoid any issue with mouse inputs.
Change your Field of View
To change your Field of View (FOV) just type this other command into the console and press Enter:

default_fov XXX

Replace "XXX" with the desired amount (example: default_fov 100, default_fov 110, default_fov 120, etc...).
Common issues
Keep in mind that changing these two values manually leads to some gameplay and visual issues, so be careful.

Upon changing the fps's value, keep in mind that the more fps you're getting, the slower the characters' turning animation will be. This happens because the Goldsource engine (the graphics engine of Half-Life C.A.G.E.D.) calculates the animation's speed basing itself on the amount of fps you're getting. So I highly recommend to set its value to not more than 100/110 for an optimal gameplay experience.

On the other hand, using a high FOV value (for example: 120 FOV on a 16:9 1080p monitor) would create some bad visuals on the weapon's model and arms, making you see the ending piece of the model, which you're not supposed to.

Here's an example screenshot of the issue using a value of 120 on a 16:10 monitor:

So here's my recommended values based on monitor types:

4:3 / 5:4 = default_fov 90 (default value)
16:10 = default_fov 105
16:9 = default_fov 102
21:9 = default_fov 122
AMD Eyefinity / Nvidia Surround with three 16:9 monitors = default_fov 150 (?)

Then if you have some other monitor configuration, play a bit with the value to get the appropriate amount.
Thanks and credits
Thanks everyone for viewing this guide. I hope it helped you to play the game with the best experience. If you need help with something, just post in the comments section and I'll help you out.

I would also like to thank Cayle for this amazing mod and for crediting TWHL in the mod's credits! I wish him the best for his future endeavours.

Don't forget to hit the Rate button if it helped you! If it didn't, please don't hit me with a plunger! :D

Cianez out.
15 comentários
[TC]Ciaиєz ITA  [autor] 15 abr. 2024 às 21:47 
@OrangeBall This is kinda new to me. Unless you're aiming to play at 500 fps; in that case you'd be right (as stated in the guide).
[λG] OrangeBall 15 abr. 2024 às 17:08 
fps_override 1 = more bugs
[TC]Ciaиєz ITA  [autor] 11 jan. 2023 às 15:41 
@lightwo I've nerver used Linux so I don't know about all this.
About the FPS dependant enemy turning speed, I think it has been fixed in the Beta branch of Half-Life but don't take my word for it. This mod surely still uses an old engine version.

Still though, thanks a lot for the info you provided. I'll add them to the guide! :bms_crowbar:
lightwo 11 jan. 2023 às 9:16 
FYI, for me on Linux, disabling V-sync misidentifies scrollwheel inputs as mouse4 and mouse5, so it isn't necessarily a good idea to disable it (although unless using m4 and m5 for other actions, binding them too works as well). Just saying it here because on my recent playthrough, I blindly assumed it'd make the game smoother, but it did the opposite and introduced that weird issue.

Also, I am not sure if the engine version is outdated, but I believe the FPS-dependent enemy turning speed fix isn't present in HL:C.
Spiralt 11 jun. 2020 às 15:06 
[TC]Ciaиєz ITA  [autor] 3 nov. 2017 às 16:31 
@fizz: It might not work for some users, that's why I've added the procedure to enable it.
CITIZEN KANE 3 nov. 2017 às 14:40 
you can just hit the button under esc to open the console
pizzahut 3 nov. 2017 às 5:38 
In HL1 based games the FOV should match this angle:

left screen border --- your eyes --- right screen border

So it depends on how large the monitor is, and how far away.

Looking at Wikipedia, the FOV setting in Half-Life is the horizontal angle of view. Now imagine yourself (your eyes) instead of the camera:

Angle of view [en.wikipedia.org]

For Source engine games it may be different.
[TC]Ciaиєz ITA  [autor] 13 out. 2017 às 16:35 
@blackstar: It's called "Metro for Steam". :)
hydrofentapropanal 13 out. 2017 às 13:34 
what's that steam skin?