Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

134 voti
Bridge building station+pass168m
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8 set 2017, ore 4:18
8 set 2017, ore 7:43
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Bridge building station+pass168m

In 1 collezione di konfox0527
Bridge Building station series 橋上駅(橋上入口)シリーズ
22 elementi
Update Ver.1.1
  • 照明のpropを間違えたので修正
  • Correction illumination prop

Fine Road Anarchyを作動させてから設置してください。
Move it で動かすの禁止。 Move It!を使用した際にソフトが停止する可能性あり。

-It station has entrance on the bridge and 168m platform. It station has pass track.
It can build free position. Build connect 2 cell road.
Use Fine Road Anarchy in use this station.
Dont move use with Move It!. It possibility stop cities skylines.

Train can stop in 168m platform. (If it real size. Please check yourself.)
11cars-- default train,
10 cars(16m car)-- NYC subway A division,
9 cars(18m car)-- 京急(Keikyu), 京阪(keihan),阪神(hanshin), NYC subway B division,
8 cars(20m car)-- Japanese JR and other(without Shinkansen), British commuter train, Korail, 台鉄(Taiwan), Russian Metro, Электричка(Russian commuter),
6 cars(~26m car)-- EU and US typical cars, Russia railways, China railways and CRH, Shinkansen,Taiwan MRT, Singapore MRT,
M+6T+M(8cars)-- TGV,

texture:1024x2048, tris:7785,
lod texture:128x256, lod tris:98,

-通過線なしバージョン-Without pass track version-
Bridge building station 168m

How to make longer train station.{GUIDE}
23 commenti
Ben Wei,LU!NB 11 set 2022, ore 1:17 
No longer works do not sub.
Anteros 25 giu 2022, ore 15:33 
No longer works do not sub.
常磐線オタク 27 mar 2021, ore 8:05 
Frank 4 apr 2020, ore 9:45 
Could you mind please update this station for newest version?
This station works are amazing, but can't use for the newest version....
Thanks a lot
konfox0527  [autore] 11 dic 2019, ore 3:40 
File check.
MadMex8400 10 dic 2019, ore 13:46 
I cannot find this station anywhere in the in game menus, I have all of the mods necessary but I have no clue why this is happening
konfox0527  [autore] 18 gen 2018, ore 8:23 
-Inside road change terrain, and MOM station affected by terrain.
-Citizen cant reach platform. (pedestrian connection probrem)
There is not probrem train station but MOM station have probrem. I have thought this probrem
will fix MOM update, but it is not. I will try keep up. but I cant promise 100% will make.
konfox0527  [autore] 18 gen 2018, ore 6:23 
4track version have to change the plan. Becouse stairs and elevator place. It is redoing from design.
konfox0527  [autore] 18 gen 2018, ore 6:06 
MOM version of this station that I was planning,
Development is difficult and postponed or canceled. I'm sorry.
konfox0527  [autore] 18 gen 2018, ore 6:06 