Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

200 ratings
Perth Australia Redux - No mod, lots of trees
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4.382 MB
29 Aug, 2017 @ 9:11am
1 Change Note ( view )

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Perth Australia Redux - No mod, lots of trees

In 1 collection by MrMiyagi
Miyagi's Best Maps and Themes
87 items
Perth Australia Redux, Network Extensions has been removed. Roads completely re made. Now that we have lots of fantastic Australian trees and ground cover, the map has been redecorated entirely, and uses an optional Australian map theme by pdelmo.

The map theme Australian Countryside HD is optional. To use another: from the main menu, select a theme or none, click OK to the warning message, and your theme will load. Currently (August 2017) there is a bug where it will reset your theme to none each time you reload the game. This goes for all themes on everyone's game. I hope it will be fixed at some point.

Shipping is only possible on the other side of the bridge from your start square. Expand one square westwards to access shipping lanes

ORIGINAL MAP: the original map is located here. the differences are significant but you can also find some extra information and pictures over there:

Don't like what you see? Looking for something else but need a suggestion? No problem! Check out BonBonB's What Map? series. Each weekday a map for Skylines is reviewed, where he gives you his thoughts on the map. It's a perfect opportunity to check out the map, since he takes you on a guided tour during the review!.
ethansemails 4 Aug, 2023 @ 6:32am 
yay my hometown
Caboose 22 May, 2021 @ 7:33pm 
looks great but cant load, says "DEFAULT MAP THEME MISSING" and then cant proceed to load on standard pack..

leonardo 30 Mar, 2021 @ 5:21pm 
I can't load the map, an error saying "default map theme is missing" shows up, i subscribed to all features that are required for the map.
Macca 21 Oct, 2020 @ 10:43pm 
I cant get the map to load. I select the map, choose Australian Coast HD theme, the error saying "default map theme is missing" pops up, but when i click continue, the message goes away but it doesnt actually load the map. I dont get this issue with other maps
MrMiyagi  [author] 14 Jul, 2020 @ 12:25pm 
Awesome! Glad you like @CommonIsekaiHero!

Yeah, tell me about it, Jericho14. I wanted the map to be at a realistic scale, and so the coast was soooo close to being inside this map, but not close enough. You guys need to stop making such sprawling cities! I'd have to use three maps just to cover Sydney :winter2019joyfultearssnowman::steammocking:
CommonIsekaiHero 14 Jun, 2020 @ 5:06pm 
Just moved to Perth from the country and got inspired to make it in game so I beyond happy this map has been made. Thanks man!
Jericho14 1 Jun, 2020 @ 4:52pm 
Kinda sad the map doesn't reach the coast
cmpmc2 30 Mar, 2019 @ 11:06am 
Can't find map theme
Reef 26 Mar, 2019 @ 3:06am 
Looking good, wish the interchanges were like the real ones. I can confidently tell you that I haven't seen a cloverleaf in Perth for the past 10 years. Otherwise nice!
KMABoss 18 Feb, 2019 @ 8:38pm 
@ MrMiyagi

Don't worry about my comment - it was just in jest. The Ellenbrook light rail has been on the planning boards for about 10 or so years and I'm pretty sure it still hasn't got a firm starting date.

Your maps are great, so with or without anything additional they are still great.

Re: Unlimited Connections, this mod still works perfectly as it is described. I am running about 90 mods that are compatible with each other, and that is one of them.

Keep up the great work, Cities needs creators like you.