Star Trek: Bridge Crew

Star Trek: Bridge Crew

96 ratings
Engineer Mastering Guide
By Cow_Tippin_Mike
Want to maximize your power configurations? Contribute the most to your crew? This guide is designed for those who want to squeeze the most out of the engineering role. This guide is not for the average player.
Opening Comments
Edit: 10/7/2018
It appears the developers have changed shield power strenghts since this guide, still it can be used as a reference as rerouting and power blocks for shields haven't changed. Also it seems I am no longer leading in the Maru simulation. Congrats to those who have persisted!
End of Edit

1. Introduction
2. Pattern Gamma (Balanced)
3. Attack Pattern Alpha (Aggressive Shields up)
4. Attack Pattern Omega (Aggressive Shields down)
5. Defense Pattern Sierra (Shield Movement)
6. Defense Pattern Delta (Phaser Movement)

I truly love this game and I want to see more people have success, and while I was working on a Kobayashi Maru guide I stumbled on a few things for the engineering role, as that station can make or break a crew

This guide however is designed for those who are after mastering the role for contributing with the least amount of effort. I also suggest taking a look at my suggestion post in the feedback thread and if you agree please comment on it there to alert Ubisoft to some much needed tweaking.

If you were to learn any pattern at all, pay attention to Gamma. The most power for your settings.

*I understand that most players do not want to be this complicated as it's just a game, but this guide is not designed for everyone*

I selected these patterns to keep in line with Starfleet code.
The reason to name these patterns is to enable the captain/engineer to communicate more with less. Telling the engineer Pattern Omega is much easier than asking for power to be taken from shields into engines.
Once the captain and engineer know each other well enough to call out these commands, you can order up tactics for the engineer to prepare. Sierra -> Alpha -> Omega -> Gamma
When a pattern has changed, it is important for the engineer to repeat the order back to the captain and call out the new max speed so helm can be aware of the new power setting to take full advantage of the situation.
Example, capt: pattern delta
Eng: Aye, Pattern delta, New max speed 7600

Another important note, a torpedo can be dodged with engine power at 3000 or more.
1. Introduction
-My background for this guide-
I currently as of posting have 197 hours into this game as reported by steam.
I currently (to my knowledge) as of posting hold the Kobayashi Maru world record of saving 222 by leading a team in the tactical station and coming out ALIVE with 21% hull.
All achievements (except for playing as a Vulcan) were completed in the first 2 days without even knowing about any achievements until logging into uplay. Awesome! (Yet so sad)

It is very important for which dot you move in rerouting. In pattern Gamma, it is important to move the fourth dot from engines to phasers as any reroute above distribution has NO effect on performance. However, each routing dot has an effect on power flow for overloading even if its not affecting the performance. for example, in pattern gamma, if you were to leave the phaser row 5 dot on phasers, it will overload phasers, EVEN THOUGH it will have 0 effect on distribution level 4 phasers.

Here are two screenshots of fun moments I have experienced and helped generate.
The score for 222 was post patch so there are no exploits in achieving this score! the date was 06-17-2017

Server first All Redshirt crew
2. Pattern Gamma (Balanced)
Of all the patterns I have figured out, this one is my personal favorite.

Excluding the maru simulation challenge, Pattern Gamma is the most “bang for your buck”
This setting is useful for all situations as you have strong shields and movement speed that does not raise your signature, yet has 19.5k phaser range to deal with mines/objects/enemies
The power distribution for this pattern is 4-2-4 but the actual gain is 5-4-4 and with one change it becomes 5-2-5
19.5k phaser range
3750 or 2000 speed
3.6 or 5.0 shields
With this configuration, the engineer can focus on repairs and distribution. No monitoring of routing is required as the power settings are balanced enough to never overload any node. The only power setting the engineer needs to configure is changing the 1 distribution from engines to shields as needed for incoming damage or torpedoes that are unavoidable. This configuration also allows for warping with 5 engines when taken from phasers. A torpedo can be dodged with engine power at 3000 or more.

3. Attack Pattern Alpha (Aggressive Shields up)
This pattern is most commonly seen when a hostile situation has happened and the captain does not expect to dodge/move. Generally this stance is used when the Aegis has a superior combat situation and wants to stamp out enemy ships as fast as possible.
The unique thing to take notice with Pattern Alpha is that engines are at 2000 instead of the average engineer pulling everything out to 500. 500 engines does not leave the helm much chance to face a target from behind.

Note: Only phasers will overload

4. Attack Pattern Omega (Aggressive Shields down)
This pattern is most commonly used when Attack Pattern Alpha has worn out on shields. In a combat situation, it is paramount for helm to have the greatest potential to dodge torpedoes while shields are down. Pattern Omega is the solution. As Engineer, You do not need to wait for the Captain to give this command. This pattern should be engaged when shields are 10% or less to give everyone a chance to be defensive when no shields are left. The Captain might also call for this pattern when chasing down a fleeing fugitive.

Note: Only phasers will overload

5. Defense Pattern Sierra (Shield Movement)
This pattern is used when retreating from enemy ships with no intention to engage. A captain should call on this when outmaneuvering targets that have detected you. The Tactical officer should disable engines on chasing ships to succeed in building distance. Episode 4 is a prime example for using this when holding out as long as possible.
Note: Engines will overload and Shields will begin to overload later but if monitored you can stabilize the shield power with engines fourth row routing.

6. Defense Pattern Delta (Phaser Movement)
This pattern is important to use when traveling as fast as possible while clearing any mines/objects in your path. It is the mirror equivalent to pattern Sierra in terms of power to shields vs phasers. You may find captains calling for this pattern more than others during story missions to push through slow parts. a perfect example of this pattern is used during episode 5 in the final phase of the nebula. When you avoid the cruisers by giving a wide path at full speed, you run into explosive objects.

Note: Only Engines will overload

Cow_Tippin_Mike  [author] 15 Apr, 2019 @ 5:54am 
You likely won't see pug groups applying these patterns. It's no fun to memorize patterns. On the other hand, there are groups who play that push their teams limit, or rather beat personal goals outside of the mission objective.

For example, a group might want to beat mission 5 with zero damage to hull. This group will go above the general gameplay and max out their efforts with less time/words. This guide will give them concepts to work from, especially now that the game has changed since this guide was created.

As stated from the Title, This guide is not for the average player.
Arbie 14 Apr, 2019 @ 12:55pm 
I don't see any Captains Calling any of these Patterns out.
Oak 28 Jun, 2018 @ 1:58pm 
Thank you very much, I will try this!
G Krieg 21 Mar, 2018 @ 2:54pm 
I prefer to be more active and pay attention to the situation. If the navigator is trying to maneuver, that system gets full power. If Tactical is firing the phasers, this gets full power, if there are incoming weapon fire, the shields get full power. It only takes 2 clicks to move full power around, and two seconds, and whoever has full power usually needs it for a few seconds. If all 3 need power at once, use the best judgement in the situation.
Cow_Tippin_Mike  [author] 13 Jan, 2018 @ 9:26am 
Laddy, from where I come from that’s soda pop (Saurian Brandy) *holds up glass* now this is a drink for a man. Scotch.
Kinneas 11 Jan, 2018 @ 2:40am 
I love this.
Trapper 6 Jan, 2018 @ 9:24pm 
Kudos to you Mike, thanks for this! You would be a great asset to any team. This is the type of detail that makes the game fun for everyone at any level. It's also the reason Scotty hits the Saurian Brandy so hard.
spacebuff1980 28 Dec, 2017 @ 5:56am 
Good captains should read this guide, and tell others about it not on steam that play the game, or at least teach the engineer pattern gammer and encourage communication of the team and what is expected from each station as their main role and brief description of the mission, at the briefing room or start of mission. Great guide mike. When I play engineer next I'll use it.
Shane 26 Dec, 2017 @ 10:14am 
This is a good guide, but its a type of game that orders are everything and captains rarely if ever wish to use these setups. in addition to that captains dont always know you are re-routing power nodes, and shout demands for extra node placements.

PS did you find any other configurations since writing the guide that dont overload the systems