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Cities: Skylines

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JIN AIR B737-800
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Assets: Vehicle
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12.881 MB
12/ago./2017 às 9:09
2/abr./2022 às 22:35
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JIN AIR B737-800

Em 1 coleção de K_Green
ROK airlines
17 itens

Fly, better fly.
진에어 B737-800
JIN Air B737-800

JIN Air is the Korean LCC(Low Cost Carrier) founded by Hanjin group, the parent company of Korean air. Since JIN Air have relations with Korean Air, their sister company, the run not only a number of Boeing B737s but also Boeing B777s.

최고 속도 Max speed
승객 정원 Capacity

Model Info.
Main body
5364tris, 2048X1024 textures
Landing gear
2758tris, same textures with main body
Flaps and slats
986tris, same textures with main body
Landing gear cover
110tris, same textures with main body
279tris, 512X256 textures

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1 comentário(s)
[PL]POLSKA 26/ago./2019 às 15:51 
혹시 프롭 버전 제작 계획은 없으신가요?