Day of Infamy
304 valoraciones
Complete Unit Showcase
Por Purzel2205
This guide shows off all the units currently ingame in all their detail.
United States Army (Default Unit)
U.S. Army Faction
Official Description:

The United States entered World War II with the Allies following the japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. With a "Europe first" strategy, the Allies landed in North Africa by the end of 1942 to open a second front and relieve German pressure on the Soviets. The 1943 invasions of Sicily and mainland Italy brought the U.S. and Commonwealth armies to mainland Europe. Operation Overlord in June 1944 brought the forces into France, where they continued to fight through Belgium, the Netherlands, and finally into Germany. The United States Army was the backbone of their fighting force, spearheaded by the infantry divisions.

-Voice: Matthew
-Available on: Every map that has the U.S. Army faction
1st Infantry Division
U.S. Army Faction
Official Description:

The U.S. Army's 1st Infantry Division, nicknamed "The Big Red One", is the oldest continuous service division in the regular Army, dating back to 1917. They first saw combat in WWII during Operation Torch, the invasion of North Africa in 1942 and helped liberate Tunisia in 1943. General Patton requested the division spearhead the invasion of Sicily, where they saw heavy action upon landing and later in the mountainous terrain of the Italian island. They returned to England and prepared for the invasion of Normandy. On D-Day, 1st Infantry troops were part of the first wave on Omaha Beach. The division fought through France to reach the German border and laid siege to the city of Aachen. After fighting in the Hürtgen Forest, the division was moved to the Ardennes Forest in 1944 to counter the German offensive. The 1st spearheaded towards the Siegfried Line, captured the bridge at Remagen, and encircled the Germans in the Ruhr pocket. By the end of the war, they had reached Czechoslovakia. Sixteen 1st Infantry men were awarded the Medal of Honor during the war.

-Helmet Net for Officer
-1st Infantry Division Helmet Stencil
-1st Infantry Division Arm Patch
-Voice: Matthew
-Available on: Every map that lets you play as the U.S. Army faction

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Common
-Type: Infantry Unit
3rd Infantry Division
U.S. Army Faction

-3rd Infantry Division Arm Patch
-3rd Infantry Division Helmet Stencil
-Spade Helmet Stencil (at Rear of Helmet)
-Voice: Matthew
-Available on: Comacchio, Crete, Flakturm VII, Ortona, Salerno, Shooting Range, Sicily

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Common
-Type: Infantry Unit
28th Infantry Division
U.S. Army Faction
Official Description:

The 28th Infantry Division is one of the oldest units of the United States military, with a lineage that can be traced back to the mid 18th century with Benjamin Franklin's Pennsylvania Associators. In WWII it first saw action in July 1944 in Northern France after initial invasion, and participated in Operation Cobra. It pushed onward to Paris and took part in celebrating the liberation of the city. After taking the opportunity to reconstitute itself, they pushed further toward Germany, where they fought hard to penetrate the Westwall. The division has gone by the name "Iron Division" since WWI, but has also earned the nickname "Bloody Bucket" for its red emblem.

-Snow Helmet Cover
-28th Infantry Division Arm Patch
-28th Infantry Division Helmet Stencil
-Buckled Helmet
-Voice: Matthew
-Available on: Bastogne, Flakturm VII, Foy, Reichswald, Shooting Range

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Uncommon
-Type: Infantry Unit
-Acts as the snow unit of the U.S. Army faction
-The helmet stencil is on the snow cover
29th Infantry Division
U.S. Army Faction

-29th Infantry Division Arm Patch
-29th Infantry Division Helmet Stencil
-U.S. Army M7 Assault Gas Mask Bag
-Voice: Matthew
-Available on: Breville, Brittany, Dog Red, Flakturm VII, Rhineland, Saint-Lo, Shooting Range

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Common
-Type: Infantry Unit
82nd Airborne Division, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment
U.S. Army Faction
Official Description:

The first airborne unit of the U.S. Army, the 82nd Airborne Division was activated in 1942. Their first combat drop was during the invasion of Sicily in 1943. They also parachuted into mainland Italy during the invasion of Salerno. During the battle of Anzio, Germans nicknamed 82nd soldiers "Devils in baggy pants". Gliders and paratroopers landed in Normandy during the D-Day invasion. The 82nd paratroopers fought 33 continuous days with over 5,200 casualties. The men dropped once again during Operation Market Garden and fought for the Grave and Nijmegen bridges. A bold river crossing finally enabled the paratroopers to take the bridge, with the support of British armor. During the Battle of the Bulge in 1944, 82nd paratroopers faced overwhelming amounts of Waffen SS troops. They were forced to withdraw, held their ground, and eventually forced the Germans to retreat in early 1945. They later crossed the Ruhr river, advancing 36 miles in one day while capturing over 100,000 enemy troops. After the war ended, an 82nd honor guard in Berlin impressed General Patton, who called them "America's Guard of Honor".

-Green Paratrooper Uniform
-Camouflage Helmet for Officer, Rifleman and Sniper
-82nd Airborne Division Arm Patch
-82nd Airborne, 505th PIR Lion Helmet Stencil
-Voice: Roger
-Available on: Bastogne, Breville, Brittany, Comacchio, Crete, Ortona, Reichswald, Rhineland, Saint-Lo, Salerno, Shooting Range, Sicily

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Uncommon
-Type: Airborne Unit
92nd Infantry Division
U.S. Army Faction
Official Description:

The 92nd Infantry Division was a segregated unit that served in combat during the Italian Campaign from 1944 until the end of the war. Nicknamed the "Buffalo Soldiers", the division patch was a buffalo to honor the nickname bestowed by Native Americans upon African-American cavalry regiments who fought on the American plains of the late 19th century. In 1997, two 92nd soldiers, Lt. John R. Fox and Lt. Vernon Baker, were awarded the Medal of Honor for actions in Italy.

-92nd Infantry Helmet Stencil
-92nd Infantry Arm Patch
-Exclusive Head Model
-Voice: James
-Available on: Bastogne, Breville, Brittany, Comacchio, Crete, Dog Red, Foy, Ortona, Reichswald, Rhineland, Saint-Lo, Salerno, Shooting Range, Sicily

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Rare
-Type: Infantry Unit
101st Airborne Division, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment
U.S. Army Faction
Official Description:

The 101st Airborne Division formed in 1942, and their pathfinders were among the first boots on the ground during the D-Day invasion in June 1944. The paratroopers jumped on three drop zones behind Utah Beach to help disrupt German defenses. In September 1944, they parachuted into The Netherlands as part of Operation Market Garden, to capture and secure key bridges and the "Hell's Highway" for British armor to advance. During the Ardennes Offensive by the Germans in late 1944 and into 1945, the 101st were transported by truck to reinforce Bastogne. German panzer divisions surrounded the town and demanded their surrender, but acting commander General McAuliffe responded with a note that famously said: "NUTS!". General Patton's armor finally broke through to relieve the paratroopers, and the division earned "The Battered Bastards of the Bastion of Bastogne" nickname.

-Paratrooper Uniform
-101st Airborne Division Arm Patch
-101st Airborne, 506th PIR Helmet Stencil (Both Helmet Sides)
-Voice: Roger
-Available on: Bastogne, Breville, Brittany, Flakturm VII, Foy, Reichswald, Rhineland, Saint-Lo,
Shooting Range

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Uncommon
-Type: Airborne Unit
-Missing the U.S. flag arm patch the 82nd Airborne has
-Part of the Day of Infamy Deluxe Pack
761st Tank Battalion
U.S. Army Faction
Official Description:

Known as the “Black Panthers”, the 761st Tank Battalion was a segregated unit in World War II. They first saw combat in November 1944 and a month later were deployed to reinforce the Allies during the Battle of the Bulge. Notably, they moved into Bastogne to help relieve the 101st Airborne Division. The unit received nearly 300 Purple Hearts, 11 Silver Stars, and 1 Medal of Honor. The Black Panthers also belatedly received a Presidential Unit Citation in 1978.

-761st Tank Battalion Arm Patch
-M1938 Tanker Helmet with Goggles
-Exclusive Head Model
-Voice: James
-Available on: Bastogne, Foy, Reichswald, Rhineland

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Rare
-Type: Munitions Unit
-Unit added with the Aussie update
-The flaps of the tanker helmet move when the character is moving
1st Ranger Battalion
U.S. Army Faction
Official Description:

The 1st Ranger Battalion was formed in 1942 under the command of Captain William Darby and modeled after the British Commandos. They were the first US soldiers to fight in Europe during the failed raid at Dieppe, France in 1942. Nicknamed "Darby's Rangers" the battalion spearheaded the invasion of Algeria in 1943. They later performed night raids in Tunisia, and won its first Presidential Unit Citation for their role in the Battle of El Guettar. The Rangers landed in Sicily and later fought at Salerno. By this time, additional Ranger Battalions were formed and they merged into the 6615th Ranger Force for the Battle of Anzio in January 1944. During the battle for Cisterna, the Rangers were heavily outnumbered behind enemy lines, and were subsequently destroyed.

-1st Ranger Battalion Arm Patch
-M1941 Jeep Cap (Olive)
-Voice: Roger
-Available on: Bastogne, Breville, Brittany, Comacchio, Crete, Dog Red, Flakturm VII, Foy, Ortona,
Reichswald, Rhineland, Saint-Lo, Salerno, Shooting Range, Sicily

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Early Access Exclusive
-Type: Infantry Unit
2nd Ranger Battalion
U.S. Army Faction
Official Description:

The 2nd Ranger Battalion was formed in April 1943 and shipped to England for preparation of Operation Overlord. Three companies, total of 225 Rangers, landed at Ponte-du-Hoc on June 6, 1944. Another three companies landed on Omaha Beach as part of the D-Day invasion. Fighting through France, the 2nd Rangers liberated Brest. They later fought stiff German resistance in the Hurtgen Forest and conducted raids on supply in Germany. Following the war, the 2nd Ranger Battalion was disbanded.

-2nd Ranger Battalion Helmet Stencil
-U.S. Army Rangers Arm Patch
-Voice: Roger
-Available on: Breville, Brittany, Dog Red, Flakturm VII, Rhineland, Saint-Lo, Shooting Range

Additional Notes:
-Rarity: Rare
-Type: Infantry Unit
-2nd Ranger Battalion helmet stencil is placed over the officer's ETO stripe stencil
-Probably the worst unit currently ingame, considering it's only available on a few maps. It's also rare, expensive and it doesn't differ much from the standard U.S. Army unit.
Wehrmacht (Default Unit)
Wehrmacht Faction
Official Description:

After the rise of the Third Reich led by Adolf Hitler, Germany violated the Treaty of Versailles by secretly rearming their military. In September 1939, they launched the Blitzkrieg ("Lightning War") campaign into Poland, and gained many quick victories while moving rapidly into Russia and Western Europe. The Wehrmacht had over 13 million men serve, mostly as conscripts, until the force was destroyed by the Allies in 1945.

-Voice: Erich
-Available on: Every Map (Except Shooting Range)
1. Infanterie-Division
Wehrmacht Faction
Official Description:

Formed in 1934 during the rearmament of Germany's military, the 1. Infanterie-Division advanced towards Warsaw in the September 1939 Blitzkrieg campaign. They fulfilled a minor role during the 1940 invasion of France and later returned to the Eastern front. During Operation Barbarossa, they advanced towards Leningrad and fought there until 1944. The division transferred to the Ukrainian front and fought for the defense of the German Reich before surrendering to the Soviets in April 1945.

-Censored Reichsadler Patch
-German Tri-Color Shield Helmet Decal
-Censored Side Cap for Officer
-Voice: Otto
-Available on: Every Map (Except Shooting Range)

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Early Access Exclusive
-Type: Infantry Unit
-During the beta of the game the unit had a different icon that was actually based on the real historical icon of the unit (Look at it here: The current unit icon is based on the standard tricolor national shield helmet decal that wasn't exclusive to any specific Wehrmacht division.
3. Panzer-Grenadier-Division
Wehrmacht Faction

-Censored Reichsadler Patch
- SS Cap for Officer
-Snow Fabric Camouflage Helmet
-Full Snow Uniform for Sniper
-Snow Camo Jacket & Sumpftarn Camo Pants for Officer
-Sumpftarn Camo Jacket & Snow Camo Pants for all other Classes
-Voice: Erich
-Available on: Bastogne, Flakturm VII, Foy, Reichswald

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Common
-Type: Munitions Unit
-Acts as the snow unit of the Wehrmacht faction (Together with 1st Panzer Division)
15. Panzergrenadier-Division
Wehrmacht Faction
Official Description:

The 15th Panzergrenadier Division was formed in July of 1943 under the command of Generalleutenant Eberhard Rodt and saw action primarily in Sicily. It was made up of veterans and survivors of the 15th Panzer Division, which had been defeated in Tunisia earlier that year. They were instrumental in the defense against the Allies during Operation Avalanche in Salerno, along with the 29th Infantry and 1st Parachute Divisions. Later in the war, after eventually losing critical ground in Italy, the division was relocated to Western Europe, where they fought in the Battle of the Bulge and the Siege of Bastogne. Following those losses, they eventually surrendered themselves to the British at the end of the war.

-Censored Reichsadler Patch
-Splittertarn Camo
-Full Splittertarn Camo for Sniper
-Splittertarn Pants for Officer
-Splittertarm Jacket and Helmet for all other Classes
-SS Cap for Officer
-Voice: Erich
-Available on: Bastogne, Breville, Brittany, Comacchio, Dog Red, Flakturm VII, Foy, Ortona,
Reichswald, Rhineland, Saint-Lo, Salerno, Sicily

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Common
-Type: Munitions Unit
29. Panzergrenadier-Division
Wehrmacht Faction
Official Description:

The 29th Panzergrenadier Division began as the 29th Infantry Division and saw its first action in August 1939 during the invasion of Poland. Afterward it was transferred to France where it assisted in the invasion and occupation. The division then took part in the invasion of Russia as a part of Operation Barbarossa in 1941, where they fought in multiple cities including Minsk, Smolensk, Bryansk, and Stalingrad until eventually being destroyed by the Soviet 21st Army in January of 1943. It was then restored in France by the 345th Infantry Division and transferred to Sicily as the 29th Panzergrenadier Division. There it served in Salerno, Anzio, and San Pietro, until eventually being defeated by the British in northern Italy.

-Censored Reichsadler Patch
-Full Desert Uniform
-Tropical Cap for Officer
-Voice: Erich
-Available on: Comacchio, Crete, Ortona, Salerno, Sicily

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Common
-Type: Munitions Unit
-Uniform based on the German Afrika Korps
-At one point this unit was changed to have gray uniform parts so it was easier to tell it apart from Allied soldiers, but due to popular demand this change was reverted.
-Members of this division commited war crimes during WW2

272. Volksgrenadier-Division
Wehrmacht Faction
Official Description:

Composed of veterans who survived the retreat from France following the Allied invasion of Normandy in 1944, the 272nd Volks-Grenadier Division was formed in September 1944 and sent back to the Western Front to fight in the battle for the Hürtgen Forest. The division had many former Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine personnel who were sent to the front. The term Volks-Grenadier is from "das Volk" – the people – meant to represent the German people's fight to the end. However for the Allies, they saw Volks-Grenadiers as the bottom of the barrel. Despite this reputation, the division benefited from veteran leaders, a smaller more efficient organization and the newly equipped StG 44 rifle.

-Censored Reichsadler Patch
-Autumn/Winter Eichenlaubmuster (Oak B) Camo
-Full Camo Uniform for Sniper & Officer
-Camo Jacket for Rifleman, Engineer, Assault, Flamethrower
-Camo Jacket & Camo Helmet for Radioman, Support, Machinegunner
-Bergmütze for Officer
-Voice: Erich
-Available on: Bastogne, Breville, Brittany, Dog Red, Foy, Reichswald, Rhineland, Saint-Lo

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Uncommon
-Type: Munitions Unit
-Added with the Aussie Update
352. Infanterie-Division
Wehrmacht Faction
Official Description:

The 352nd Infantry Division formed in November 1943 in France, and defended Omaha Beach on June 6th 1944 during the D-Day invasion. In preparing for a potential invasion, they set up many of the obstacles on the beach that stalled the Allied landing, including steel rail hedgehogs, mined stakes, and timber structures hauled to the coast from miles inland. Despite defending the beach for several hours, they were eventually overtaken by the Americans. Following the invasion, the division fought the US Army near Saint-Lô, which was shelled heavily by the Americans as a part of Operation Cobra. It encountered fighting so severe that it was destroyed by the end of July, and eventually was reformed in September as the 352nd Volksgrenadier Division to fight in the Battle of the Bulge.

-Censored Reichsadler Patch
-Complete Green Uniform (Officer has Grey Pants)
-Censored Side Cap for Officer
-Voice: Otto
-Available on: Breville, Brittany, Crete, Dog Red, Dunkirk, Flakturm VII, Reichswald, Rhineland,
Saint-Lo, Sicily

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Uncommon
-Type: Infantry Unit
1. Fallschirmjäger-Division
Wehrmacht Faction
Official Description:

Known as the 7th Flieger-Division when it was founded in 1938 by Major-General Kurt Student, this elite German paratrooper unit first dropped into combat during the invasion of The Netherlands in 1940. The following year, they suffered heavy losses during the Battle of Crete, but eventually forced the British, Australian, and New Zealand troops off the Greek island. In July 1943, paratroopers reinforced a critical bridge on Sicily and soon after British paratroopers landed almost on top of them to secure the bridge. Fallschirmjägers withdrew north through the Italian peninsula with fierce resistance against the Canadians in Ortona and Allied attacks on Monte Cassino. They remained a fighting force in Italy until the Germans surrendered in 1945.

-Fallschirmjäger Uniform
-Censored Fallschirmjäger Badge
-1. Fallschirmjäger-Division Arm Patch
-Fallschirmjäger Helmet with Net for Officer
-Voice: Otto
-Available on: Comacchio, Crete, Dunkirk, Flakturm VII, Ortona, Salerno, Sicily

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Uncommon
-Type: Airborne Unit
-Included in the Day of Infamy Deluxe Pack
-I don't think the arm patch actually existed, it seems to be based on the 1. Fallschirmjäger-Division's unit insignia.
3. Fallschirmjäger-Division
Wehrmacht Faction
Official Description:

The 3rd Fallschirmjäger Division of the Luftwaffe was formed in 1943 from veterans of the 3rd Battalion, 1st Fallschirmjäger Regiment. The division deployed to Normandy on June 10 to counter the Allied invasion four days prior. By August 1944, the paratroopers found themselves encircled in the Falaise Pocket where the unit was nearly destroyed by aerial bombardment. A month later, as the Allies launched Operation Market Garden into The Netherlands, the division was raised once again in Belgium from remnants of three Luftwaffe field regiments. They were deployed to battle the British Paras in Arnhem, followed by a deployment to the Hürtgen Forest for a prolonged, bitter fight against the Americans into 1945. The division surrendered in April 1945 to the Americans in the Ruhr valley.

-Splittertarn Camo Fallschirmjäger Uniform
-3. Fallschirmjäger-Division Badge
-Fallschirmjäger Helmet with Net
-Voice: Otto
-Available on: Bastogne, Breville, Brittany, Comacchio, Crete, Dog Red, Flakturm VII, Foy, Ortona,
Reichswald, Rhineland, Saint-Lo, Salerno

Additional Info:
Rarity: Rare
Type: Airborne Unit
1. SS-Panzer-Division „Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler“
Wehrmacht Faction

-Censored Reichsadler Patch
-Autumn Platanenmuster Camo
-Full Autumn Platanenmuster Camo for Sniper
-Autumn Platanenmuster Pants for Officer
-Autumn Platanenmuster Jacket & Helmet for all other Classes
-SS Cap for Officer
-Voice: Erich
-Available on: Bastogne, Foy, Reichswald

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Uncommon
-Type: Specialized Unit
-The name of the division got censored to "1st Panzer Division" ingame
-Acts as the snow unit of the Wehrmacht faction (Together with 3. Panzergrenadier-Division)
-Members of this division commited war crimes during WW2
17. SS-Panzergrenadier-Division „Götz von Berlichingen“
Wehrmacht Faction

-Censored Reichsadler Patch
-SS Cap for Officer
-Spring Platanenmuster Camo
-Full Spring Platanenmuster Camo for Sniper
-Spring Platanenmuster Camo Pants for Officer
-Spring Platanenmuster Camo Jacket & Helmet for all other Classes
-Voice: Erich
-Available on: Brittany, Dog Red, Breville, Rhineland, Saint-Lo

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Rare
-Type: Munitions Unit
-The name of the division got censored to "17th Panzer Division" ingame
-Members of this division commited war crimes during WW2
British Army (Default Unit)
Commonwealth Army Faction
Official Description:

When the United Kingdom declared War on Germany in 1939, the colonies, the protectorates, and dominions of the Commonwealth joined in the global Allied effort. Millions of troops from Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand, and others, fought the Axis on all fronts of the war until 1945. Financial and material aid was also provided to the UK, with Canada giving nearly $4 billion dollars worth alone. The Commonwealth efforts truly made the conflict a World War.

-Voice: George
-Available on: Every map that has the Commonwealth faction
Canadian Army (Default Unit)
Commonwealth Army Faction
Official Description:

Canada declared war on Germany shortly after the invasion of Poland in 1939. Canadian troops first saw action against the overwhelming force of Japanese troops capturing Hong Kong at the end of 1941. In August 1942, Canadian soldiers were used in the disastrous raid on Dieppe, France. 60% of the 6,000 troops were casualties, with many captured by the Germans. The 1st Canadian Division landed in both the invasion of Sicily and mainland Italy. They faced bitter German resistance during campaigns at the Moro River, Hitler Line, and Gothic Line. In the town of Ortona, Canadian infantry pioneered urban combat tactics during the battle that was nicknamed "Little Stalingrad". The 3rd Canadian Division landed on Juno Beach during Operation Overlord in June 1944. Canadians fought and won crucial battles in North-Western Europe, including Caen and the Falaise Pocket in France. They helped liberate The Netherlands during bitter fighting in the Scheldt Estuary, and pushed into Germany through the Reichswald and Hochwald forests. In total, 24,870 Canadian soldiers sacrificed their lives during the war.

-Canadian Army Badge for Officer
-Canadian MKIII Helmet with Net
-Canadian Army Patch
-Voice: Albert
-Available on: Breville, Ortona, Reichswald, Rhineland, Shooting Range
Second Australian Imperial Force (Default Unit)
Commonwealth Army Faction
Official Description:

On May 20, 1941 thousands of German paratroopers – the mighty Fallschirmjaeger – descended upon the Greek island of Crete. Operation Mercury was the largest airborne operation ever launched at the time. For ten infamous days, men of the 2nd Australian Imperial Force (2nd AIF) along with their New Zealander and British comrades held the island garrison from the German onslaught. They inflicted heavy casualties on the Germans, but were forced to retreat and evacuate the island to Egypt.

-Slouch Hat for Officer
-Australian Army General Service Badge for Officer
-Voice: Bruce
-Available on: Crete

Additional Info:
-Added with the Aussie Update
-There is a bug ingame that incorrectly gives this unit the icon of the 2/17th Battalion
2/17th Battalion
Commonwealth Faction
Official Description:

Raised in April 1940 as part of the 2nd Australian Imperial Force. The battalion first deployed to Palestine and later to Africa. For seven months they held the strategic port town of Tobruk against a heavy German siege. Corporal John Edmondson was awarded the Victoria Cross for valour during the battle, and marked the first VC for the Australians in the war. Following Tobruk, the battalion was sent back to Palestine and Syria on garrison duty, then deployed back to Africa for the second battle of El Alamein. By early 1943, the Japanese offensive in the Pacific threatened Australian shores and the 2nd AIF was withdrawn back home. The battalion saw action in New Guinea in 1943 – 1944 and ended the war in Borneo.

-Slouch Hat
-Australian Army General Service Badge for Officer
-2/17th Battalion Unit Patch
-Voice: Bruce
-Available on: Comacchio, Crete, Salerno, Sicily

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Uncommon
-Type: Infantry Unit
-Added with the Aussie Update
-There is a bug ingame that incorrectly gives this unit the icon of the default Second Australian Imperial Force
Gordon Highlanders
Commonwealth Army Faction
Official Description:

The Gordon Highlanders were sent to France in September 1939 as part of the British Expeditionary Force. They served with the 51st (Highland) Division during the Battle of France, and were forced to surrender with only a handful of men escaping capture. The 2nd Battalion was stationed in Malaya, and surrendered to Japanese forces after the Battle of Singapore in February 1942. More soldiers died in captivity than fighting. The 51st (Highland) Division was reformed and deployed in North Africa. They later landed in Sicily, fighting in Italy during the battles of Anzio, Monte Cassino, and the Gothic Line. The Gordons fought in North-western Europe, ending the war near Hamburg, Germany.

-Glengarry Hat for Officer
-Gordon Highlanders Cap Badge for Officer
-Gordon Highlander Tartan Patch
-Highland Division Arm Patch
-Voice: Donald
-Available on: Bastogne, Breville, Comacchio, Crete, Dog Red, Dunkirk, Foy, Ortona, Reichswald, Rhineland, Saint-Lo, Shooting Range, Sicily

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Early Access Exclusive
-Type: Infantry Unit
-The officer has the wrong cap badge, he has a standard Gordon Highlanders one ingame but real Gordon Highlander officers have a special 3D cap badge, instead of the flat one
The Black Watch
Commonwealth Army Faction
Official Description:

Six battalions of The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) fought on many fronts during the Second World War. The 1st Battalion was captured at St Valery-en-Caux during the Battle of France in 1940, while the 6th Battalion was evacuated at Dunkirk. Several of their battalions fought during the second battle of El Alamein and saw action in Tunisia. They landed at Sicily, fought in Italy including Monte Cassino and then again were at the tip of the spear during the Normandy landings of D-Day. The Black Watch fought at Breville, Caen and the Falaise Pocket in France. They later fought during the Battle of the Bulge and the Battle of the Reichswald forest.

-Black Glengarry Hat for Officer
-Black Watch Cap Badge for Officer
-Balmoral Hat
-Red Hackle
-Highland Division Patch
-Black Watch Tartan Patch
-Voice: Donald
-Available on: Every Map

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Common
-Type: Infantry Unit
-Added with the Aussie Update
No. 2 Commando
Commonwealth Army Faction

-Green Beret for Officr
-Wool Hat
-British Commando Patch
-No. 2 Commando Shoulder Titles
-Voice: Donald
-Available on: Comacchio, Crete, Ortona, Salerno, Shooting Range, Sicily

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Rare
-Type: Specialized Unit
Grenadier Guards
Commonwealth Army Faction

-British Officer Cap for Officer
-Grenadier Guards Badge for Officer
-Grenadier Guards Arm Patch
-Guards Amoured Division Arm Patch
-Voice: George
-Available on: Bastogne, Breville, Dog Red, Dunkirk, Foy, Reichswald, Rhineland, Saint-Lo, Shooting
Range, Salerno

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Common
-Type: Infantry Unit
Royal Fusiliers
Commonwealth Army Faction
Official Description:

The Royal Fusiliers were formed in 1685. During the Second World War, the 1st, 2nd, 8th, and 9th Battalions served during the Italian campaign. The 2nd Battalion fought during the Battle of France in 1940 and were evacuated at Dunkirk. Following deployment to Tunisia, the 8th and 9th Battalions landed at Salerno. They later fought during the battle of Monte Cassino, along with the 1st and 2nd Battalions. In total, the regiment received 36 battle honours during the war.

-British Officer Cap for Officer
-Royal Fusiliers Badge for Officer
-Royal Fusiliers Patch
-56th (London) Infantry Division Patch
-Voice: George
-Available on: Breville, Comacchio, Crete, Dunkirk, Ortona, Salerno, Shooting Range, Sicily

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Common
-Type: Infantry Unit

12th Frontier Force Regiment
Commonwealth Army Faction
Official Description:

The 12th Frontier Force Regiment had five battalions in the British Indian Army who fought in many campaigns during the war, including Iraq, Malaya, Egypt, and Burma. The 1/12th (Prince of Wales's Own Sikhs) Frontier Force Regiment was deployed to Italy as part of the 8th Indian Division in September 1943. The division saw 19 months of continuous action, fighting for many rivers and garnering the motto "One More River". They were crucial to success in the final battle of Monte Cassino, and saw action at the Gothic Line. Following the partition of India in 1947, the regiment became a part of the Pakistani Army.

-12th Frontier Force Badge for Officer, Rifleman, Sniper
-Orange Turban for Officer
-Blue Turban for Rifleman
-Green Turban for Sniper
-8th Indian Infantry Division Patch
-Exclusive Indian Head Model for Officer, Rifleman, Sniper
-Indian Head Model for all other Classes
-Voice: Surjit
-Available on: Commacchio, Crete, Ortona, Salerno, Shooting Range, Sicily

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Rare
-Type: Infantry Unit
The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada
Commonwealth Army Faction
Official Description:

The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada were formed in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1910 as the 72nd Highlanders of Canada. Landing in Sicily in 1943, the Seaforths saw some of the most bitter fighting during the Italian Campaign. They spent Christmas 1943 in a captured church just outside of Ortona, and days later engaged in fierce street-by-street combat against German Fallschirmjägers holed up in the city. By May 1944, as the Allies pushed the Germans back to the Hitler Line, the veterans of Ortona said fighting in the Liri Valley was the most grim battle. They continued to fight towards Rome, and Private "Smokey" Smith earned a Victoria Cross for actions fighting for a bridge over the Savio River. In 1945, the Seaforths were deployed to The Netherlands to help liberate Alepdoorn, and they were the first Allied troops to enter Amsterdam.

-Balmoral Hat for Officer
-Seaforth Highlanders of Canada Badge for Officer
-Canadian MKIII Helmet with Net
-Seaforth Highlanders of Canada Patch
-1st Canadian Division Patch
-Voice: Albert
-Available on: Comacchio, Ortona, Salerno, Sicily

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Uncommon
-Type: Infantry Unit
-Part of the Day of Infamy Deluxe Pack
The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry (Wentworth Regiment)
Commonwealth Faction

-Royal Hamilton Light Infantry Cap Badge for Officer
-1st Canadian Division Patch for Officer
-Special Royal Hamilton Light Infantry Patch for Officer
-2nd Canadian Division Patch
-Royal Hamilton Light Infantry Patch
-Voice: Albert
-Available on: Bastogne, Dog Red, Dunkirk, Foy, Reichswald, Rhineland, Saint-Lo, Shooting Range

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Uncommon
-Type: Infantry Unit
-The officer seems to have messed up patches, he shouldn't have a 1st Canadian Division Patch and I don't know if his special Royal Hamilton Light Infantry patch is based on anything real.
-Only Canadian unit without Canadian MKIII helmets
Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry
Commonwealth Army Faction
Official Description:

The Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) also known as "The Patricias" were originally raised to fight in the First World War. In 1943, they landed at Sicily during Operation Husky. The Patricias earned their first battle honour of the war in the mountainside village of Leonforte. Later in 1943, they landed in Italy and spent Christmas in the Ortona area. They fought valiantly in Italy, earning battle honours for The Gully, Hitler Line, and the Gothic Line, among others. In 1945 they were transferred to North-Western Europe to help liberate Apeldoorn and Amsterdam in The Netherlands. Over 1,000 Patricias lost their lives in the war.

-Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Cap Badge for Officer
-Canadian MKIII Helmet with Net
-Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Helmet Stencil
-Canadian Army Arm Patch
-Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Arm Patch
-Voice: Albert
-Available on: Comacchio, Ortona, Salerno, Shooting Range, Sicily

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Common
-Type: Infantry Unit
The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise's)
Commonwealth Army Faction
Official Description:

The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise's) were originally raised in 1903 as the 91st Regiment Canadian Highlanders in Hamilton, Ontario. The regiment was garrisoned in Jamaica from 1941 until 1943. In 1944, they landed in Normandy and fought in Operation Totalize. During the battle of the Falaise Pocket two companies of Argylls secured the town of Saint-Lambert-sur-Dives that finally completed the Allied encirclement of the Germans. They held the town for three days, facing desperate counter-attacks. The Argylls later fought in The Netherlands during the battle for the Scheldt estuary, and in 1945 fought during Operation Veritable in the Hochwald Forest of Germany. The regiment earned 16 battle honours during the war and lost 267 men.

-Glengarry Hat for Officer
-Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada Cap Badge for Officer
-Canadian MKIII Helmet
-Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada Arm Patch
-4th Canadian Division Patch
-Voice: Albert
-Available on: Bastogne, Breville, Dog Red, Foy, Reichswald, Rhineland, Saint-Lo, Shooting Range

Additional Info:
-Rarity: Uncommon
-Type: Infantry Unit
-Andrew Spearin, creative director at New World Interactive, actually served with this unit.
Thanks for Reading!
I hope you enjoyed this guide, I put way too many hours into it!
If you find any mistakes or if you have suggestions, just leave a comment.
I will try to add new units as quickly as possible.
83 comentarios
Monkeu 15 JUL 2023 a las 11:39 
Love it! Favourite is 29th Panzergrenadier, just love the beige.
Wildgoose 10 MAR 2023 a las 1:47 
really good, thx mate
Ultimate_troll 21 FEB 2023 a las 7:16 
My favourite is 1st paratrooper for German 101st for America and Army of Princes for commonwealth, also 1st infantry Division for German and 3 infantry Division for America
Purzel2205  [autor] 17 FEB 2022 a las 1:08 
thanks for the hint, i have updated that part
Tucoxx 16 FEB 2022 a las 21:56 
Hey man, I think the 272. Volks use the "oak B" camo, or Beringtes Eichenlaubmuster. I looked that up here: and it seems to fit the profile better than Platanenmuster.
Warbler 16 ENE 2022 a las 7:54 
"Members of this Division commited War Crimes during WW2"

𝗚 ⵁ 𝗥 𝗜 𝗡 𝗚 17 AGO 2021 a las 4:19 
Yes, the 2nd Ranger Battalion is the worst skin.
Despair for i am the end of days 3 MAR 2021 a las 1:47 
i was joking but when you go sniper (pants,jacket,helmet combo) i think its actually better than the default greys, especially in reichswald. if the developers were less lazy and made them smocks instead of just reskins they would have looked even more swag
Purzel2205  [autor] 2 MAR 2021 a las 7:49 
you think so? i always saw the bright red as a meme uniform especially since its available on all the white snow maps
Despair for i am the end of days 2 MAR 2021 a las 7:21 
Camo's unironically good