Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

由 AP Supreme 制作
Find your sensitivity by following these simple steps!

Load up a map offline without bots and set mp_warmuptime 99999
so you have enough time

Create a head sized circle with your bullet decals
For example on T spawn on de_dust2

1.3 [/b]
Set your sensitivity to value x, so that you can make a perfect 360° using the full mouse pad!

Get a piece of paper + a calculator

Multiply your sensitivy for doing a 360° by 1.5
Divide it by 2.

Write all 3 sensitivities down.

Test the highest and the lowest sensitivity for 5 minutes (Try to fix your crosshair on the circle while walking around)
Determine which one is better


- is my crosshair shaking?
- can I stay on target?
- am I onest to myself?
- do I fail at life or just in CSGO?
- have I been drinking?

Cross out the bad sensitivity
If you choose the higher sensitivity, multiply by 1.5
If you choose the lower one, divide by 2

Repeat the test and cross out the bad sensitivity!

This leaves you with 2 numbers!

Add them together and divide by 2 to get an average sensitivity

1.9 Repeat step 1.5 and cross out bad senititivity.

1.10 The more often you repeat the test the more accurate will your sensitivity be at the end.


Last step:
Set your zoom in sensitivity to this:


Here is what a zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse of 1.0 does:

It enables you to flick accurately to the vertical edge (the borders of the screen to the left and to the right) of an imaginary (or not) 4:3 monitor. The closer the target you want to flick onto is to the edge of that imaginary 4:3 screen the closer the zoom sensitivity is to your normal sensitivity. Or to word it differently, the closer the target is to the edge of that imaginary 4:3 screen the closer the distance measured on screen relative to a reference point when scoped is to the distance measured when unscoped (go on, read this sentence again).
It basically means it takes you the same amout of mouse movement to flick to the edge of an imaginary 4:3 screen scoped, as it takes unscoped. Looked at the other way, that means the zoom sensitivity is way off in the center of the screen.

However, this accurate edge (the vertical borders of a 4:3 screen) can be shifted with a little bit of math skills (see the end of this post). If we shift it to the center of the screen (simulating an aspect ratio of 0.0) we get a zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse of 0.818933027098955175.

Here is what a zoom sensitivity of 0.818933027098955175 does:

It does the opposite of 1.0, which lets you flick accurately over a huge distance for those sick MLG plays, while 0.818933027098955175 lets you flick accurately over smaller, more realistic distances.
This is more important in most situations since the target tends to be closer to the crosshair than the edge of the screen.

Get your sensitivity