Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

337 voti
Rainbow Flag
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Assets: Prop
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755.422 KB
18 lug 2017, ore 6:03
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Rainbow Flag

In 1 collezione di Khrysler
Khrysler - Architectural Knick-Knacks
139 elementi
A symbolic flag of LGBT pride and its social movement. This is not a required prop for the Stonewall Inn but perfect for spicing up your favorite assets! Requested by SaintDamien

The prop is under Common > Accessories

MODEL - 2 triangles | 128x64 texture maps (d,n)
LOD - 2 triangles | 64x32 texture maps (d)
47 commenti
LNN 24 lug 2022, ore 11:32 
this is gay. those lines colored lines should not be straight either.
Gacek Król Kaszub 9 lug 2022, ore 23:38 
Woah, what's the country's name?
aziirax 22 giu 2022, ore 9:20 
this flag is GAY.
Aharo 1 gen 2022, ore 4:51 
@chadcarlos is a flag :)
NationGamer090 11 set 2021, ore 15:12 
Is it possible to place the flag on already existing buildings while playing? :)
m4gic 22 giu 2021, ore 17:48 
@belphemon have you seen my District Style: Rainbow Future?
m4gic 22 giu 2021, ore 17:47 
@tommygunzz so is that screenname - honestly knew a gay guy with that same name in real life. That you, tommy?
LemonsterOG 22 giu 2021, ore 9:21 
Please Support these LGBTQ+ Assets and help protect them from hate.
TommyGunzz 20 giu 2021, ore 20:56 
damn this is gay
bruh.bivin 10 giu 2021, ore 17:46 
spread LGBT awareness