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Kirjautunut ulos
OkuriOkami TTV 27.10. klo 5.26 
+rep I was a naughty sosig. I killed them. I cant beleive I did this. Im so so so so sosrry. Forgive. Spelling errors can be ignored ty
Nod4Bloodpoints TTV 29.9. klo 6.21 
+rep cutie ghostie slug racer lets goooooooo
XO 22.9. klo 6.02 
+rep took dying very well and isnt mad whatsoever about a game <3
Dog 8.9. klo 3.34 
+rep, real name charlotte and goated killer ggs
EnglishTea 31.8. klo 11.06 
TTV-CaringWithColours 27.8. klo 10.39 
-rep adept desperate slugs for it :(