Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 11.2 год. загалом (6.4 год на момент рецензування)
Додано: 10 лип. о 10:23

Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
This game is like a dream come true.. I recommend this game to everyone who loves cars and has a bit of creativity. With mods from the workshop you have billions upon billions of options to design your car and the devs did such a good job of background calculations for even the tiniest of changes you do to the engine, and uff dont let me start of the sound i could listen to these engines all day!
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
Коментарів: 1
76561199768893775 4 верес. о 19:23 
OMG, sounds super cool!! I'm totally jealous, wish I had the money for it rn lol 😩