"For every person who dreams up the electric light bulb, there's the one who dreams up the atom bomb." -Mr. Electric
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Nizzy 6 Thg01 @ 6:50pm 
It’s wild how much time you’re dedicating to someone you claim is a waste of time. The fact that you think your paragraphs are “teaching” anything is peak comedy. Take your own advice and look in the mirror—maybe you’ll finally figure out why you need these little rants to feel better about yourself.
Japoobe 6 Thg01 @ 6:43pm 
Quit projecting your failures on your own profile lol everyone that comes here to hate on you (which is literally everyone because you have no friends btw) has to read your delusional words and lose brain cells even trying to comprehend what you're trying to get across. So im done wasting my time trying to teach you anything since you're so stuck up you wouldn't know the truth if it was right in front of you. And remember, take a look in that mirror tonight.
Japoobe 6 Thg01 @ 6:39pm 
The fact that you said you're lame ass profile picture is a "lifestyle" just shows exactly the type of delusional failure im talking to lol. And I still have a life and get more money than you lol. More than 200 hrs of gaming in 2 weeks yet im the one thats not successful. You need a reality check lil buddy. So hopefully you take my words to heart and take a look in the mirror. Nice name btw you sure are such a role model xD
Nizzy 6 Thg01 @ 6:11pm 
As for your comment, it’s funny how much effort you’re putting into an argument just to look insecure. A shirtless pic with a cigarette doesn’t exactly scream success, no matter how much you pretend otherwise. Maybe focus on fixing whatever’s making you seek validation from random internet fights instead of wasting time typing paragraphs that don’t land. Remember, you're on my comment section, not the other way around.
Nizzy 6 Thg01 @ 6:06pm 
Salad fingers is NOT a cartoon. It is a lifestyle.
Japoobe 6 Thg01 @ 4:56pm 
I can smoke cigs and still rake in more money than you lol. You're mad that you're too ugly to post an actual pic of yourself so you post a cartoon for people no older than 10 years old lol. Saying you won both arguments and self glazing yourself is even more pathetic. You should probably try to find a woman to talk to because it sounds like you're just mad and need a hug lol. Again, everybody on your profile hates you for a reason. Try to get some friends little guy haha