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4 people found this review helpful
3.7 hrs on record (2.3 hrs at review time)
Great that we can play 13 year old maps in new graphics, with almost no change, this franchise, it doesn't know how to move on anymore, so it recycles old stuff
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 had much more fun MP

On the positive side, the game works really well, but it's not surprising when it looks exactly the same as MW2

the negative is:
They still force you to use Antialiasing even if you play 8K And not a very good one.
FSR 2 doesn't work very well and FSR 1 works fine
The game turns on and when you click on MW3, it shuts down and reopens. What the hell is that?
It doesn't have any innovations in the form of generating frames, I hope we can at least get it into single player
The whole game is not sharp and looks blurry
Beta doesn't allow you to customize your weapons much
New things like ground war don't work well if you're playing with random people

For me, if you want to play COD, warzone is still the best choice This game may be fun for new players, but what's the point when you can play the same thing in the original
Posted 15 October, 2023.
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9 people found this review helpful
20.9 hrs on record (12.1 hrs at review time)
Better than battlefield 2042
Posted 15 August, 2023.
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1.2 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
Nejhorší hra. Bez emulace to nejde pustit na moderním PC.

Hit boxy kdy je nejlepší střelit do hlavy bez zpomalení času. Nepřátele střílí přes předměty, zdi, kolikrát vůbec nevím odkud mě zastřelil.

Nemá to auto uložení, takže když zapomenete, tak hrajete celou misi znovu.

Jedna jediná skladba pořád dokola a jestli je jiná, tak to fakt nejde poznat.

Extrémně málo munice, s tím, že to volí špatně zbraně a než najdete tu zbraň jste mrtvý.

Jediný co na tom je pozitivní je CZ dabing.
Posted 8 July, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
12.9 hrs on record (12.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
There are only 6 rounds, but it has happened to me that it has offered a card that needs 8 to be playable.

There are few negative and positive elements to the location (perhaps only 7? ) when you can change it as you want, thanks to scarlet witch or block it, that then it might not destroy the card

I enjoy it, but there are awfully few cards you'd actually want to play.
If you win too much, the bot will offer it to you and you usually lose or you get a new player, where it's an easy win when you just have collected better cards.

It's getting to the point where mostly everybody has the same cards and they play it, over and over again (Same cards over and over again )

it gets boring after a while.
Posted 10 June, 2023. Last edited 10 June, 2023.
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10 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
I was expecting the new mods and content to be built into the game. Unfortunately you only buy the automatic mod installation. You start the game and it downloads the mods. You can also do it manually.

I don't see any graphics mod being added

You won't get anything extra. You still can't adjust the in-game resolution, you can't adjust the graphics either.

TAA sucks ( makes it blurry ) and it's impossible to watch without AA. Even a mod would make it prettier

What you get is that it saves you time and adds more bugs

Is it worth it ? NO !

Posted 23 May, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
41.2 hrs on record (7.6 hrs at review time)
It's kind of fun.
For 15 euros, I really don't have a problem with it. The game runs well and you can have a lot of fun.

Graphics - TAA sucks, the game looks very blurry. Don't even turn on FSR 1.0. Raytracing is useless in every game for me, it just eats up FPS.

The environment of Cuba is really nice. This game is the actual representation of our Culture. NPCs screaming “pinga” or “asere” let’s you know that Ubisoft really invested time investigating the culture and the little details of our nation. Also the buildings, the country side, the vehicles, the characters.

You can do the missions your way, like take a tank and destroy everything or go stealthy. It's fun

The story at the beginning is good, but then it gets pretty bad/uninteresting. Just skip something here and there

For three 15 euro ( basic version ) it's good, but I wouldn't give full price for it. Basically the gameplay hasn't changed much. Just maybe the skills have been washed away
Posted 13 May, 2023.
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0.9 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The servers don't handle it, there's a hell of a response
Posted 4 May, 2023.
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5.7 hrs on record
Je to hrozné, pořád to samé. Nemocnice je pořád, ale je to zábava. Jen ta vesnice už je fakt otravná.
Inteligence NPC je příšerná.
Příběh není moc zajímavý.

Nešikovná hratelnost a velká inspirace hrami typu Hitman tomu taky nepomáhá. Možná to někdy dohraju, ale podle mě je to ztráta času.
Posted 23 April, 2023. Last edited 24 April, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
46.1 hrs on record (33.4 hrs at review time)
Napišu si to sem i pro sebe. :) Pokud si to někdy zahraji znovu, abych to nemusela hledat :)

ME 1 je skvělá, ale co to potřebuje je :

Better Camera mod - Pro lepší FOV. Nastavte si podle sebe. Mě stačí 90.
Saren Virmire Biotic VFX Fix - Opravuje biotický vfx pro Sarena během jeho příletu na Virmire.
Keepers Finders - Otravný hledaní. Prostě je uvidíte na mapě
LEDs ON LE1 - Vzhledově to vypadá líp.
Kaidan Alenko Overhaul (LE1)
No Mouse Acceleration for ME1 LE - vypne mouse acceleration
Improved Wards Skybox - Víc to vypadá jak originál.

ME 2 :
A Lot Of Videos (ALOV) - Videa jsou jen ve 480p, Všechny předělali pomocí AI na 4K a 60FPS. I na 1080p to pořád vypadá líp. ( Existuje i pro Ultrawide monitory. ) !!! Musíte hrát 60 + FPS !!!!

Better Camera - FOV, všechny hry jsou tak na 60
One Probe All Resources - odhalí všechny prostředky a anomálie. Jediná sonda vyčerpá všechny zdroje
Skip Minigames for LE2 - Otravný hledaní textů, pořád dokola.
ME2 LE Combat Remastered - Podobný ME1:LE combatu.
Femshepping's Miranda Face and Outfit Retextures - Hezčí než před tím

Dobrovolný :
Classic Armors - 55 zbrojí, 18 variant lehkých, středních a těžkých zbrojí z ME 1 do ME 2 i ME 3
femshepping's MELE Eyes V2
A Lot Of Textures (ALOT)

ME 3: Ach jo, tenhle díl

Better Camera (LE3)
LE3 Community Patch - Opraví skoro všechny bugy ve hře.
Jokerhaul LE3 - v ME 3 vypadá špatně.
A Lot Of Videos (ALOV) - Tady to má 15GB ! Nutný mít !
LE3 Diversification Project
Tali Remastered LE3 - Vzhled víc k ME 2
Spectre Expansion Mod
LE3 Storm Improvements
Citadel Epilogue Mod (LE3)
Take Earth Back
Dreams Remade

Všechny mody najdete na nexusmods a potřebujete ME3Tweaks Mod Manager.

Doporučuji si udělat zálohu her před modováním.

Posted 13 March, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
46.2 hrs on record (42.4 hrs at review time)
I'm waiting for the game and I went to make a coffee, when I got back some guy yelled at for being an idiot and a bot etc. If I report the guy, nothing happens, I see he's still playing.

I haven't played it in a year and I'm trying out new gods and then someone says I should uninstall the game

What's that? I'm playing Casual Arena. I don't understand what happened to the game
A couple of times it's just for laughs, but that someone will get upset about every nonsense. I really don't wanna to listen to any of it.

I still love the game, but something needs to be done about this situation.

Not recommended for new players
Posted 6 March, 2023. Last edited 14 January, 2024.
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