☆Hiroi Kikuri☆
Just another one among countless small accounts
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Expositor de artwork
从2020年4月30日第一次打开这个游戏,已经陆陆续续打了2000+小时。也被挂和炸鱼哥虐过,也被人骂是挂过,在训练图的练枪,在自建房的道具,地图的每一块污渍都亲切,每一种声音都熟悉。21年的暑假第一次玩了CSS,也就是起源。服务器里大多都是三四十岁的成家立业的中年人,他们在服务器里互相叨谈,IP从北京到云南,聊起来却丝毫没有网友间的生分。问起为什么不去打CSGO,他们说:熟悉了就很难改变了。我以为那是他们的中年心态,毕竟不像年轻人那样乐于接受新鲜事物了,直到CS2的出现。不是说它不好,从内测到现在的2024年1月5日,V社以其前所未有的高更新频率使CS2越来越好,换句话说,更像CSGO了。但它终于不是CSGO,就像许多人最后的结婚对象也并非当时惊艳青春的白月光那样,她很像她,但她终究比不上她。在更新后的一个月我就发现自己对CS2的热切在消失了,我一开始以为这是电子ED的表现,但不是,这和我以前打GO打累时的那种疲乏不同,那是一种释然—— 我不愿意再去适应CS2了,我对CS2并不感兴趣,只是我对CSGO的需要促使着我去玩它 不可否认地,起源2引擎带来的是玩法和视觉上质的提升,但我并不买账,或者说我的大脑并不买账。一开始我或许会强迫自己用三个小号去打每周的箱子,但现在我连打开CS2的兴趣也没有了,只有在和朋友打满十或者打CSGO社区服的时候才会点击那个熟悉又陌生的绿色按钮,这也未尝不是一种坏事,就像DUST2被移除服役图池后我不得不打其他我所陌生的地图一样,我开始接触(或者重拾)以前没尝试过的游戏。彩虹六号、APEX……遗憾的是当我入坑时他们好像都已经过了他们的黄金周期,但我很明白那时候我在玩CSGO。在CS2000小时积累下的FPS经验确实让我能更快上手,和CS的饰品系统相比我反倒觉得那些皮肤的价格反倒“过于廉价”。这也导致很快我的库存出完后有流进了这些游戏里。但在游玩时候我的习惯,包括急停和搜点,都是CSGO的影子。 这是否会贯穿我FPS生涯的始终?
You know, not all FPS can match CSGO, and CS2 can't
I have been playing this game for over 2000 hours since I first opened it on April 30, 2020. I have also been abused by Brother Fei and Fei Yu, and have also been criticized as cheating. In the practice of gun training on training maps, in the props of self built houses, every stain on the map is familiar, and every sound is familiar. I played CSS for the first time during the summer vacation of 2021, which is the origin. Most of the servers are middle-aged people in their thirties and forties who have started families and businesses. They chat with each other on the servers, with IP addresses from Beijing to Yunnan, but there is no distinction between netizens. When asked why they didn't go play CSGO, they said: once familiar, it's difficult to change. I thought that was their middle-aged mentality, after all, they were not as willing to accept new things as young people, until the emergence of CS2. It's not that it's not bad, from internal testing until January 5, 2024, V Society has made CS2 better and better with its unprecedented high update frequency, in other words, more like CSGO. But it was finally not CSGO, just like many people's last marriage partner was not the stunning white moonlight of their youth at that time. She was very similar to her, but she couldn't compare to her in the end. In the month after the update, I found that my passion for CS2 had disappeared. At first, I thought this was a manifestation of electronic ED. However, it wasn't like the fatigue I experienced when playing GO before. It was a kind of relief - I didn't want to adapt to CS2 anymore. I wasn't interested in CS2, but my need for CSGO prompted me to play it, The Origin 2 engine brings gameplay and visual quality improvements, but I don't buy it, or rather my brain doesn't buy it. At first, I might have forced myself to use three small accounts to load weekly boxes, but now I no longer have the interest to open CS2. I only click on the familiar and unfamiliar green button when I have reached ten or played CSGO community server with friends. This is also a bad thing, just like DUST2 being removed from the service map pool and having to load other maps that I am unfamiliar with. I start to explore (or rediscover) it Games that I haven't tried before. Rainbow Six, APEX... Unfortunately, when I entered the pit, they seemed to have already passed their golden cycle, but I understand very well that I was playing CSGO at that time. The FPS experience accumulated over 2000 hours in CS has indeed enabled me to get started faster. Compared to CS's jewelry system, I actually feel that the prices of those skins are "too cheap". This also led to my inventory quickly flowing into these games after running out. But my habits during gameplay, including emergency stop and search, are all shadows of CSGO. Will this continue throughout my FPS career?
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茶三三 27 MAY a las 8:04 p. m. 
☆Hiroi Kikuri☆ 28 ABR a las 8:18 a. m. 
𝓣𝓱𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 24 ENE 2023 a las 7:30 a. m. 
这夏天太冷 23 MAY 2022 a las 10:19 p. m. 
💚💚💚💚/>  フ💚💚💚💚
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哥 为啥拒绝报价了
種付け孤○院 中国翻訳 5 NOV 2021 a las 11:11 p. m. 