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Według 5 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
0.0 godz. łącznie
I thought they'd improved her clunkiness from the PTB, but I guess that's asking for TOO much. She preforms the same as she did in PTB. The dog gets stuck/bugged or just plain misses because the wind up is so ♥♥♥♥♥♥ loud and obvious, even survivors who are terrible at the game, can loop this ass killer for 5 gens.

I only got my adept on her, because the survivors were attempting to "bully" me as some would put it. That's the only reason I got it, is because they were goofing around. She was by far the most miserable to play every round, I'm not the best player at Killer, but I'm decent enough. I've got adept on everyone.

This killer's power is an after-thought, she's just a fancy M1 Killer with a dog that obnoxiously pants in your ear and is broken half the time. Play anyone else! Deathslinger, Dredge, Knight, you'll have a better time. Anti-loop that works, range that works, ai that works. She's almost as bad as current Skull Merchant right now.
Opublikowana: 28 listopada 2024.
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Według 26 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
0.5 godz. łącznie
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There's nothing to this game, it's an "oooh look at this decent dragon model" and that's about it. There's no real growth, no system to the game what-so-ever.

I had caved in and really wanted to play a dragon game, I love dragons! But this game has nothing but nice models. And from the Devs Twitter posts/updates, they seem to only work on improving the models. There's no game play loop, there's nothing but a bare-bones map and a dead player-base.

I was hoping to see at least a few people playing, but nothing. The game is dead, there's nothing to do. You just view all the models, fly around and achieve nothing. The game play itself was more than janky, the flight system is un-intuitive. You for some reason have to hit "F" I believe, to fly. Instead of the obvious spacebar or shift+spacebar.

Often when in flight, the dragon's tail would be flapping in my screen, an complete eye-sore. Flight just felt messy and clunky, and it's a main element of the game. The sound of the dragons wing beats I didn't enjoy either, they were the same on all models and had an almost "flapping trash bag" sound effect that got annoying fast.

I couldn't find any key but "v" for just 1 vocal call, there's really nothing to this game, nothing to do. It's such a shame, the models are great! But models alone won't carry a game, I wish they'd do more. I think they'd find wild success if they went for a more survival/growth game, similar to The Isle or Day of Dragons.

An "MORPG where YOU play as the dragon!" And you do nothing but fly around and get bored in less than 10 minutes :)

Almost 3 years of development and this game has nothing to offer. Save your money

Edit: It also has a $30 (CAD) price tag FOR THIS!? That's insane! I can't stress enough how this game has NOTHING to do!!!
Opublikowana: 26 listopada 2024. Ostatnio edytowane: 26 listopada 2024.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
5.7 godz. łącznie
I used to play this game daily, skipped classes for it - I was 15 when it released - it was so much fun when I was younger.

I made a lot of friends, don't really talk to them anymore, but I still have some fond memories. Lots of laughs and time spent just chatting with buddies. While we practiced our shaman skills, we would practice hours upon hours, challenging ourselves in new and complicated ways. We practiced using c nails before divine mode even existed.

Unfortunately time passed, we grew up and we got bored of this very simple game. I still have a sense of nostalgia playing this game, but I know when it started to die off is when the leader boards died. There used to be a website you could see your rank in the entire player base. People would grind and grind, sweat their buns off, to reach #1. When that site died, so did a lot of the playerbase.

My biggest gripe with this game, has been the absurd prices on every single item in game, most of the decent cosmetics cost 150 up to nearly 10,000 cheese. For 1 item. You get 1 cheese per round, with each round being around 2 minutes long, and sometimes you don't even get a cheese

It's very grindy and you're basically encouraged to use real money to get their fraises/strawberry currency. Unless you don't mind being a basic-bland mouse for eternity.

Still, I love this game, I recommend it for young gamers. It's easy and fun to get a hang of.
Opublikowana: 20 listopada 2024.
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Według 6 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 6 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
26.3 godz. łącznie (24.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
The game isn't terrible-terrible, and I understand it's an older game, but it's lacking in quite a few things, that I think would make it more enjoyable to play. And as I see it's still getting updates as of me posting this.

1. The game often feels like a chore, marking a whole 15 squares takes up so much time, and I noticed on harder difficulties, it wouldn't let me start the next segment of the story until all my squares were 90%+. It took so much time, that my wolf would need sleep, and when I woke, I'd have to do it all again. I just don't enjoy have to mark and maintain a whole 15 squares of territory on my own. It feels like a chore, as I'm the only one keeping them marked.

2. The ai, it's so basic, simple and rather annoying at times. I've played carefully in fights, going in for quick bites and getting out, and I've played rough, holding on until my stamina is near empty. And still wind up with injuries, some that last days upon days of ingame time. I once got a severe broken back leg from being struck on the nose.

3. Invading ai wolves/packs. They can appear in groups of 2,3,4+ wolves and I've been soft locked in combat with them, unable to fight back as they keep biting me from all angles and draining all my stam/hp with each bite.

4. Your mate. Firstly, it would be nice if you could edit their howls when you officially become partners, instead of having to run around for an hour+ trying to find a mate who doesn't have a completely obnoxious howl. Sometimes they're so bad, my head feels like it'll split. Secondly, every mate I've had, even ones with speed stats, somehow run slower than me all the time and it's a 50/50 if your mate will help you in a hunt/fight. Often I'm in the middle of killing an elk or something and my mate stands at the edge of the fight, doing nothing.

5. Pups, so absolutely useless, a cute feature, becomes a chore and waste of time. I just bought this game, this year and was hoping after raising pups, I'd have a whole pack. Maybe we'd finally take down some buffalo. NOPE, once you get them to 20% the game offers you to -start again- oh how fun! All that time raising a pack, for it to reset on you! I love wasting my time! You can choose to keep raising the pups, to my knowledge, it leads to nothing.

This game is rather bland once you "beat" it. The maps are great and fun to explore, but the gameplay itself is just a repetitive loop, that gets stale once you move to the next year. It's the best wolf game you'll experience, which is sad, but it's all we've got and all we've really had for years now.

The graphics/textures need love and updates, the game tells you its age, when even on high settings, it looks like a NIntendo DS game.
Opublikowana: 10 listopada 2024.
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Według 19 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
161.3 godz. łącznie (112.9 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
After putting in just over 100 hours. I can confidently say, this game absolutely sucks.

I tried to give it a chance, I really did, I wanted something outside of Path of Titans & The Isle. BoB seemed like that, like it could be fun. It's not, so save your money for a better game. I wish I could refund this trash, but unfortunately I bought it years ago. Only really got into it when I heard about the Palaeophis (the snake).

What's the problem with it? Let me go into more detail for ya:

Firstly, the growth system. It's infinite, pretty much, you don't stop growing. Which sounds cool on paper, until you realize there are a ton of no-life griefers on this game. People who are 2.0, 3.0, 4.0+ grown dinos, will chase you down and gank you in about 0.2s. Literally. I'm not exaggerating. The combat in this game is beyond fast pace. I've seen massive rexes get demolished in literal seconds. You'll spend irl hours - HOURS - trying to get to a measly 1.5 - 2.0 in growth. And get killed, sometimes before you can react.

Some playables can attack almost as fast as you can click your M1. You can combo attacks in split seconds too.
Also every playable inflicts a thing called "Injury" which is just BoB's bone-break mechanic. Nearly every, if not all, playables can inflict this to a degree. Pretty much, whoever gets the first hit, wins. I'd say 99% of the fights I've been in and seen, first hit wins.

There are definitely a few things I'm missing for combat, but it would go on too long if I did. It's not relative though, it's mostly your basic turn-based combat game with no collision.

Player base:

I've got 2k+ hours in The Isle, around 1k+ in Path of Titans. I have to say, Beasts of Bermuda is the worst by far. I play only officials on all games, so I like to play the games the way The Devs intended them to be played. So my view comes from Official servers.

The players are relatively friendly, to a degree you don't realize until you're playing more and more of the game. What I mean is, some will help you out in game, teach you basics. I even had players answer my questions as a noobie, sounds great right?

Well, the game is riddled with Clans (as all of these games are), ESP/Hackers and just general ♥♥♥♥♥♥ players. The reason I quit was due to the same player, who kept killing me over & over again (no matter where I was on the map or what I was, he would find me and kill me, no matter how many blows I landed on him - he'd kill me), all because I dared attack him while he was grinding for something. And this was days in a row, I played 3-4 days in a row, he was the one who killed me every single time. Once he saw my profile/name in the player list. He'd find me and kill me again & again.

This is what happens when you just play the game normally, you get a target on your back, that never leaves. Many players are harassed by individuals or groups, who know how to abuse/use the game mechanics (due to playing 100's if not 1000's of hours of BoB). And you can't often fight back or even escape, especially as a newer player.

I've been targeted in TI & PoT, but never to this degree. And in those games, I have been able to fight back and win. But Bob players are on a whole other level of petty. Infinite growth, no life, griefers who are upset you DARED to attack someone you found slacking. That makes this game unbearable to play.

Genuinely, in the other games, by 100 hours I'd had fond memories, tons of fun. I can't say that for BoB. This game leaves a terrible mark on me.
Opublikowana: 8 października 2024. Ostatnio edytowane: 30 października 2024.
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