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7 of 10 (70%) Uppnådda prestationer::

Personliga prestationer

Round Winner

Win a round in an online match
Upplåst 9 feb @ 13:11

Most Wanted

Steal 100,000$
Upplåst 11 feb @ 14:41

Bonus Check

Steal 100,000$ in one round
Upplåst 11 feb @ 14:41


Dont shoot a single bullet in a round as a robber
Upplåst 9 feb @ 13:17


No NPCs killed in a round as a robber
Upplåst 11 feb @ 15:18

Can't Touch This

No money stolen in a round where you are the cop
Upplåst 9 feb @ 13:17

Clean and Easy

No respawns used in a round where you are the cop
Upplåst 9 feb @ 13:11

A Small Loan

Steal 1,000,000$
135,000 / 1,000,000

Fire Proof

No fire set in a round where you are the cop


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