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Non recommandé
0.0 h au cours des 2 dernières semaines / 22.9 h en tout (22.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Évaluation publiée le 5 mai 2024 à 23h37
Mis à jour : 5 mai 2024 à 23h52

The game's price point is unjustifiably high for the lackluster content it offers. Players would expect more depth and variety for the amount they are asked to pay.

With only around 10 types of enemies throughout the entire game, encounters quickly became predictable and mundane. The lack of diverse challenges made the gameplay feel stale and uninspired.

The missions within the campaign felt like a rinse-and-repeat cycle, offering little in terms of innovation or creativity. Players were subjected to the same objectives over and over again, leading to a monotonous gameplay experience.

While the game boasted polished graphics and smooth mechanics, great weapons and equipment, there was a severe lack of meaningful content beyond basic attack, defend, and raid gameplay. After investing 22.2 hours into the game, I felt like I had exhausted all possible avenues for enjoyment, leaving me with no reason to revisit it.

I'd love to see a big update implemented, like NPCs to help or maybe even PVP like what would happen in an actual apocalypse. Much and I mean MUCH more variants of robots and a content addition overall would be a great idea for it.

TL;DR - Looks amazing but literally nothing to do in it.

Yes I did use ChatGPT... Problem??
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3 commentaires
AEK Bojca 7 mai 2024 à 16h23 
Part 1

1. No it's not. 25$ for the same bunker raid mission and some "go search this house" missions that can be done in less then 10h is not a worth price. I get that its an indie game but so is project zomboid (just an example i know of) where it costs less, has no story but has at least 200 times the stuff u can do in it then gen 0.

2. Where did I even get that from? Search it up on google. Sorry I lied, There are 9.

By just saying that one machine is more difficult to kill then another but looks the exact same, does not mean that it is any different from it.
AEK Bojca 7 mai 2024 à 16h23 
Part 2

3. Minecraft goes for the same price and look how creative it is, I know its 15 years old now but this game isn't that new either, GTA got cheaper, God Of War as well, All triple a with all worth less then the price of this one.

4.I have done everything in the game there is to do but not 100% I'm not gonna go collect every piece of little Easter egg just to say i have it all finished, killed all (9) enemies defended my base and attacked a FENIX one, got all types of weapons and that's literally it nothing to it more i finished it in less then 10h the other 12 was goofing with friends.

As I sead before... Problem??
Sgt_Hydras 6 mai 2024 à 1h46 
1. the game is actually a fair price for the amount of content.

2.10 types of enemies.... where did you even get that from
you have ticks, ones that attack with claws and some that self destruct
the seekers
the runners/hunters/harvesters/tanks which come in four different flavours with different attack styles and levels difficulties
the boss unit (reaper)
the trio of soviet units each with three tiers
so 10 types is an understatement

3. what are you expecting? Triple A quality story for the price indie game (on the higher end of indies but still in the indie price range)

4. looking at what of you "written" no surprise you had to use ChatGPT to do the work since it is all non sense. you haven't even touched the game