Cheese A$$
Caleb   Virginia, United States
Top 10 Reasons for Cheese:
1.Its quite tasty.
2.Can decorate your cat.
3.It contains sweet calcium.
4.If melted it can be used to substitute glue.
5.Great for many recipes.
6.Cuts risk of heart disease.
7.Cures viruses.
8.Helps you get ripped.
9.Can be used as a face mask.
10.Grants everlasting happiness.

Review Showcase
This is a great game and its worth the time to play it. It has an interesting environment, especially in the fragmentation, which was a very engaging concept. The atmosphere of this game is one of its best qualities and it made the experience memorable. I loved the soundtrack and how it complimented the atmosphere of the game. I also liked how it rewards exploration by finding tools and pendulums in hidden locations. Although this game is quite short, I believe it does everything it needs to do well and only added mechanics necessary to the story telling and game play. I would love to play more games by this creator in the future and I definitely recommend this game.
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