GenJar | TGA
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Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS 5 NOV a las 13:59 
borra la cuenta
K3rv0 | TGA 5 NOV a las 8:21 
borra comentarios
Fachista 2 NOV a las 17:29 
this guy is the most retarted player of cs2, he speak in his native language when ppl speak to him in english,its shows how retarded his family educated him
Aisling 18 OCT a las 15:29 
this guy is the most retarted player of cs2, he speak in his native language when ppl speak to him in english,its shows how retarded his family educated him
K3rv0 | TGA 9 OCT a las 15:04 
Denunciar a este usuario por incitación al odio. Gracias
Lo Patolico 7 OCT a las 0:14 
m4ricon :steamhappy: