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Nylige anmeldelser av Clawtiism

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5 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
90.2 timer totalt (15.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
So, I have a 111% percentage completion file on my PS4, and obviously, there's no way to review games on the Playstation Store. So I've come here just to tell you that this game is the best I've ever played. The aesthetic, the combat, the platforming, the environment, everything about his game is executed flawlessly. Every single encounter never feels unfair, nothing seems like fabricated difficulty, even the hardest bosses in the game have counters that are easy to manipulate to help you beat them. It's a hard as hell game, don't get me wrong, but absolutely every difficult section of the game feels rewarding and has just enough challenge to the point where it's not braindead easy while also not tilting you in the process. Good work Team Cherry, I easily give this game a 10/10, flawless. I recommend this game to literally EVERYONE. Trust me. It starts off amazing, and somehow gets much better.
Publisert 5. januar 2022.
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