Formerly known here as D-801 ("just another D-BOI"), though I am no longer only dragged into SCP facilities to accompany my friends as disposable-class personnel (or to die grisly deaths so they can escape). I like hugging people, science fiction, and if possible, non-violent solutions.

I spend a solid chunk of my time on academics, if I'm not around, but also with my sister, my family, and my friends on various games! Yes, there is a reason I put "sister" and "family" separately, as there is a bit of division between them, but it is getting better as of late.

If anyone knows the location of any of the surviving Autobots, I'd be very interested, but DON'T TELL ANYONE, AND ESPECIALLY NOT YOUR CASSETTE PLAYER.

I am also wanted on 47 Admech forge-worlds, so DON'T TELL YOUR TOASTER ABOUT ME. Last I heard, they think I'm a "Man of Iron" or something? I can assure you that I am NOT Tony Stark, but tech-priests are stubborn...

Other than that, you can find me on ARKS City-Ship 004 (or on deployment, Xiera probably can tell you where), in orbit of Deimos or in the Sanctum Anatomica (if your Deimos isn't covered with a technocyte virus and looking like an eldritch entity, it's the wrong Deimos, and if you tell Loid you're with me he'll probably let you in), on Earth Spacedock or DS9 (before you ask, I DON'T know why they promoted me past the rank of ensign, and when diplomacy fails, I solve a surprising amount of Starfleet's more violent problems by punching them), or spending time with my friends and family, in which case you can ask either Vector Prime or Wesley Crusher where I happen to be. YOU CAN NO LONGER FIND ME IN THE IMPERIAL PALACE ON HOLY TERRA, for reasons classified to the eyes of the Custodes alone*.

If I am on a naval deployment, I am likely either on the Alliance battlecruiser AFS Aegir or the railjack Resurgent Star, though you can occasionally find me on the Starfleet Galaxy-class Galactica, named after the Battlestars in their titular shows. When in doubt as to where I am across the multiverse, ask a Traveler, or even better, Vector Prime himself. They'll know.

*... it's because the Fabulous Custodes were deemed a bad influence to me and the Captain-General decided it was safer for me outside the palace. And maybe the Dalek in the Dark Cells, it has always wanted to kill me.
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