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Diposting: 30 Jan 2024 @ 1:47am

This is a game that does everything nearly perfectly:

The difficulty is just hard enough to create tension with you and your environment, but just easy enough to where the mechanics are easily accessible and allow for a gentle skill curve. There are multiple game modes and story lines the player can follow up on that keeps the stories and their respective progression relatively fresh.
I find it really impressive how the action, survival, and horror mechanics all click with one another, allowing for a truly unforgettable experience. Each of the two stories between Leon and Claire feel unique to each other, making it worth playing them each thoroughly.
The controls are very intuitive and responsive, feel both smooth and snappy, which allows for a very satisfying gameplay loop that rarely gets tiring.
My only con with the game though is that if a new resident evil player comes to play completely blind and finds themselves in a really difficult spot, and has used up a large amount of the finite resources given to them, the difficulty gradually spikes, making it quite frustrating at times. But as long as you think in terms of "what can i afford to use" rather that "whats everything i can use", you'll be perfectly good to go.
It is very very much worth it to anyone considering getting this...
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