I don't play that many games (not a fraction of the games in my library yet) but spend a crazy amount of time on the games I do play. I feel this makes I appreciate them more, whereas if you're always playing the latest, super creative game, you become somewhat immune to the genius of the creators.
Would love to make a game myself one day... If only I could program...
Huge fan of the Mother(Earthbound)-style RPG genre, such as Heartbound and Omori, but my all-time favourite games are Toby Fox's masterpieces, Undertale and Deltarune.
Sedang Offline
Etalase Ulasan
Azure is very different to the other "payoff" entries in the Trails series (Sky SC, Cold Steel II, Cold Steel IV) in that it's a bit of a slow burner at the start and takes a while to set up. Think of the other arcs as hills in terms of stakes, where the first entries start of shallow and then the stakes shoot right up in the second game.

The Crossbell arc is more like a "rolling hill" structure. A slow first game with an intense final quarter, a slightly slow second game with an intense second half. The reasoning behind this is probably the fact that Zero, unlike Sky FC, CSI and CSIII ends on a happy note, with all the issues cleared up and the SSS all smiling and waving at the camera, rather than an emotional cliffhanger like the other first-in-the-arc entries.

Admittedly, I prefer the other arcs' structure of putting all the excitement into the second game, and I prefer Sky SC as a result, but that doesn't stop this from being an outstanding game.

It's Trails. It has all the wonder you'd expect. And the unique thing about Crossbell is that the NPC story arcs are even longer and more detailed than in any other city. Some even go through struggles, seem to find success, then even relapse before improving again. That's a difficult story to tell for a MAIN character. Imagine the effort Falcom are willing to go for these NPCs, just to make this city feel truly alive. (Some things never change though. Looking at you, Haas!)

As for the story, when it picks up, it REALLY picks up. Given the small setting, when Crossbell is in danger, it really feels as though the whole world is in danger as this is the world you've grown so used to. The way the changes affect the SSS (the old AND new members) and, of course, the supernatural elements and great powers that remind you of the true stakes of the Trails series.

This game also ends on a twist. One hell of a twist. Some might be conflicted on it, but most agree how insane it is, and not something I've seen in any other game.

As of where I am at CSIV, this is my 2nd favourite Trails game after Sky SC.
Spooky Scary Scampicus 30 Mei @ 1:47pm 
For anyone who doesn't know how to pronounce this guy's username:
it's pronounced "calok and kwa-zigen-shore"
Happy to help