御姐萝莉不高冷听话 听你指挥
daicro 6 feb, ore 9:09 
Matate c:
SUKABLYATS♾ 4 feb, ore 18:24 
br sorete
T.Tv/ILoveUSableWard 28 gen, ore 11:57 
Si eres mujer dame un beso si eres un hombre come queso zzz
dan! 25 gen, ore 23:50 
si no tunelea no gana zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
76561199124676248 25 gen, ore 9:43 
tunelero y camperino
₦ | eronzeN 23 gen, ore 18:34 
wtf infinite loop 720 cheater gen rusher surv flying in the map
El Thomii pA!® 26 dic 2024, ore 9:18 
Timon 23 dic 2024, ore 14:56 
Trash cheater....
Space_Cruzer101 18 dic 2024, ore 7:44 
Needs to cheat and use Ping abuse to win in games lol
sour 10 dic 2024, ore 12:44 
Clipped this guy glatantly shooting through solid rock. Cheating trash.
SHINOBI 10 dic 2024, ore 9:10 
I was defending bounty for 30min it was going well and then he turn on hack and headshot our whole team through walls.. he also knew where all my traps were. BAN!
A L í ♡ 10 dic 2024, ore 8:23 
no skill he toggled cheats after I killed his teammates with a shotgun after 20 mins sitting inside defending the bounty
CaptApollo 29 nov 2024, ore 13:42 
cheating trash talker that got spanked by my big old AMERICAN D*CK... back to lobby you c*ck s*cking piece of trash!
NuCore 28 nov 2024, ore 7:16 
this guy is a hunt showdown certified cheater, certified by crytek themselves
Deko 27 nov 2024, ore 11:14 
Raxi 23 nov 2024, ore 16:29 
Lindo cheat amigo, lastima que mi impacto pega mas fuerte y te manda a dormir la siesta macaquiño
[Lone] Tommy Lipica 23 nov 2024, ore 10:41 
Morre pra zumbi e vem abrir o voip KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
Jun-Jun 16 nov 2024, ore 22:56 
buen speedhack gordito!! te fuiste grabado brazuca hijo de remil puta
† Cresporonga † 16 nov 2024, ore 18:28 
alto cheater:fnr_monkey:
ToTo 15 nov 2024, ore 18:08 
Raxi 12 nov 2024, ore 7:24 
Usando wallhack te fuiste domado igual
[♥HATERS♥]xxREXOxx 11 nov 2024, ore 15:05 
gg mano era el polilla jajajaja
Vaegirson 10 nov 2024, ore 14:22 
Maria go cook in the kitchen, this game not for the ♥♥♥♥♥
HauptGaymann von Dach 10 nov 2024, ore 10:48 
Goodi Goodi Cheats Banana Picker
SeizurePa††y 8 nov 2024, ore 7:32 
lol Brazil, EZ kill even when you're suss AF
Dhâos (Shade) 8 nov 2024, ore 6:31 
Ping abuse the only way you can kill people
Hero6152 7 nov 2024, ore 6:45 
k ys server hopper
TeeWhyLeAre 7 nov 2024, ore 5:55 
Laggy Brazilian on NA East servers playing with YS cheaters. Hunt in 2024.
ShiiFu 5 nov 2024, ore 14:54 
Já usou um wallzinho nessa conta também?
Irag 3 nov 2024, ore 19:05 
Me quiere meter la verga D:
Poor Planning 2 nov 2024, ore 14:11 
bro shoots and is gone before you see him acting like "nah i dont see a problem with it"

maybe if your country wasnt a ♥♥♥♥-hole more folks would have PCs and you wouldnt have to server hop you 3rd world slug
bituca 2 nov 2024, ore 14:00 
you should stop crying on my profile lol
-$$-FuNb4gss 2 nov 2024, ore 13:39 
You should probably take you and your high ass ping back to your own servers.
Poor Planning 2 nov 2024, ore 13:33 
bro records a whole comp of him being 200 plus ping cheating lololol i guess what they say about yall is true
MowblackBr 2 nov 2024, ore 12:43 
ñ cansa de ser banidinho amigo ? fracassado
DasGriff 1 nov 2024, ore 20:30 
go play your own servers you broken English speaking 3rd world havin ass cheaters. Surprised they even have internet in your dogwater country. hope your 7 views enjoy trash gameplay by a guy clearly using an aimbot.
vandavis 1 nov 2024, ore 17:45 
Esse ♥♥♥♥♥ não consegue nem disfarçar
SEWAKARA NAWARA 23 ott 2024, ore 10:38 
quanto é a mensalidade do programa?
DEVIL 19 ott 2024, ore 17:39 
carai toma banho com esses hack
ToScano 19 ott 2024, ore 13:55 
nice cheats
ign4cio 15 ott 2024, ore 15:46 
Chitero virgen
TheKingOfThings 10 ott 2024, ore 12:54 
another dirty cheater......this game is a joke now
🆃🅷🆁 | PHYLO 9 ott 2024, ore 9:11 
haha, I was whiffing my shots for sure. gg
Coc Holiday 2 ott 2024, ore 16:11 
HAHA you dumb piece of ♥♥♥♥! I got you DEAD TO RIGHTS on video with your hacks. Are you too stupid to remember we can spectate? I will GREATLY enjoy watching the ban appear on your profile you pathetic scumbag
LilYellow 15 set 2024, ore 14:37 
virgen kl
ela me chamando prafuderdinovo 12 set 2024, ore 11:09 
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Obrigado! Usamos esse tipo de denúncia para agir contra trapaceiros. Não emitimos banimentos sem uma análise aprofundada das denúncias. HACKER HUNT SHOWDOWN :steamthumbsdown:
Nigetta 11 set 2024, ore 17:48 
Bota um calibre 12 no meio dos teus miolos por favor
Nigetta 11 set 2024, ore 17:48 
Se mata mano
TeRasgoNaBala 7 set 2024, ore 20:36 
hack lixo. nem com isso consegue peitar. lixo imundo