Mike WathoWthski v2
Mike WathoWthski   Congo
Hi guys! I'm a 14 year old otaku and I love rhythm games!
I play Bang Dream! Girls Band Party on my mobile phone and IPAD.

Settings on GBP:
Device: Ipad Pro 10.5 Inch
Note speed: 10.8
Note size: 150%

Favourite Anime:
Kaguya Sama: Love is War
Love Live! School Idol Project
Bang Dream! (Bandori for Short)

As you can tell, i'm a huge idol fan!

Steins Gate
Mob Psycho 100
Rick and Morty

I love intellectual animes because it helps cultivate my intelligence quotient, which is shown to be over 120 as seen in online IQ tests.

Stan Hello Happy World! They are such a cute, fluffy group of characters in Bang Dream! <3
my brain operates at 500 pingn given.
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