Young Shinobi Eijisai T.I.D.K
A dark past PTSD samurai
........"Young Shinobis Must have hearts of honor and fights......And yet i keep fighting to claim that goal....."-Young Shinobi Eijisai
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When King Demoborn made up my name Young Shinobi Eijisai i felt like this Samurai is a tribute to the Degroot Warriors Acamedy
DoubleSalt 23 Jan @ 12:09am 
fancy seeing you again
But yet.....there is a dark lore i had
I'm back Captain Flynt Locke sailed away going to another island
DoubleSalt 19 Jan @ 7:21pm 
Hey, I also knew pirates were real. You know this reminds me, one time my buddy Keith wanted to know how it felt to be a pirate. So he packed up a bunch of stuff and "borrowed" a guy's sailboat, and when I meant borrowed I meant he just stole it and set sail. Unfortunately for him the weather wasn't so happy at the time he set sail. It was stormy as hell out there, waves were as big as trucks, thunder striking every minute. When me and my other buddies haven't heard from him in 3 days we went out to find him. After a few hours of searching, we managed to find him, in a not so great condition. The entire sailboat was completely destroyed, only bits and pieces of it were left. Keith was holding on to a piece that was on the verge of breaking. When we picked him up, he told us that he never wants to go back to the ocean.