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Senaste recensioner av wanya

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2,889.6 timmar totalt (1,585.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
note: If you want to read this review in English, please scroll down or use Google Translator.

 このゲームは、Sword Art Onlineという日本アニメのガワ、主人公(数種類のCVの戦闘中ボイス)とお供(数種類のCVのフルボイス)のキャラメイク・衣装や武器のカラー変更、SAOのキャラ達と共に行うわちゃわちゃした戦闘、コアな人向けのやりこみ要素、といったものなど(ストーリー?いえ、知らない子ですね)からできていて、TPSではなく、剣の代わりに銃がメインになったJ-RPGといった印象です。

 装備の厳選も強化も、最も終盤のごく一部の武器(Type-Z武器)の厳選を除いたほぼ全てはオフラインコンテンツとなっているため、一人でコツコツ装備強化をするのが嫌いな方にはオススメできません。好きな人はプレイ時間がかさばりますので別の注意が必要です。なお、強化素材集めに関しては、最終的にゲーム内のあり余るお金で解決されます 。また、オンラインでのそのごく一部の武器も、別の入手手段だったり、代替武器だったりがあるので、オンラインコンテンツへの参加はゲーム性においても任意です。そういう点では、後になってから遊び始めても支障がないとも言えます。
 有料DLCの1~4に関しては、特に2と4がやり込む上では必須となり、他2つのDLCも武器強化限界値の関係で必要となりますので、 最初からCompleteEditionを購入したほうが良い です。ゲーム本体のみでは各武器種ごとに似たりよったりですが、DLC追加武器はそれぞれに尖った特徴があることが多く、遊びの幅も広がるでしょう。

 2022年初頭でのオンライン共闘に関して言うと、アクティブユーザーの数も流石に少なくなっているようで、野良マルチで頼りがいのある方がゲストに来てくれることはあまり期待できません。また、Steam版では一部のチートはそのまま持ち込めるため、「この人強いな」と思ったらチーターだったなんてザラです。なので、オンラインと言いつつ、残念ながら ソロ攻略前提 となってしまっています。
 ちなみに、このゲームにおけるオンライン接続方法は相互接続のPeer to Peerです。

 主な情報源としては、公式攻略本(ダメージ計算式・詳しい仕様など, 信憑性:ほぼ100%)、かなりやり込んでいる動画配信者(ビルド構成・立ち回り・武器解説など, 信憑性:動画主のやりこみ度依存)、Steam CommunityやRedditのガイド記事(信憑性:最終更新日とお気に入り率・数を参考)、攻略サイト等の掲示板の比較的新しいコメント(要精査)などといったところでしょうか。


---<In English>---
I wrote this review after playing this game over 1,000 hours.

this game consists of japanese animation, "Sword Art Online", main character and their companion who are customized by yourself (they have several kinds of character voices in Japanese), customizing outfits' and weapon's color, lively battle alongside the characters of SAO, and contents for hardcore players to replay. (Story? No, I don't know it.) My impression of this game is that this game isn't TPS but J-RPG where people mainly use guns in stead of swords.

The difficulty of this game is easy among TPS games, because my aiming is very bad but I can stably clear the most difficult hardcore quest in Co-op, thanks to assist system of Target Assist when you aim down sight. Most enemies' attack motions are large swings, so you don't need to often input commands quickly to avoid them. Also, you will be fine if we enhance our character and equipment and know about enemies since this game is not only TPS but also RPG.

Also, this game is rare game which realize a boy's dream, "Slash bullets with a sword". "duel wield guns" is also a man's dream, isn't it?

You should be careful when you use swords in this world of guns, but if your attack hit enemies apparently, there is no way to happen "miss" since this game's genre is TPS and there are no hit rate nor avoidance rate. I personally prefer this point comparing to other SAO games where people mainly use melee weapons.

By the way, I play this game with keyboard and mouse but my left hand is pretty busy because it need to operate most of commands with keyboard except for aiming and shooting. Thanks to two additional buttons which work as "go ahead" and "back" on my mouse, it's not too busy in my case, but if you use a simple mouse, your hand may end up being too busy.

<Game Contents>
You don't have to enhance your equipment but only need to update new weapons to finish the main story. However, if your purpose is only finishing the story of this game, it's better to play other SAO games.

Most of contents of this game are available in only offline mode except for farming a few kinds of weapons which called Type-Z weapons that you can mainly farm in the hardest hardcore Co-op. So, I can't recommend this game to people who don't like playing and enhancing gears steadily, but if you like it, please be careful not to play too long time.
Regarding gathering materials for enhancing, it will finally be solved by too much money. By the way, there are alternative ways to get Type-Z weapons and there are also alternative weapons for them. So, it is not true that we need to join online contents in this game. these points let you play this game later without hindrance.

About paid DLCs, you should get No.2 and No.4 of paid DLCs in order to comfortably play endgame content, and need to get all of paid DLCs to enhance your weapons completely. So, it's good to buy Complete Edition from the first. Weapons in base game are similar to each of their peers in most cases, but additional weapons on DLCs often have sharp characteristics and they will let you have fun more.

About Co-op on the beginning of 2022, it seems that only a few players still play Co-op and you can't expect to play with a good player as a guest without any appointments. Also, in Steam edition, some people use cheating. So, unfortunately, you should assume that you need to be able to clear Co-op by yourself in most cases.

I have never played PvP contents, but I suppose that the active PvP players are less than active Co-op players.

As a side note, the method of online connection in this game is Peer to Peer.

<for Beginners>
I started to play this game after the last update of it and played for many hours as a latecomer. I found that it takes a time for latecomers to collect strategy information and detailed specifications of this game.

This game was released in 2018 and sold over a million. This game update lasts two years and has got various kinds of specification changes. However, many of the summary sites such as the capture wiki have stopped updating in the middle. So, some websites leave old information and you often find them on the top of Google Search. Reviews in 2018 may be not reliable either.

In-game tutorials almost only explain the methods of operating. So, if you don't have a friend who has played the last version of this game, you need to select and collect information from the Internet and so on.

The sources of information that I think up are the Official Guide Book published by KADOKAWA (about damage calculation formula, detailed specifications and so on. it is almost completely reliable, but it is published only in Japanese.), YouTubers who play this game so many times (about build, fighting action, weapon commentary and so on. the reliability of their information depends on their level of replaying), the guide articles in Steam Community or Reddit (you can select them considering their counts & ratio of favorites and the latest updated date), relatively new comments in websites such as forum (you have to check whether they are correct), and so on.

By the way, I made a integrated Guide about this game in Steam Community. Please see it if you want.

Sorry for the long sentence and poor English.
Upplagd 1 februari 2022. Senast ändrad 19 januari 2023.
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