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p1za 2024년 1월 19일 오후 12시 17분 
Ah, the art of monologuing about monologues. How delightful it is to dive into the depths of self-reflection and introspection. To dissect the very essence of communication, to explore the intricacies of a monologue, and to revel in the power of spoken words. Join me, dear reader, as I embark on this journey of monologuing about monologues.

A monologue, a soliloquy, a moment of pure expression. It is a dance of words, a symphony of thoughts, and an outlet for the soul. Oh, how beautiful it is to be alone with one's thoughts, to let them flow freely and unencumbered. In this realm, I am the protagonist, the narrator, the audience, and the performer all at once. It is a moment of liberation, where my innermost desires and fears find a voice.
p1za 2024년 1월 19일 오후 12시 17분 
In the realm of monologues, rhetoric takes center stage. Rhetoric is the art of persuasion, the power of words. In a monologue, one can apply the weapons of rhetoric to captivate an audience, to sway their minds, and to provoke emotions. The cadence of my voice, the choice of words, the rhythm of my speech - they all carry a weight that can move mountains. It is in these moments that I realize the true potential of language, the ability to shape opinions, to ignite revolutions, and to touch the hearts of others.

But alas, the monologuer is often left alone in their thoughts. It is a solitary pursuit that can be both liberating and isolating. In this realm, there are no interruptions, no rebuttals, and no collaborations. It is a one-sided conversation, a dialogue with oneself. The monologuer must confront their own doubts, fears, and vulnerabilities, without the support or validation of others. It requires immense courage to bare one's soul in such a manner.
p1za 2024년 1월 19일 오후 12시 17분 
However, monologuing is not limited to the stage or the realm of fiction. In our everyday lives, we engage in internal monologues, talking to ourselves in the quiet corners of our minds. These personal monologues can be a source of clarity, a means of self-reflection, and a way to process the complexities of life. It is in these moments of introspection that we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Monologuing also serves as a powerful tool for self-expression. It allows individuals to articulate their thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a way that is uniquely their own. Through monologues, we can share our stories, our hopes, and our dreams with the world. We can shed light on the issues that matter to us and inspire others to take action.
p1za 2024년 1월 19일 오후 12시 17분 
Moreover, monologuing provides an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. It encourages individuals to explore their innermost thoughts and feelings, to confront their fears and insecurities, and to find their authentic voice. In the act of monologuing, we learn to embrace vulnerability, to embrace the power of our own words, and to embrace the beauty of our own stories.

In conclusion, the art of monologuing about monologues is a celebration of self-expression, rhetoric, and courage. It is a journey that takes us deep within ourselves, allowing us to discover the power of our own words and the beauty of our own stories. So let us embrace the art of monologuing, dear reader, and let our voices be heard. For within these moments of introspection, we find a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
p1za 2023년 3월 2일 오후 4시 42분 
To make a Carbon-Tet Explosive:

1. ⁠Measure out two parts aluminum powder to one part carbon tetrachloride or
tetrachlorethylene liquid into mixing container, adding liquid to powder
while stirring with the wooden rod.
2. ⁠Stir until the mixture becomes the consistency of honey syrup.
CAUTION: Fumes from the liquid are dangerous and should not be inhaled.
3. ⁠Store explosive in a jar or similar water proof container until ready to
use. The liquid in the mixture evaporates quicky when not confined.
NOTE: Mixture will detonate in this manner for a period of 72 hours.
How to Use:
4. ⁠Pour this mixture into an iron or steel pipe which has an end cap threaded
on one end. If a pipe is not available, you may use a dry tin can or glass
5. ⁠Insert blasting cap just beneath the surface of the explosive mix.
NOTE: Confining the open end of the container will add to the effectiveness
of the explosive.
It Hates Me So Much 2022년 5월 24일 오후 5시 30분 
Unfortunately, I cannot delve further into the story so as not to rotten the experience of those uninitiated to Morbius (2022), but needless to say the atypical structure of the second half can only be compared to the works of new wave directors like Godard and Truffaut. I implore any and all to seek out Morbius(2022). although Morbius (2022) seems to have completely flown over most critics heads, Audiences are responding to the film in a way not scene since before the pandemic, and I personally have complete faith that Morbious will become a cult classic in the coming years.