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FreshWomen is a classic erotic novel that is somewhat lackluster compared to competing titles with similar themes. You take on the role of a young man who initially had a beautiful childhood, as his father was relatively well off financially. One ugly evening, however, his parents quarrel and his father throws him and his mother out of the house.
As a result, you lost all your money and started living a normal life where your mother did everything to make sure you were well. Once your playable character comes of age, he decides to confront his father, whom he first follows on a nearby hill - but then your hero is struck by lightning, scarring his back and losing all memory. However, it also has one big advantage, thanks to this life tragedy, several beautiful women start to revolve around him.

The ladies, especially Lily and Julia, are a joy to look at: it seems that the developers have given them the most care. Unfortunately, what undermines the legs of this project is the script, which does not manage to draw you into the story. There are dialog choices that do not affect anything to some extent. It almost feels like an add-on that should make you feel like you're actually in control of the story.

Graphically, the game is really nice, which is a big positive in this "fap" genre. I also positively evaluate the easy hunting of achievements. 35%
投稿日 10月22日.
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The world of Rivellon, a thousand years after the events of the first game.
After the death of the spiritual leader, there is a merciless hunt for all users of the magical energy known as Source, to which you belong. Your adventure thus begins in a prison fortress rather sarcastically named Fort Joy, only to then plunge you through a stormy ocean, a wild coast, a tropical island, the shadows of a big city and the depths of your own soul.

And who are you? That is exactly the question. As in most RPGs, you can create your own character, including race, profession, and various stats. Or you choose, in my opinion, the significantly wiser option, and become one of the pre-made heroes who complete their own, carefully constructed, personal tasks, waiting for special adventures in the world.
And what heroes they are! The elf Sebille, like other members of her race, can eat human flesh and thus access the poor victim's memories. It can reveal pieces of the story, or perhaps learn a skill. The Red Prince is the ruler of all the lizards, although he is currently suffering from the slight inconvenience of exile. And the various reptiles he encounters in the world will either love him or hate him. Lohse is possessed by a demon. Fane is an undead skeleton that can only move between humans when it puts on someone's face instead of a mask.

Every moment of frustration and slight disappointment was richly redeemed by a trip to a fascinating and vibrant world, capable of dealing with a solitary adventurer, a dynamic duo and a foursome unleashing unimaginable chaos. 40%
投稿日 10月22日.
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12 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
I consider Dragon's Dogma to be a heroic party simulator in which you create your own stories and the chatter with the dragon and Arisen in the background is more of a formality.
The plot pulled the game well in a certain direction, but it didn't annoy you too much and didn't distract you from what you will remember the most - spectacular fights, tactics and sometimes even witchcraft preparations for some tough enemies. So it doesn't matter at all that Dark Arisen only has a completely standard mini-story and doesn't attempt any Shakespeare.

There's also a decent jump in difficulty between the original game and the data disc. The spirit of the game is that you can go to Bitterblack Island whenever you want. But if you don't have enough level, you will know it by the corpses of your pawns and your character. After several desperate attempts to "do it now" (tens of hours of grinding), I finally listened to the creator and went to the island at level 52. In my opinion, this is just enough to make the first half of the game a solid challenge, but not frustrating at the same time.
However, I soon learned the weakness of Bitterblack Island. It is a linear dive into dungeons and caves, which brings with it logically closed spaces and narrow corridors that only occasionally disturb the larger hall. On the one hand, it's very atmospheric thanks to the game's great lighting as you wait for something to jump out at you. On the other hand, my Ranger with a ranged specialization found himself needing daggers more than his specialization would indicate.

I was disappointed that a large part of the bestiary consists only of classic monsters from Dragon's Dogma, to which the authors added some additional characteristics, made them bigger, etc. Even so, there are some great new monsters that every forged dragon slayer will be happy to discover, so I won't spoil their fun specific description.

Anyone who doesn't have and hasn't played Dragon's Dogma at all gets the improved original game together with the data disk. It's solid fun and of course quite a challenge. 30%
投稿日 10月1日.
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9 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
Something stank. It's either the archival Greenlandic spread I've dipped my elbow in, or it's me. I crouch behind the shelf of local consumerism and feel that option b is correct. I observe a flickering red-blue light on the walls of the shop. The search began. The atmosphere thickens. Music from wistful strings quickly gives way to majestic brass. The lawmen are coming. The conversation with the salesman is like something out of a movie. The policemen occasionally smile, clear their throats, put the rim of their glasses in their mouths, but in the end they learn nothing. The citizen does not know. He has no idea that the suspect has already exchanged the described jacket for a butcher's uniform. A few more phrases, the promise of a phone call "if anything", one gratis coke and the officers leave. You can't see much through the cans, but judging by the disappearing shadows, I think it worked. The music can turn up again. I feel like a winner who just can't raise his hands. Now to prevent the grocer from going to check the goods. For my scalp would answer him with clear speech.
I'm the Hitman. The man barcode readers love. 30%
投稿日 10月1日.
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Were you scared as a child in the forest? Few people would remain calm in the forest through which the survival story Darkwood takes you. All footpaths lead only deep into ominous trees. Into a land of terrifying shadows. There seems to be no way out, every sound can herald the coming of disfigurement or death, and the nights in this forest are woven of nightmares. Literally.

If you focus on the game mechanics that Darkwood offers, you will find that it is nothing that we have never seen before. It's a mix of slightly modified survival elements, exploration, fortress defense and horror storytelling. Nevertheless, playing brings extraordinary experiences, for which the story and atmosphere need to be highlighted.
The plot is set in Poland around the eighties of the last century. But it is not important, because the main role here is played by the forest, which appeared seemingly out of nowhere and completely cut off several villages from civilization with impenetrable trees, as if strangling the veins to prevent the poison from getting further. Spores of strange fungi drift through the air with unyielding finality, followed by madness, warping and death.
A nameless protagonist who tells you nothing about himself enters this stage.

Darkwood probably won't be to everyone's taste. The one who likes to rest and relax while playing games would not be very satisfied, of course. It is difficult and punishes failures quite harshly, which can frustrate some. For horror fans, this survival story with an unconventional cut, which plays on the horror note with unprecedented sensitivity and skill, is a must-play. 25%
投稿日 9月30日. 最終更新日 9月30日
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LEGO is no longer just a great building block that can be used to build practically anything. We gamers know very well that in addition to bricks, LEGO is also a successful series of games that usually portrays the biggest movie icons.

The Lord of the Rings fairly faithfully follows the events of the original film, which will definitely be appreciated by all fans of the trilogy, as well as uninitiated players who are given enough information to understand the plot and the outcome of the story. Although quite logically several passages were removed from the game and a few of them were changed in the interest of integrity and the running of the game, but this does not detract from the experience in any way. We can be grateful for the fact that all the important events have been preserved and it is only a matter of skipping the more boring passages - wandering through nature, longer conversations, etc.
It doesn't hurt either to lighten the story, which the authors probably resorted to in some passages due to the PEGI rating. For example, the killing of Boromir of Gondor with a broomstick and a banana can be seen, which serves its purpose well - such scenes are spared for small children, while adults can have a good time with them. In addition, this and other reliefs were hidden in a larger group of funny scenes, and therefore they do not draw too much attention to themselves, but on the contrary, they manage to naturally complete the overall funny character of (not only) Frodo's adventure.

While it's a weaker piece in the series, it's still a pretty good one-off game. 15%
投稿日 9月30日.
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The hero, who, as is often the case, suffers from moderately acute memory loss, wakes up to a bleak, cruel world. He is one of the revenants, immortal soldiers created as a last-ditch effort to stave off humanity's impending doom. Which in the end succeeded only very sporadically. In addition, this time amnesia is not just a screenwriter's crutch.
Immortality has its price, and it's not exactly a bargain. Revenants must drink blood regularly, otherwise they lose themselves and turn into unthinking monsters, and with each death they lose part of their memories, which remain where their former owner died. But he usually doesn't notice it. Because when you forget something, you don't actually know you forgot it.

The game serves regular showers of lemonade accompanied by pompously dramatic chants, which start to get on your nerves within an hour. Sure, the whole game styles itself like gothic anime punk, but it's too much of a detriment. It makes it all the more annoying that if you manage to cut through the coating of tear jelly and the layer of typical anime cliche (everyone constantly wants to protect each other and tells each other every five minutes), the story itself might not be bad at all.

Visually, the game doesn't look bad, but I recommend observing the objects and the landscape from a distance, because a detailed examination will reveal models and textures from the last decade.
Stylish soulslike anime with a great combat system and a rich selection of options for your own approach to playing. However, unimaginative enemies, weaker level design and unused story potential worsen the overall impression. 20%
投稿日 9月30日.
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7 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
Revenge is the alpha and omega of the story.
The main role is taken by the young, only nineteen-year-old Velvet Crowe, who after an unfortunate accident and the death of her little brother turns into a half-demon and is forcibly imprisoned for three whole years in a cold prison.
However, with the help of his childhood friend, he manages to escape, and at that moment he vows that before he dies, he will avenge his family and eliminate his brother's murderer. This is embodied by Artorius Collbrande, the head of the church and master of exorcism, who will become the driving force for your journey across the vast map of the holy Empire of Midgand.

It is the first time ever that the script moves the main character to the level of demonic evil and, conversely, the opposition and enemies to the level of good and justice. Berseria is thus suddenly refreshed with a subtle vampire theme.

Weak technical side and stupid graphics are not very attractive for players these days. The minimum of innovations in the gameplay, the lack of interaction with the environment bothered me the most. The JRPG genre would need an upgrade to move up to the level of today's games. 10%
投稿日 9月30日.
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43 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
A monumentally huge game with an unprecedented level of detail and the resulting atmosphere, which is difficult to find competition, fantastic audiovisuals, a magnificent soundtrack, an interesting narrative and (un)likable characters whose fates are etched in the memory.

The starting line is extremely simple. Dutch's gang is on the run after a botched heist. He needs to find enough resources not only for survival, but above all for a definitive escape somewhere far away and even further, where everyone will start a new life.
But it's not that simple and the gang doesn't stick together the way Dutch would like. External pressures are gradually added to internal ones, one story event follows another, and conflicts of all kinds begin to increase in intensity.
With your permission, I won't tell you anything about the story itself and even more about its outcome. Luckily, Rockstar also held their tongues, and if you don't let the game get spoiled somewhere else, you'll be in for quite a few big surprises.

Thanks to the large length of the game, the characters have enough room for development, and that there is room to develop.
The creators really didn't rush anything, they let the internal and external conflicts mature properly, and when it bubbles to the surface and it comes to breaking bread, some scenes can make you emotional. More than once, my eyes widened in surprise, I had goosebumps, or I felt outright disgust at the actions of certain characters. And I laughed out loud several times.

Rockstar has also not been afraid of controversial topics for a long time, and the story of Red Dead Redemption is no exception. Dutch's gang plays the absolute primordial role, but now and then the story can easily touch on such topics as slavery, colonialism, treaties with Indians, torture, racism, women's rights, etc. But it is never a significant part of the game, just as from I don't feel that the creators are trying to push any agenda of their own.

You can enjoy John Marston here as one of the gang members, but Arthur Morgan is the main driver of the game. An outlaw, gangster and one of the most loyal and senior members of Dutch's gang. Arthur is tough, uncompromising and not afraid to kill, but he has his own sense of honor and order.
Arthur is primarily yours, and that sense of honor and order may or may not suit your perception of such things. With unobtrusive and obvious decisions, you gradually shape this stubborn lump of model to your own image, both internally and externally.

The gang is chased by one calamity after another, and the oppressive realization settles in the souls of its members that it probably won't get any better. You will know each of them by name, understand why they are with you, and love them. Or to hate him, of course, but never because of some primal evil that the creators would throw at you like a piece of meat to bite into. And that is also the mark of a well-written actor.

I have already come up with the right word to describe this game. Unprecedented. 85%
投稿日 9月30日.
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8 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
The playable character is physicist Gordon Freeman, who becomes part of a failed experiment in the Black Mesa Research Facilities laboratories, somewhere in the deserts of New Mexico. This catastrophic event will trigger a series of events that you will explore throughout the game.

The gameplay consists of going through corridor passages, overcoming puzzles and a story that is always told without the use of any cutscenes. The game tells everything through dialogues both with companions who will accompany you and through random characters scattered around the map.

Puzzles are a big part of the game and some are very challenging. Not knowing what to do, however, never means you're playing the game wrong or that you're not paying attention. It means that the developers of the game wanted you to get lost in the game and so you have to explore the environment and figure out what is wanted of you.
Don't wait for any indicator in the game to guide you to the destination. You have to figure everything out yourself. Although it's a more or less linear game, there are many tricky areas and I honestly don't think there's anyone among us who hasn't stopped at some point in Half-Life to think about where you're supposed to go or what's expected of you . However, after sometimes less, sometimes more time spent researching, you will realize that the level design of this game is absolutely brilliant and once you understand what is wanted of you, everything starts to make sense. The levels are varied, the tasks are not repeated with a few exceptions, and the balance of action and logical sequences is perfect.

Black Mesa is clearly the best way to experience the first Half-Life. 35%
投稿日 8月7日.
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