Norfolk, Virginia, United States
I don't have negative canthal thilt, resscesed hair line, overbite, crooked teeth, thin lips, T50 prey eyes with negative canthal thílt, shortand thin eyelashes, thin archedeyebrows, rescessed chin, round face, no cheekbenes, 11 shoulder to waist ratio, big forehead, yellow teeth, big asymetrical ears, weakjawline, Overbite, no muscles, short nasal bridge, poor beard growth, acne, acne scars, unsymetrical jawline, poor maxila sUpport, mouthbreather, wrinkles, big crooked unsymetrical nose, bad mid face to lower face ratio, dry lips, unwanted facial hair, unibrow, wide gap between eyes, thin neck...
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1 bannissement en jeu enregistré | Infos
1265 jour(s) depuis le dernier bannissement
Feral 13 aout à 20h06 
+rep helped me verify nic cage's ass by giving rimming instructions
SZOCO 6 aout à 16h54 
-rep delete the game you retarded idiot
Lissy 1 juil. à 18h08 
-rep noob tunneling and tunneling and tunneling
Not Inferno 29 juin à 17h18 
dodge this survivor, doesn't bring cake
hawkeye 23 juin à 14h27 
на приколе 16 juin à 15h04 
thanks for mori