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1.0 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
Loved the Game at original release and still do.

Yes it plays a bit clunky and has some flaws but hey where in the original too. You get a funny action Hack & Slash.
The removed Music and costumes due too licensing problem are bit of a bummer but mods can help with that, also the Developers have said they are working on patches for some of the hickups of the game.

The Original was an 80 for me so this will be a 78 because i think they could have done more in the remaster part and maybe it should have been 10 bucks cheaper but in the ende it is still Lollipop Chainsaw!
Posted 18 September.
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17.4 hrs on record (9.0 hrs at review time)
So i wanted to like this game but it makes it really hard to do so.
As a big Fan of this series since the first one on the OG Xbox it really hurts to se what 2K made of it. Yes the Stadiums look okay, but the players look like from an two generations old Game, the small roster makes tournaments smaller as they are in real life.

I could look over many of the flaws but of course 2K has to put their scheme of Microtransaction VC nonsense in here too and forthat the Singleplayer Modes are Serverbound so if they are down you can only use Exibithion and Top Spin Academy, just like NBA 2K all over again. And naturally it needs some kind of Battlepass right?

If you are big Tennis and/ or Top Spin Fans do yourself a Favor and do not buy untill you can get it for arround 15 Bucks!
Posted 27 April.
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12.9 hrs on record (8.6 hrs at review time)
Pretty good FPS that has two major flaws, the writing of the Twin Sisters is really cringe sometimes, so the teenage Girls act out like teenage boys most of the Time and the other beeing downed by the enemy your KI Sister sometimes has trouble to get you up again while standing right beside you.

Other than that it is a pretty good shooter with a levelling system for your character and your guns, some good and some not so good sidequests and side objectives. It looks okay even today and if you don't mind visiting locations more then once you should risk a look.
Posted 21 January.
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340.8 hrs on record (121.5 hrs at review time)

Ja ich habe viel Spaß mit Starfield, natürlich hat es seine Schwächen keine Frage trotzdem ist es für mich mein Highlight 2023!
Das Gunplay macht Spaß es bietet viel guten Content den man manchmal auch etwas suchen muss. Klar die Hauptstory ist Bethesda typisch nichts was wirklich Bäume ausreißt aber solide, dafür sind einige der Nebenquests wieder Hervorragend wie ich finde. Und auch wenn es diesmal keine Zusammenhängende Welt wie in Elder Scrolls oder Fallout ist gibt es dennoch einiges zu entdecken.
Und es ist mir wie in jedem Bethesda Spiel eine Freude erstmal Stunden in die Einrichtung meiner Wohnung zu Stecken. Auch das Basteln im Schiffseditor ist klasse.

Mein größter Kritikpunkt sind die Zufallsgenerierten Inhalte. Hier hätte Bethesda Einfach ein wenig mehr Zeit investieren müssen. Warum man für so ein System so wenig und dann auch noch nahezu identische Inhalte zu Verfügung stellt kann ich nicht verstehen. Wenn man eben 4 mal hintereinander in Kopfgeldmissionen die selbe Basis ausräumt und die Gegner an der gleichen Stelle auftauchen und die Einrichtung ebenso dann ist das nicht wirklich Spannend.
Posted 22 November, 2023.
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69.0 hrs on record
Sehr gutes RPG!
Natürlich ist die Technik nicht mehr auf der Höhe der Zeit und das Kampfsystem etwas schwerfällig. Wenn man sich aber darauf einlässt kann man aber ein tolles Abenteuer erleben.

Verschieden Pfade bieten einen gewissen Wiederspielwert, Bugs und Glitches halten sich mittlerweile in Grenzen.
Man bekommt eben ein typisches Piranha Bytes Game mit allen Ecken und Kanten. Wer die anderen Spiele mochte kann hier bedenkenlos zugreifen, alle anderen dürfen gerne einen Blick riskieren wenn sich ihnen beim Namen Piranha Bytes nicht die Fußnägel aufrollen, denn diese werden auch hier nicht die Erfüllung finden.
Posted 4 September, 2022.
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35.9 hrs on record (12.1 hrs at review time)
Good Action RPG!

I played this game at release on the Xbox One and now on the PC. And i like it! Sure it never reaches the depth of an Diablo and it can get a bit of redundant, wich is a problem with ARPG'S in general.

the Story is ok, nothing more or less. It has good graphics, i like the combat and the mechanic with the natural hazards at the different biomes where you can freeze to death if you can not reach the next fireplace.
A minus for me is the leveling mechanich where you have to collect the blood of your enemys and need to sacrifice it at an Altar wich you can find one in your Village or one in every level. Not bad per se just feels a little restricted to me.

Also if you are one of the hardcore Lootgrinders this game might not get you what you need. Yes you get loot for killing Mobs but crafting the stuff at the blacksmith in your village is the better way here. Also that your Village growing is a nice touch and all the Shops and Crafters you have to Level up yourself by collecting recources on your adventures.

Also it features a Couch and online Coop, wich is nice too.
I really hope to see a Sequel one day! i give it a 80 of 100!
Posted 13 June, 2022.
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347.6 hrs on record (68.7 hrs at review time)
Please do not buy this Game! Three Months after release and it is still not playable like it is is supposesd to.
In it's current state there is no way i can give it a good review!

Yes the Graphics are good and the Gameplay is more fluid. That is the only thing that is improved and better.

I am a creator type of guy, always using Custom Superstars in a custom league etc.
Create a Video is really good this year everything else took a huge step backwards! They removed bodymorphing to reduce clipping but it still clips like hell on most of the clothing. Selected body types now deform clothes tht are thight on the body like bustiers und Wrestling Leggins. Some parts still look like exploded if used with other ones. So yeah thanks for taking away more creative freedom for nothing! Try to get a thinner female with a medium sized Chest now, oh wait you can't!
And there are more little things that are left out.

Upload to CC is a buggy mess a well, not showing download count for your uploaded pictures.
If you upload something it disappears from your upload list so you can't take em down anymore or it does not appear there at all, so you think it is not uploaded but it was.
Oh and there are a lot of Bugs and Glitches too!

Yeah i still enjoy creating Superstars, Arenas and the other Stuff and the gameplay is an improvement but still to much flaws to buy for the full price or even the really expensive Limited Editions! Please do your self a favour and wait for a Patch or get it on a sale!

Update: Even two big Patches later it is still a glitchy & buggy mess.

Update 2: Third big Patch just released, still not all modes playable even 3 Months after release, update killed on of my created superstars i am loosing my patience with this company and the dev's.

Update 3: So after all DLC'S and Patches released, this game is still not fixed. Universe Mode ist still Broken, still can't apply bodytextures or tattoo's to a superstars body because they disappear under the navel. You can not assign Finishers to Tag Team's because the game does not saves them. Oh and there are still reports of corrupted save games where you loose everything.
Posted 19 March, 2022. Last edited 7 August, 2022.
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25.1 hrs on record (8.2 hrs at review time)
Oh man was ist das denn für ein Krankes Spiel? Nackte Mädels, viel zu viel Blut und Brutalität und dann auch noch in der Kranken Höllen Vision von Agony?
Ganz ehrlich was hier abgeht habe ich so kaum in einem anderen Spiel gesehen teilweise schon abartig!

Klar die Grafik ist nicht mehr so ganz auf dem neuesten Stand, die Charaktermodelle könnten Teilweise besser sein und die Animationen wirken teilweise auch etwas steif.
Man sollte aber auch bedenken das hier kein großer Publisher hinter dem Studio steht und das Budget sicherlich begrenzt war.
Ihr bekommt hier ein Hack & Slash aus der Ego Perspetive bei dem ihr Massen von Gegnern wegmäht und Seelen sammelt die ihr für neue Ausrüstung in eurem Reich ausgeben könnt in dem ihr auch die "Inneneirichtung" noch ein Stück weit anpassen könnt. Da ich Großer Freund von Charaktereditoren in hat es mich gereut das man auch seine Succubus anpassen kann. Frisuren, Körperbemalungen, Gesicht und Körperbau kann man alles einstellen.
Ja es gibt noch einige Bugs, im Level Festhängende Gegener oder nicht ladende Gegnerwellen die ein beenden der Arena nicht zuließen waren da das schlimmste, einmal Hing meine Succubu in der Wurfanimation fest und ich konnte nicht mehr Angreifen. Nach einem Neustart des Levels funktionierte aber alles wieder wie gewohnt! Hoffe die Devs bekommen das alles noch mit Patches gelöst.

25 Euro finde ich für das Gebotene absolut Fair!
Posted 10 October, 2021.
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52.9 hrs on record (30.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
If you like Dating Simulations this one oft the best i have ever played!
Lots of Content, lots of Girls also some branching Story pathe with decisions to make.
Play as male or Female character, voiced dialouge and great Artwork!
What more can you want in a Game like this?
And the Developer always has an ear for you if you have a Problem.
So yeah it is worth the Money!
Posted 13 September, 2020.
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7.1 hrs on record (5.1 hrs at review time)
For me this is still one of the best Visual Novel's out there!

Yes it is what is and that is a Visual Novel where you click trough text and Pictures so if you dont like this kind of stuff this is clearly not for you! It has really nice renderings a pretty good soundtrack and to me a good story with many decisions you can make, most of them don't have an immediately impact on the story but they determine the ending you get.
Will you be the knight in shiny armor or rather a little more shady? It's up to you!

Oh and did i mention there are many pretty girls and women you can have fun with?

So no, this game surley is not for everyone but if you like VN'S you should take a look if can live with the Spicey parts of it of course!
Posted 24 September, 2019.
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