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cassino.raain 1 січ. о 12:46 
Introduction Panama, a Central American nation well-known for its strategic canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, has long been a point of interest for both geopolitical and economic reasons. The country offers a unique blend of advantages and disadvantages that affect its citizens, expatriates, and international stakeholders. On one hand, Panama boasts a robust economy, a favorable geographic location, and a stable political climate. On the other hand, the nation grapples with socioeconomic disparities, environmental concerns, and infrastructural limitations....NGOs Combating Poverty in Latin America Latin America has increasingly become a struggling country in recent years. Economic decline in within the country has been steadily on the rise since the 1980’s. This decline has brought with it shortages of valuable resources within these communities.
The_Real_Knubben 6 лип. 2024 о 5:37 
That was the nicest way to say ♥♥♥♥ you
mexicanu❤ 28 квіт. 2024 о 12:26 
Pentru lungime sunt stabilite si cateva repere: la 10 centimetri, cumparatorul constata ca pe pulometru e scris ca are un penis „ridicol”, la 12 centimetri e „inofensiv”, la 14 centimetri „nesemnificativ”, la 17 centimetri „admisibil”, la 19 centimetri „satisfacator”, la 22 de centimetri „terifiant”, orice penis ce depaseste ultima masura fiind considerat „oribil”. In ceea ce priveste grosimea, sunt patru gauri disponibile: „mic” (fara masura), „mijlociu” (masura normala), „mare” (masura regala) si „cel mai mare” (extra masura).

Pulometrul costa 15 lei si poate fi achizionat si de pe internet, unde este prezentat astfel: „Nedumeriti in privinta marimii? Acum va vine in ajutor pulometrul. Cu o rigla gradata in diferite marimi potrivite pentru oricine, puteti sa aflati un raspuns poate mult dorit. Lasam restul in seama imaginatiei…”.
cassino.raain 27 жовт. 2023 о 10:48 
+rep GOAT but is skinny
pastila 31 трав. 2023 о 3:00 
+rep good
mexicanu❤ 28 квіт. 2023 о 10:57 