Dans un jeu
Risk of Rain 2
Adamis 26 oct. à 7h56 
he is really pro
plomza 26 oct. à 4h29 
you were just as bad as anyone else on your team and i knew literally no one on my team take ur pills brah
静かな日々の階段を 26 oct. à 3h46 
In any other context besides my team being bad that wouldn't have happened, one of the other three people that were focusing me turned out to be a cheater that stalked me so it's no surprise you tag along with people like that, have a terrible day!
plomza 26 oct. à 2h01 
i dommed you like once cuz u were one of 3 entire people on blu running around the map then u disappeared for the rest of the game to talk make-believe
静かな日々の階段を 25 oct. à 17h29 
acting like you weren't focusing me for an entire hour and ♥♥♥♥-talking in chat
plomza 25 oct. à 17h26 
(he was acting like everyone who killed him was magically obsessed with him)