Derek   Kentucky, United States
:summer2019vehiclepig: :steamhappy: :steamsalty: :steamhappy: :summer2019vehiclecorgi:
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For the past 2 or 3 hours ive been farming materials to build my new home. I finally felt comfortable with materials i had to start building. So i ventured out to find a spot. Probably took me another 30 or 45 minutes to find a spot by the water. I found the perfect spot with huge 60 foot rocks on all 4 sides of me. i had awesome plans. But my american dreams was shattered and a 1200 pound grizzly bear came from behind me and killed me. Ok so what? i got killed. Ill just run back to my body and grab my materials and pick up where i left off. Execpt i was spawned completely on the other side of the map. Well theres 1 problem with that you only have 15 mins to get to your body before your loot despawns so i started running. well as luck would have it i got about 20 m away and my loot disappears. I was kinda upset because the days prior i spent all day working on my other servers and they were completely wiped. which is fine i understand early access but still aggravating but no problems. This is my issue with this particular incident. I was mad so i said something in chat. Something along the lines of "There just asking for a bad review" i was mad but i didnt mean anything by it at that moment. Heres where i have a problem with this liberal garbage. I was banned from the server for saying that. Thats communist Chinese style tactics. In an American Culture style game. How Ironic. If i had the chance to reconsider buying i wouldnt. Not because of the game play. but for them silencing you in game for being critical. I see this on CNN all the time i play video games to get away from that garbage. I will just uninstall and write bad reviews and will not recommend.