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12 av 26 (46%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

What's next?

Completed the common route
Upplåst 26 mar, 2020 @ 11:57


Get bowled over by Lena
Upplåst 26 mar, 2020 @ 7:38


Lena can't handle lewd stuff
Upplåst 26 mar, 2020 @ 11:47

Bad End

Fall down the mountain and get knocked out
Upplåst 25 mar, 2020 @ 21:29

Kagome... Kagome...

Listen to Murasame sing a creepy song
Upplåst 25 mar, 2020 @ 23:05

Everyone loves Headpats, even ghosts

Give Murasame a headpat
Upplåst 26 mar, 2020 @ 7:13


"Pull" the sword from the stone
Upplåst 25 mar, 2020 @ 20:02

Ghostly Wake up call

Get woken up by Murasame sitting on you
Upplåst 26 mar, 2020 @ 1:36


Yoshino gives a unique greeting
Upplåst 26 mar, 2020 @ 9:42

It's a booby trap!

Get attacked by a unique ninja
Upplåst 25 mar, 2020 @ 21:11

Effing Wasabi!

Lena really dislikes Wasabi.
Upplåst 26 mar, 2020 @ 8:33

100% Vitamin C?

Sour, just like a certain other blonde likes.
Upplåst 26 mar, 2020 @ 11:38

Shrine princess

Completed Yoshino's route

Ninja in the tree

Completed Mako's route

The sweetest sweet

Completed Koharu's route

Warm embrace

Completed Roka's route

Peaceful days

Just the normal ending

Scaredy Cat Princess

Catch Mako after she falls out of the tree

Hoori, hidden deep in the mountains

Unlock all achievements

7 dolda prestationer återstår

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