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Опубликовано: 8 ноя. 2024 г. в 21:38

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Please remember this is not Runescape 4. This is its own game and open your mind. Yes there is just a grudge loop of doing things rn but its still early, even runescape came from little content to what it is now. Dont wanna spend money on an unfinished game? Dont, you have plenty of stories and quests in F2P at this time.

Enough of the complaining sorry.

I like its charm, feels like im back in middle school with the sound design and music. The nostalgia feels almost too real.

I love getting to see Gower's witty humor in dialogue and the optional puns you can make.

Best part about this game though. GOWER IS LISTENING. Please make opinions known and he will do his best to make us all happy.
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