Никола Иљеш,Nikola Iljes   Serbia
„Voleti, a ne biti voljen, isto je što i odazivati se, a da te niko ne zove"

It's easier to run
Replacing this pain with something numb
It's so much easier to go
Than face all this pain here all alone

I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I'm close to something real
I wanna find something I've wanted all along
Somewhere I belong

Have you ever wondered why
in a dream you can touch a fallen sky
Or fly to the heavens that watch over you
Telling me it's a voodoo

Life's going by me. And still I say,
Oh God! I'm making the same mistakes.

Even though I can't touch you
Even though I can't hold you
I'll stand by your side
Till everything goes by
Till everything is passed
I'm falling to black

Dragged down, rubbing my face in the ground
No time for the undecided
I wanna know why I've always felt alone
And I wanna love, why am I untouchable?

I don't know if I can say
I've lived through everything
But I've walked this earth alone
With barefeet broken in the snow
And my father said to me
It never seems to be
A simple walk down an icy, cold, broken road

My fears come alive
In this place where I once died
Demons dreaming
Knowing I... I just needed to realign

Everything was free and everything was fast
Never even thought it wouldn't last
When you got the mind of a man in the middle
Life is just a big fat riddle, so figure it out
Always thinking that you know
Every little thing there is to know
But you don't really know, ya know?
It's like love, some people get it
For some it's just a glove that just never fitted
For me it's just a pain in the ass
But I'm addicted to the taste of hoping it could last

Do we always gotta cry?
Do we always gotta live inside a lie
Life is just a blast that's movin' really fast
You better stay on top or life will kick you in the ass

Silver 2 : ✖
Silver 3 : ✖
Silver 4 : ✖
Silver Elite : ✖
Silver Elite Master : ✔
Gold Nova 1 : ✔
Gold Nova 2 : ✔
Gold Nova 3 : ✔
Gold Nova Master : ✔
Master Guardian 1:✔
Master Guardian 2 : ✔
Master Guardian Elite :✔
Distinguished Master Guardian :✔
Legendary Eagle : ✔
Legendary Eagle Master : ✔
Supreme Master First Class : ✔
The Global Elite : ✔

Current rank:Global Elite Faceit lvl10( in CSGO)


Current rank:Divine 3 (5150 mmr)
Currently Offline
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1,827 hrs on record
last played on 9 Mar
3,355 hrs on record
last played on 8 Mar
85 hrs on record
last played on 15 Feb
Beri 26 Jan @ 1:42pm 
@duci imas stila za pisanje, trebalo bi te u pisce poslati. Ali nazalost... Pota lepota je moj.
Tony 26 Jan @ 11:05am 
+ rep daje dobru glavu :BL3Thumbsup:
duci 19 Jan @ 11:15am 
Od kada sam te upoznao osecao sam konekciju, nisam imao hrabrosti do sada da ti kazem nista ali sada sam skupio malo hrabrosti pa cu ti reci sve...tako da kako se kaze na Engleskom "Here i go" hehe.
Od kako sam cuo tvoj glas i predivan osmeh prosto sam se zaljubio u tebe, ali jos i kada sam te dodao na Fejsu video sam tvoju spoljasnju lepotu pored vec uocene unutrasnje.
Pod kozu si mi usao i sve ono sto tebe cini tako dobrim i jedinstvenim, i svaki trenutak proveden bez tebe mi je prazan.
Molim te da shvatis jer sam ja bez tebe kao kornjaca bez svog oklopa...NEPOTPUN.
Ljubav ti iskazujem na veoma cudan nacin ali se nadam da ces posle ovog osetiti konekciju koju ti saljem iskreno iz mog srca ka tvom.
duci 12 Jan @ 3:47am 
+rep such a good guy and even better teammate!
-ArmisTq 22 Jun, 2024 @ 6:48am 
-rep cheater
kristina^^ 22 May, 2024 @ 8:27am 